• So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!
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carpe noctem
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. 1-3 posts per week
  3. One post per week
Online Availability
Saturdays and Sundays.
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Transgender
Romance. Modern. Dystopian. Horror.

[ M x M ]

Two groups from ancient grudge broke to new mutiny.
One town both alike in dignity.
A life lost.
Survivors soon broken beyond repair.



They had called themselves by many names - gang of geeks, the pack, brothers. Andrew was the pillar of their little group.
The silent leader. He took care of everyone behind the scenes, an ever flowing fountain of advice and support.
But one day he wasn't there. They'd planned to meet at early dawn to plan their next move against the Pride.

Andrew never made it.

Hours later his body was found in the forest near their meeting place by a jogger.
A quiet chaos reigned within the pack. They were lost - unseeing, deaf, and numb; until one spoke out.


And with that one word they had a purpose.



Organized when they were erratic,
tidy when they were slovenly,
well behaved when they were unruly,
the Pride was the antithesis of the Pack.
The two "gangs" for lack of a better term, were rivals in everything they did.
It of course made them prime suspects when Andrew's body was found.

But did they do it?

The Pride themselves were in disarray. They didn't know how to progress without one of their rivals.
He had always been there with a teasing word or flip of the finger and now he was gone.
They slipped into turmoil, friends suspecting each other when they never had before
until one voice brought them back together.


And with that one word they had a purpose.

The original plot maker for GONE AT DAWN.

This RP is a reboot since he/she disappeared. If he/she decides to come back,
this RP will automatically fall into the hands of the original GM.

1. Grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, etc. is important.
2. I want more than a sentence or a few lines. I'm not talking novels, but I don't want minimum effort.
3. No Marys or Garys. You know the drill.
4. If you are going to be gone for 3 or more days, please let the group know about it.
5. There will be no female characters allowed in this RP. This is a MxM RP.
6. There will be no OOC Drama whatsoever. IC Drama is fine! But OOC Drama will be dealt with immediately.
7. If you have questions, don't be afraid to ask.
8. If you have read and understood these rules correctly, please pick any card suit and place it in your CS.

Q: "I think @Jihae said they might use a number generator to pick who the killer will be or something like that. Other than that, I'm not sure if the two "gangs" are still fighting with each other and if both "gangs" have drama within them for some reason." - Pray4Me

A: Unfortunately for plot aspects, our previous GM was the one who had all the ideas. I'm the one who just copy and pasted that onto a new thread.
But, to think of it logically, the two "gangs" for a lack of a better word would still be fighting. The Pack thinks that one of the members or all of The Pride killed Andrew, so there seems to be some hateful tension there. As for The Pride against the Pack, because The Pack is wanting to get revenge (according to the previous thread I copied and pasted) The Pride would probably do anything and everything to protect their members while still figuring out how to seek the truth of what went down when Andrew was murdered.

As for the killer. In my personal opinion, I kind of don't want people to know who the killer is other than the killer himself. It's kind of like XMan, that game BTS played on Rookie King. If you're unaware of what I'm talking about:


So, basically, the chosen XMan (in our case, the killer) will be notified of their role without anyone else knowing. This killer would then have to distract the other members of his group and the other to make sure that he doesn't get caught. Along the way, he will have to drop little hints (can be one per post or many hints all at once) that may or may not be noticable to the other people reading the IC post. During this time, each person who was not selected as the killer would have to just look out for the hints, make assumptions about who the killer is, create blame, create drama, etc.
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Ok, I'll post for Dom saturday night since I work tomorrow and the saturday.
Oh shit sorry guys, working on Dom's post now.
Sorry >_< had my birthday not too long ago and I forgot! Will put up a post for Cy later today.
Sorry >_< had my birthday not too long ago and I forgot! Will put up a post for Cy later today.
Happy belated birthday.

And this post might be on the short side since I can't write to much of a solo post since most of the interacting will be a collab... so no novel post from me today XD, sadly.
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After this terrible week of having to wake up at 5:45am Monday-Thursday and stay in class doing nothing for four hours...I'm ready for this collab fight XD
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Ok guys and gals, @Jihae you start it off with Tae's reaction or however you want to go with that lol.
TitanPad: buVCFUtGiQ

I will get parts in tomorrow most likely depending on if Jihae gets parts up tonight.
  • Thank You
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That is so cool!
xD you never used Titanpad before, but yeah... works easier since everyone would be live sort of and be able to put inputs as peeps post XD.
Kind of ready to post on Titanpad ??

xD Just saying, you'll see Tae's post soon. c:
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Sorry guys, life has just been all work, work, work (Not Rihanna work XD) so I haven't gotten the chance to do a lot of rping, but I have today off so will get at least Dom's first part of the fight scene up by tonight, sorry.
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Can I also say how beautiful the new Iwaku set up is, like I did a Hollywood Theme color scheme and it's me definitely XD.

Screenshot (3).png
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Sorry guys, life has just been all work, work, work (Not Rihanna work XD) so I haven't gotten the chance to do a lot of rping, but I have today off so will get at least Dom's first part of the fight scene up by tonight, sorry.

Don't worry about it! It's that time of the season where everyone is back in school or work, so I'm sure we're all in the same boat. I know I am. xD I still have yet to reply and work on my posts for the collab, so no problem. It's no rush! c:

Can I also say how beautiful the new Iwaku set up is, like I did a Hollywood Theme color scheme and it's me definitely XD.

View attachment 116882

Also, that looks absolutely gorgeous! I would share mine but I just made it all black. Better for my sensitive, mole peepers. xD
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Don't worry about it! It's that time of the season where everyone is back in school or work, so I'm sure we're all in the same boat. I know I am. xD I still have yet to reply and work on my posts for the collab, so no problem. It's no rush! c:

Also, that looks absolutely gorgeous! I would share mine but I just made it all black. Better for my sensitive, mole peepers. xD
Yeah school and work... if only we could live in summer all the time and school just was in our heads XD lol. I still can't wait for your rps lol.
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Getting home from the store in an hour (ended up buying more than I thought I would) went to a few stores so be back in a hour est and then working on Dom parts.
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