Götterdämmerung: The Discussion Thread

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Magnificent Bastard
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. One post per week
  2. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Prestige
  4. Douche
  5. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
Fantasy is my #1; I will give almost anything a chance if it has strong fantasy elements. Post apocalyptic, superhero, alternate history, science fantasy, some supernatural, romance, and a few fandoms (especially Game of Thrones) are also likely to catch my eye.
For anyone who hasn't been paying attention, in February of 2017 there was a ridiculous fundraiser that did extremely well. One of the fun prizes for that fundraiser was that I would write a book-sized story with Iwaku people as the character inspiration, with anyone who donated $10 or more getting a guaranteed major role in said story. The first chapter (and previously posted prologue) can now be found in the thread linked in huge text below!

This thread will be for discussion of anything related to the story. You can ask me questions and propose theories and whatnot, but I can't promise I'll answer anything because I don't want to give spoilers. You'll find a list of the characters and which members of Iwaku they are based on in the first post of the story thread under the table of contents, so if you ask who a character is supposed to be I might have to throttle you for being silly. :D

As of April 25th, there's also a Discord server for chatting about Götterdämmerung! Click the link to join, read the rules, and have fun talking about how great I am. 8D
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One question, though.

May I ask, with all due respect, how the hell is that considered little? That's probably hours, if not days, of work, mate!
It was little relative to a full chapter. 8D

Also it was maybe 3 hours of writing time total, or I guess 5 counting editing and rewrites and replacements of some sections. The chapters so far have taken 12+ hours each including the plotting and editing and such, and the third is looking to follow that pattern. So I stand by the use of the word "little" as accurate by way of comparison.
If I'm not mistaken, Tari's been working awhile on that.

She's actually had the typical writer thing going on: it's been in her head for a long time, but she just started really working on it. That portion took her most of a day in the story between referencing notes to confirm stuff and having little freak outs about the giant dragon and so on. Fear and panic are great motivators AND distractions. :D
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To which extent does the history of Götterdämmung-Iwaku relate to our Iwaku?
To which extent does the history of Götterdämmung-Iwaku relate to our Iwaku?
Very little. It's mostly stuff I concocted independently of Iwaku and then plugged some Iwaku characters based on actual members into it.
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I wrote this bit of fluff based on an original world and it took me ten days (well, not non-stop, that would probably be 48 hours or something). You're saying you write more in 12 hours?

I thought Brandon Sanderson was the only one of his species.
I don't write my things in 12 hour bursts. More like 12 hours spaced out over 3-5 days. But yeah, a chapter for this story is about 12 hours of writing/editing time from me. :P
I have an unfortunate announcement to make.

Götterdämmerung is cancelled, thanks for the donations scrubs.

It looks like I'm not going to be able to get the chapter done until tomorrow or Friday. I do most of my writing at work, because it's usually dead quiet, but last night I had a bunch of stuff going on that made it so I had basically no writing time and it seems like that stuff may continue through the end of the week. This is what I get for procrastinating in the first place. Dishonor on me, dishonor on my family, dishonor on my cow, etc.

But on the plus side, the chapter has a giant dragon wrecking shit in it. That's worth waiting for, right? 8D
  • Nice Execution!
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I have an unfortunate announcement to make.

Götterdämmerung is cancelled, thanks for the donations scrubs.

It looks like I'm not going to be able to get the chapter done until tomorrow or Friday. I do most of my writing at work, because it's usually dead quiet, but last night I had a bunch of stuff going on that made it so I had basically no writing time and it seems like that stuff may continue through the end of the week. This is what I get for procrastinating in the first place. Dishonor on me, dishonor on my family, dishonor on my cow, etc.

But on the plus side, the chapter has a giant dragon wrecking shit in it. That's worth waiting for, right? 8D
Oh no, we have to wait one or two more days for more words than I can write cohesively in three months!? How will we ever survive?? :O I can already feel my soul being torn apart molecule by molecule due to this catastrophic information.

In all seriousness, I'm sure it will be well worth the wait! Don't overexert yourself trying to stay within a strict deadline. That's no fun for anyone!
I have an unfortunate announcement to make.

Götterdämmerung is cancelled, thanks for the donations scrubs.

It looks like I'm not going to be able to get the chapter done until tomorrow or Friday. I do most of my writing at work, because it's usually dead quiet, but last night I had a bunch of stuff going on that made it so I had basically no writing time and it seems like that stuff may continue through the end of the week. This is what I get for procrastinating in the first place. Dishonor on me, dishonor on my family, dishonor on my cow, etc.

But on the plus side, the chapter has a giant dragon wrecking shit in it. That's worth waiting for, right? 8D

S'cool, take your time! Life happens, we understand Jorick.
Tbh... I initially thought you were planning to do one chapter a month and an behind on reading even, so this is totes cool with me.
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I wouldn't have time to read a new chapter tonight even if you did get it up today. XD (At least not until I already found myself too dead tired to process such a large piece of prose.) I'm ok with waiting. :P
As long as Allie Rendez cracks skulls with frying pans, all is forgiven.
There's a new chapter up, with a regrettable lack of frying pan skull cracking. It's fine though, Allie will have her day in the sun. 8D

It's also the largest chapter yet. Not even sorry, enjoy that wall of text, nerds.

Here's the list of new characters this chapter, as per usual:

Rory - @Bob Ross
Neb - @Nebulon Ranger
Gryal - @Gryal
Gwazi - @Gwazi Magnum
Pahn'kaks - @Pahncakes (ayyy, got her introduced before name changed again)
Is there gonna be new a Pahn for each name change? The sisterhood of the many Pahns.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Oh, woah.
This was a thing. I'll look out for it.

Since all my beloved General threads are all dead now or something.
Jorick knows me so well. My character is 10/10
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Jorick
Yosh! I'm all caught up with rps and have no other writing due immediately. Heehee today is a good day.