Gods of Blood (Closed Signups)

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I'll fix it right away. Is there anything I should add? Mind you, i just had surgery so I may be a little loopy in writing.
Speedy recovery from your surgery Roxshie. Nope, you don't need to add anything, just change the princess part and that's all
Thank you! I'm doing well so far. I fixed my post so feel free to re-read the last part. @Jhuton
Hey guys. I'm going to be out of commission for a little while with exams and studying. I won't be gone long. Just for the remainder of the week. Please don't burn the thread down in my absence
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@Roxshi Sorry, but you powergamed in that last post, by assuming that Shiko would automatically have gone with you. It's considered incredibly bad manners to control other people's characters without permission, especially given that I had even had Shiko initiate conversation with the red-eyed person (Ascheriit? I forget).
I'm incredibly sorry. I am on medication for my surgery and one of the side effects is disorientation. My mind is a little on the loopy side. I will fix my post right away @Ruko
It is much appreciated. Shiko'll go with you anyway, but she'll be taking the red eyes. It's just courtesy of asking rather than assuming. May I ask what the surgery was for, too?
I had a cyst surgery done on my tailbone. I'm incredibly sore and have really strong pain meds that will cause dizziness and drowsiness. Next time, I will talk with the person who I will post to or about. Just to make sure they are aware. Especially me, since I will be a little out of it....I'm sorry for any trouble I have caused you @Ruko
I had a cyst surgery done on my tailbone. I'm incredibly sore and have really strong pain meds that will cause dizziness and drowsiness. Next time, I will talk with the person who I will post to or about. Just to make sure they are aware. Especially me, since I will be a little out of it....I'm sorry for any trouble I have caused you @Ruko
Ouchie....That sounds highly unpleasant, I hope you feel better soon Roxshi!
Thats great, thanks. It's not much of a problem, but it saves having to backtrack, and occasionally you might encounter someone who takes a lot more offense than I do with those kinds of things.
0.0 This quieted down fast lol
Well, I can only write when im in that "Writing mood". I'm sure you know what i mean. Recently I haven't particularly been inspired to write though. Its highly likely that that is because I'm currently in the middle of watching an anime and I'm focusing on those characters' stories.
I know the feeling lol. I'm just waiting on Starry before posting again
@Temm I don't think its much of a problem. Things have been rather stationary recently anyway. I am trying to post, honest, but inspiration is not doing a very good job of hitting me today.
Same... it might be a while before I can wake up my brain. I've barely gotten any sleep the last couple of days... and had to play my mother's slave because she fell... and haven't really been eating anything other than bread and jam... and my alerts aren't working...
Yeah, I just didn't want to give a half-assed post which was a couple paragraphs long, so instead I gave a two third-assed post.
I've had a great idea. Im going to marathon Thunderbirds over the weekend. That's guaranteed to inspire me!
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