Gods of Blood (Closed Signups)

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Oh and consider me the yaoi guru~ Anything related to it I'm completely up for...well then again I'm up for really anything ^^" (can't judge people for their weirdness when mine is beyond the plain of "weird" now xD)
Starry Night How insane we talking? Bat shit insane or candy peddling girl scout insane.
Which ever is the worst one :D Oh and if you need any character spots filled throw them my way~ I won't be making half done character sheets though because when I put them up, they're done (exception would be the final construct and stuff like that~ Planning to keep those a surprise until I do my first transformation ;p)
...it took me 3 minutes to figure that out...and it took less then 3 seconds for me to crack up xD and a total of 5 minutes to calm down~ Yes definitely private xD I might be on and off for a bit guys since I'm proceeding to add my 3rd (wow I'm going all threes here) character~ ;p
Yeah it's sad that I got it immediately...

I blame fanfiction.net.
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Starry Night How insane we talking? Bat shit insane or candy peddling girl scout insane.

Okay two things about that sentence...

Bat shit is called guano, and girl scouts peddle cookies.
Pahahaha~ I may need to make a mad sciency/alchemisty character.
*Pops back in* Aaaaandd another 3 pages of OOC XD lol my its gotten active in here.

Hey Sushi monster (@Riopop) does your stalkingness mean you wants to join? ^_^
He already has Zlog. I'm going to do character inventory and post who owns who and who is alive in the I.C. Not as complicated as it sounds.
Lol ya just call me Zlog, its Macedonain and not so easy to pronounce or remember XD
Is it pronounced slo-glass-nee-ot?
I have no idea lol, I would have to look up the pronunciation. It means Infamous Facade
I actually remember it. but it's too long to write all the time.
I would expect you to know how to pronounce your own name o-o

*looks to be about 17*

"The Sword of Betrayal"

Appearance (pic or description):



2nd Nature (pic or description):

Final Construct (picture or description):


Being part Lunar Fairy (mostly elven characteristics), Ascheriit is naturally stronger on full moons or clear nights however he also becomes weak during moonless and cloudy nights.
He is also an amazing swordsmen, cutting foes without seeming to move a single muscle.
"Black Wing"
(see picture below for reference~)

Fragment (humans only):
Not human :D

Personality (just a few adjectives):
Adaptable, Brave, Open-minded, calm, charming, courageous, mischievous, teasing, determined, easygoing, faithful (loyal), honest, frank, good, secretive, humorous, self confident, self disciplined

A bit cynical, sarcastic, sneaky, vague (mostly about his past), vengeful

Short bio (most of your bio will be r.p'ed):
The infamous swordsman said to be responsible for the annihilation of his race. It was told that he, a meager swordsman in the army, had been jealous of his brother and mentor who was the High Official of the Lunar Knights. Wanting the position for himself, he betrayed his comrades and race to the demons who slaughtered the once powerful fairies. As an ironic and almost just end, he was betrayed by his 'allies' (demons) and was killed shortly after his brother.


Ascheriit is the only one left of his kind and is considered a rare sight. Though respected as being "the last survivor" he is also treated as somewhat of an outcast, never really belonging anywhere. No one knows of his past for whoever would has long since been dead for fairies come to live for thousands of years.​
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