Gods of Blood (Closed Signups)

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You could team up with Styxx lol that is if your character(s) arent Kuragiri Saint(s)
Eheh..eheh...*presses fingers together* they are both kinda self proclaimed saints and not fond of teaming up with people...

@Temm I refute that!!!(Not back. Bathroom break)
You refute that my characters aren't crushable? They both have huge weaknesses, if they are caught out of stealth then they are boned immediately.
Lol typos happen, no biggy. Added a theme song to Styxx's CS btw, hope its ok
Eheh..eheh...*presses fingers together* they are both kinda self proclaimed saints and not fond of teaming up with people...

You refute that my characters aren't crushable? They both have huge weaknesses, if they are caught out of stealth then they are boned immediately.
Lol Styxx isnt a big fan of teaming up either, but stuff happens. Problay not the best fit tho if their self proclaimed saints XD Styxx has his weaknesses too.

(sorry if this is a double post)
@Jhuton can I get a special exception? I can't type up my second character for another 7 hours, but it's already thought up and future you has already accepted it.
Um...oh boy I'm already making my 4th character as we speak ^^" I'm already half an hour invested into this chara -_-"
TBF, the more characters someone has, the more likely it is that they're going to kill some of them. In the end, most people get attached to only one of the characters in any one story at a time, more so when they have to control each of them. For example, ultimately my second character will end of dying for a plot-advancement related cause.
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Ahahaha I love having a lot of charas mostly because I can spread out and interact with EVERYONE~!!!! Part of the reason I like RPing is because I can go around and annoy-- I mean to get to know people through their writing~ (plays it off like an idiot xD)
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Ahahaha I love having a lot of charas mostly because I can spread out and interact with EVERYONE~!!!! Part of the reason I like RPing is because I can go around and annoy-- I mean to get to know people through their writing~ (plays it off like an idiot xD)
I always worry about people with lots of characters because if they are inactive then quite a bit of the rp is held back...
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My second character will likely end up being used to get my first character to interact with non Kurogari characters. Also, @Jhuton, don't forget to list all the characters in spoilers somewhere because you must be deranged if you think I could ever find them all now :P
I always worry about people with lots of characters because if they are inactive then quite a bit of the rp is held back...
Well, its simple. IF they go inactive and we can't progress without them, then we control their characters until they come back. With no guarantee that those characters wont get crippling injuries...
I always worry about people with lots of characters because if they are inactive then quite a bit of the rp is held back...
Well, its simple. IF they go inactive and we can't progress without them, then we control their characters until they come back. With no guarantee that those characters wont get crippling injuries...
Do not worry!! If life ever does come to my door step, breaks down my door, and drags me to the unknown I WILL make sure to give you guys a heads up first and control over my charas in the mean time ^^
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Damnit I hate it when life does that. I even put a sign on my door saying "GO away social life. You're not wanted here." No joke. I actually have a sign like that.
Well I guess that's okay, I should probably make an extra character...probably make them a psuedo-demon who eats things.
Awesome possum~ Looking forward to seeing what he/she eats xD

Damnit I hate it when life does that. I even put a sign on my door saying "GO away social life. You're not wanted here." No joke. I actually have a sign like that.
Now if I could just get that as a door mat, a couple of cup holders, printed on some 100 several business cards, a pillow cover, and a hand made Christmas cards my life would be complete :D
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Name: Tsuji Himura

Age: 20

Title: Hysteric Jackal, Kuragari Saint

Appearance (pic or description):

2nd Nature (pic or description): None

Final Construct (picture or description): None


Fragment (humans only): Splice (cutting himself to make his daggers unbreakable)

Weapon: Curved Daggers

Personality (just a few adjectives): Charming, smart, insane,and serious.

Short bio (most of your bio will be r.p'ed): Tsuji's parents were wanting something great of Tsuji. His brother was praised by his parents when he decided to tryout for various things. He wasn't recognized by his parents so he ran away from home at 18. Here at the church of Initi, he would be recognized. his name will be known and maybe his parents would finally see him. Slaughter!!
People, generally whole and living as they stir and digest in his belly~ Bweehehehehe~
That's disgusting! ...and I COMPLETELY LOVE IT~!! :D If I ever can't keep up with one of my characters can I count on your chara to digest him/her into oblivion? :)

Loving the new chara @Roxshi ;p
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