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God Is On His Knees (Signups/OOC) (Accepting!)

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It's okay, Cromical. Neither do I. Apparently, according to everybody else existing on this planet, that is incredibly weird and odd. Aren't we the lucky delinquents? :3
It's pretty good. As a writer, I love the style in the script. It's some of the best writing on TV that I have ever witnessed. First season is slow. If you can force yourself through it, it's pretty wonderful. There is some heavy drug use, though. It lessens as the series goes on, but if that's not your thing, I advise against it.
It's one of those shows I know I'll never like because of the hype preceding it. If I gave it the time I could probably get into it but I doubt I will. I'm still trying to complete watching Kanon, at the moment.

Also, it seems Robert is in trouble IC.
It's one of those shows I know I'll never like because of the hype preceding it. If I gave it the time I could probably get into it but I doubt I will. I'm still trying to complete watching Kanon, at the moment.

Also, it seems Robert is in trouble IC.
Why do people let hype affect their judgement on shows?! ARGH. I will never understand it!

I think I may be a lucky one because I have never heard any hype about it. I manged to stay away from all of it. Never any spoilers at all or anything. My boyfriend practically had to push me into watch it. Same as Game of Thrones. Which... subtracting my previous statement... I let the hype of it stop me from watching it. But he managed to get me to watch it and I AM OBSESSED. So, I took his advice with Breaking Bad and I love it. Not as much as GoT, but I still love it. :3

QUIT DISTRACTING ME, BTW. I am trying to finish this series so I can reply to the IC. D: jabjabjab
@Zeebo sorry sbout that. I Didn't realize Alfy actually had that position until you posted. I just thought he was the leader of the Ravens. I'll fix that.

Also No Soul, you could do something like a strategist or a general or something like that.
Why do people let hype affect their judgement on shows?! ARGH. I will never understand it!

I think I may be a lucky one because I have never heard any hype about it. I manged to stay away from all of it. Never any spoilers at all or anything. My boyfriend practically had to push me into watch it. Same as Game of Thrones. Which... subtracting my previous statement... I let the hype of it stop me from watching it. But he managed to get me to watch it and I AM OBSESSED. So, I took his advice with Breaking Bad and I love it. Not as much as GoT, but I still love it. :3

QUIT DISTRACTING ME, BTW. I am trying to finish this series so I can reply to the IC. D: jabjabjab
Eh, I don't usually let hype sway my opinion but it was more the incessant nagging of, "Brandon, have you watched it yet? When are you gonna start watching it? Come on, Brandon, watch it!" every bloody English class. I guess I let bitterness get the better of me and attached my annoyed feelings from that sensation to the show. :'( I'm a bad, bad person.

Eh, I don't usually let hype sway my opinion but it was more the incessant nagging of, "Brandon, have you watched it yet? When are you gonna start watching it? Come on, Brandon, watch it!" every bloody English class. I guess I let bitterness get the better of me and attached my annoyed feelings from that sensation to the show. :'( I'm a bad, bad person.

I died laughing at your spoiler.
A'ight guys. Finished Breaking Bad last night and immediately fell to sleep. Post will be up in around 5 hours. Give or take. :)
I may join this...It seems interesting. May I be a noble woman and man? They're brother and sister and a very interesting pair.
Whenever someone suggests an ETA, I always imagine them writing frantically with this playing in the background:

I'm showing my age, I guess.

It's fine. I'm sat in my room watching carry on films. :) Doesn't get much older. Then again, that's nothing to do with my age.
I might accidentally have another character in the works for this, already.

I may join this...It seems interesting. May I be a noble woman and man? They're brother and sister and a very interesting pair.
I'm not the big boss 'round here, but you should be fine. I believe we still have more than two spots open.
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Name: Godrick Di Apollo a.k.a The Spider
Title: Baron of the Silver Cape
Age: 39
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Homosexual
Relationship Status: Single
Species: Mama Wata - Snake Shifter


Height: 6'4
Weight: 195 lbs.
Clothing: War, Basic, Formal
Distinguishing Features: Several beauty marks on his chest and back.

Holdings: The Silver Cape is a Peninsula just south of the Vanqland. The smaller Islands surrounding are game and hunting territory. It is full of trade ports making it one of the wealthiest places, second only to the capital itself. The population is often maxed out at about 24,000. The Silver Cape is Vanqland's main supplier of spices, grains, exotic animals and other pleasantries and luxuries. However, Godrick himself deals with information.
House Emblem: Two three eyed crows perched on a shield entwined by a Cobra.
Notable relations: N/A
Military Might: The Silver Cape is not known for its military strength, however Godrick does retain control over a small Naval force of about 1,500 officers.
Loyalties: The Crown

Bio: Born the second son of the former Baron of the Silver Cape, Jorael, Godrick was meant to inherit nothing but his father's name and whatever holding his future wife had. His second wife and Godrick's mother, Catelyna, was a cunning woman and sought to help her son impress his father for the benefits it would bring should he be able to convince Jorael to leave him something. She had paid for hunting masters to teach him their ways since hunting was a sport enjoyed by all of the family. It was a surprise to the whole of the Isles when the Baron, Mikael his first born and Catelyna all passed away, leaving only Godrick to seize control of the land as well as his father's Title.

Godrick is quite conniving and sly, a trait he inherited from his mother, almost always having a plot or scheme running for his benefit especially if it is a financial endeavor. When fighting, however rare that may be, Godrick is a sadist. He relishes the pain and frustration of his opponent.

Religious Views: Godrick is a avid Pagan, though he often says that he is a Christian to avoid rumours.

Combat abilities: Godrick is surprisingly handy with a whip due to his old training as a hunter, as well as a dagger. He has not had much training with a sword though he knows some defensive maneuvers.
Skills: Diplomacy, Keeping Secrets, Obtaining information,

Other: - Mama Wata's are snake shifters that can shift into giant, highly venomous snakes. They have a very distinct smell that is pleasant to most other species aside from humans, cannot detect it. While in human form they can shift their eyes into reptilian ones and elongate their fangs to release their venom. The venom is highly poisonous to humans, though only a few species are immune most will live if given an antidote within three days.
-Since Godrick is technically half Human, his venom is less potent to fae species though still deadly to humans.
-Horses do not like him, the tend to act crazy, like they are afraid of him.
-Direwolves are common to the Cape and Godrick keeps several as pets, most are pups though he keeps a monstrously large male by the name as a Mount.
-He is known as the Spider because of his informants whom he calls his 'Flies'
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Finally finished him. I spent so long looking for the perfect Face Claim. I wound up watching supernatural and Jared Padalecki is perfect for Godrick.
Silver Isles...Sounds familiar, almost like Southern Isles

I honestly wouldn't have realized that till you pointed it out, lol. I called it the Silver Isles because they are a grouping of islands known for not only their many trade ports but luxurious, silvery white sand beaches. (Limestone sand)
I think I remember that Vanqland has no access to the sea, but has a plethora of rivers. The Silver Isles aren't really a viable thing...since Vanqland is a landlocked country in Central Europe, somewhere near Germany, probably.

That being said, this is Europe. Mr. GM, put me back in line if you want in this, but maybe pick somewhere like Venice in the place of the Silver Isles. Venice is a great trading power that is basically the Silver Isles.
I changed it to the Silver Cape since it is essentially taking over for Italy, and Italy is a Peninsula with a few small Islands surrounding.
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