God Is On His Knees (Signups/OOC) (Accepting!)

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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Agh! I'm so sorry! School suddenly swamped me and I /think/ that I'm finally finished picking up the pieces. Just finished reading the IC and FINALLY working on a post. I should also finish my nun character shortly tonight, but you all know what happens when I make promises.

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No rush everyone. Sorry I've been touch and go the past few days, I got a new video game and it is consuming me...-dreams of zombies-
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o - o

Did I miss something?

Jerelin said sorry so I linked the song that goes: "It's too late to apologize. It's too laaaaate."

I tried to exert much edginess but it has failed me. Blunted once again. I apologise. *Bows out*

All of these gifs. -__-

Haha, don't mind my being a phone-using data grump. An active OOC means good things for the IC!
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Aaandddd, POSTED :D

I hope it's alright. There are probably a few typos since I rushed to get to get it done before class, but I'm happy with it. Poor Elric. He's usually not so down in the dumps, but I'm sure it's clear why he is.
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Aaandddd, POSTED :D

I hope it's alright. There are probably a few typos since I rushed to get to get it done before class, but I'm happy with it. Poor Elric. He's usually not so down in the dumps, but I'm sure it's clear why he is.
Aw<3 I feel bad for him. Moments like this.. Sad Dx
How I imagine Robert looking when walking away from the lecturing of Aleifr:

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Literally more than half of my most recent reply was made on my phone. Sadly enough, it isn't as long as I intended, which I am terribly sorry for that. When I create posts on my phone, they seem a lot longer than they actually are, and I feel bad about that. :I Next time it shall be longer (( Hopefully. ))
hey, since you guys have already started rping, would you object to people still joining in? I know it says open/accepting, I thought I would just double check.
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No! Get out! We don't want you here! ;)

I jest, of course. You're more than welcome here. Just submit a CS and Clarice will check it for you (and hopefully approve it).
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So, how is everybody doing?

Everyone good?

*passes out coffee and doughnuts*

If you don't like coffee, I also have coke and water. :D
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