Gijinka High

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Ezhno shook her hand "Ezhno. Its..a pleasure to meet you...." he said. His red eyes flashed with an emotion close to pleasure "Have you...been here long?" He asked curiously.
Alex finished her food slowly in silence. She was completely alone. No big deal. It's nothing I'm not already used to. She laid her ears back and allowed her tail to dangle lifeless sly, a complete change from her normally happy exterior. She stood up and threw her trash away before exiting the cafeteria, walking the hallways alone. She walled up to her room, seeing her sister with someone and instantly was overwhelmed by jealousy. Her eyes glowed a bright shade of red before returning to normal. She turned, slamming the door shut so she wouldn't have to deal with the sight, and walked away. She swore to herself she'd never induce nightmares upon her sister, but that didn't mean her boy toy couldn't have them forced on him.
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She shook her head. "Nope its my first day here." She saw her sister and tried to go say hi to her but she slammed the door on her.
"Hi I'm Cinder the quailava gijinka. Nice too meet you uhh... I didn't catch your name." Cinder said holding his hand out, in the back of his head he couldn't stop thinking about the espeon girl. "Come on Cinder think she is probably one one of the most beautiful girls in school, you got no shot." As cinder thought this his demeanor dropped a bit but before anyone could notice he brightened up. Just then with the worse timing ever the AC turned on and of course Cinder's hair flared up. Nearly burning the absol gijinka in front on him. "I AM SO SORRY!" Cinder replied nearly shouting. "I can't really control it." Cinder said scratching the back of his head in embarrassment. @Armin Arlert @wolfs rain
Alex noticed Lana hopping around in the hallway and picked her up gently. "What are you doing out here baby girl?" she asked softly as she gently stroked her fur. At least I'm not completely alone. I have Lana and that's all I need. She sat down against a wall and looked down, unable to keep the tears from falling and started crying.
Sasha put a hand on the cubone gijinka's head as her eyes glowed blue for a moment. After about a minute her eyes stopped glowing and she removed her hand from his head. "Could you please leave? I would like to be alone."
As Cinder thought he wondered," well I probably don't have a chance with te espeon gijinka but" he did see as he walked ino the cafeteria another girl just as beautiful sitting next to her an umbreon girl. "Maybe I have a chance with her? Who knows. Well I hope the absol I just nearly burned doesn't try to kill me."

@Lexie @Armin Arlert
Alex finally managed to calm down and wiped her eyes, taking several deep breaths. She gently pet Lana and smiled a bit at the bunny in her arms. Sitting her down, she watched her hop away, ending up at the feet of someone else. She glanced up at him and smiled politely, remembering she had induced nightmares upon him. Her eyes glowed bright red, taking them away, and went back to normal.
@Armored Goomba
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The Absol gijinka was slightly dazed he smirked and waved it off "Its cool...I have a kid brother pichu. I I'm always being shocked and zapped, and a brother Eevee." I'm Crescendo." He said.
(@Armored Goomba)

Ezhno nods at the request of being left alone, He bowed curtly and walked out, but he happen to notice an Umbreon gijinka. He's eyes curiously eyed her before he walked out.
(@Lexie and @wolfs rain)

Falsetto sighed as he sat up and hugged his doll "Where the Bellsprout is Crescendo!!"
Sasha turned on the radio and buried face in her pillow aa she began to cry. To protect the ezhno, she used her power to take away the nightmares, but it came at a cost. She would have to endure the nightmares herself.
Ezhno sighed he walked back to his dorm and collapsed into his bed he hugged his bone and pulled off the skull, revealing his boyish face he laid down and curled onto his bed, his small bulldog like tail he wanted to fit in with others but he found that hard to do.
"Oh phew sorry every time the AC turns on the atmosphere changes or the temperature changes the fire gland/hair activates. Causing my hair to flare up. Cinder replied. " Oh! Is you're brother named Falsetto?" Cinder asked

@Armin Arlert
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Alex frowned a bit and curled back into herself silently as Lana came hopping back to her. Carefully picking her up, Alex looked down, petting her gently as she became more isolated.
Cinder was then stuck. He couldn't decide with himself whether to try and ask out the espeon girl or the umbreon girl. It was like he was torn in half. Just then he heard a loud thud and evil laughing. "HA HA HA! Puny caterpie and weedle don't put up much of a fight!" Cinder's ears sprang up and he jumped into the air front flipping over 5 other gijinkas. As Cinder landed with grace he broke off in a sprint then charging through the crowd of students ( thankfully not hurting any of them ) jumped over the towering Nidoking gijinka. Sliding into his landing."LEAVE THEM ALONE!" Cinder shouted. "HA HA HA JUST WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO PUNY QUAILAVA!" The Nidoking shouted back. "I'll show you." Cinder replied. Suddenly the Nidoking charged at full speed Cinder pushed the weedle and caterpie out of the way, barely having enough time to jump. As cinder was in the air his fiery claws emerged and stuck into the wall. "ha! The scared LITTLE Boy has to hide on the wall!" Shouted the Nidoking. "Don't call me little" Cinder replied quietly his head down and eyes shadowed. "OR WHAT!" The Nidoking replied." Well.. Then this will happen." Cinder smirked and rose his head with his eyes bright red in focus and in anger. Just then Cinder jumped off the wall and kicked the Nidoking while landing. As the Nidoking stumbled backwards Cinder dashed behind him and delivered 20 blows to the back quicker than the eye could see. Then Cinder jumped again this time a pack of matches could be seen in his pocket. But the matches had this triangle black looking tip and were slightly thicker. Cinder quickly in midair grabbed 4 matches and as he pulled them out he lit them at the same time. Throwing the matches with great accuracy the lit matches crashed into the Nidoking and broke releasing this strange gooey substance, (which stuck to the Nidoking's skin) quickly catching fire and burned the nidoking severely. As cinder landed the nidoking fell over and was unconscious. "Wah!?" The watching students gasped. Cinder walked over to the caterpie and weedle. "Thank you so much!" They both replied at once. "Hey no problem." cinder replied, Walking out the cafeteria due to loss of appetite. As Cinder walked down the hall he saw the umbreon girl sitting on the floor. Cinder walked over and crouched down asking,"hey watcha doing sitting out here in the hall?" Cinder asked ears hung low in confusion.

Sasha cried for about half an hour before she wiped the tears. She was tired of hurting her sister, So she threw on her hoodie and left her room. She decided she was going to take a walk in the nearby woods. As she was walking down the hall she saw her sister and the quilava gijinka from before. She took an immediate left into the stairwell and made her way to the ground floor and out the door.
Alex glanced over, noticing her sister with a small, almost unnoticeable shadow behind her. Her eyes glowed red, taking the nightmares from her before looking down. "It's nothing important," she said quietly, trying to hide the fact that she'd been crying as she pet Lana.
@wolfs rain @Armored Goomba
"Hey it's okay. You can tell me. Can't be as bad as what's probably gonna happen to me." Cinder replied sitting on the floor now.
"Sibling jealousy. Just reverting back to my eight year old self," Alex said quietly as she looked at him with a shrug of her shoulders.
"I know exactly how you feel. My older adopted infernape brother is loved way more than me. And I'm my parents biological son!" Cinder said thinking of his past. "Good Job Daniel!" Said a mysterious female voice(in Cinder's head). "Mom Dad look I brought home straight A's!" Cinder thought. "Oh... Good job son" said another mysterious voice in Cinder's head. Thinking this made Cinder's hair flare up his normally maroon red eyes went from compassion to hate now looking bright red. Cinder's hair flared up so badly his flame gland activated spontaneous combustion mode and blew up Cinder himself. Lying on his back now face covered in ash and soot Cinder said,"well that happend." Cinder quickly returning to his usual cheerful attitude.
"Here play with Lana," Alex insisted as she handed him the bunny. "Playing with bunnies always cheers me up!" she said with a smile as she nervously looked down, letting her hair fall into her face. "That is if you want," she added quietly.
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