Ghost Isle Boarding School {OOC and Sign-Ups}

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@Kaz Thanks! ^~^ I wanted to mention it cuz I thought it was pretty cool someone thought upon the same lines as me XD
Ohhh, yes! If they can both switch from male and female, that would be neat and they'd be great friends haha @CZDoubleU
@Kaz I think Lucas and Zeke could be friends, what about you?
Yeah, I think they'd get along. c:
Also with Lucas' problems with 'powers controlled by emotions' and 'fears hurting others,' Zeke could help him with that by simply paralyzing him until everything calms down, when things get out of hand.
I will try to have a CS up tomorrow. I just wrote a massive Post for another Rp and I am still pooped.
Guys if anyone wants to be friends or have any sort of relationship with Alexiana or Seth please let me know! I think the relationships are one of the best parts of a roleplay like this!! xD
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Guys if anyone wants to be friends or have any sort of relationship with Alexiana or Seth please let me know! I think the relationships are one of the best parts of a roleplay like this!! xD
I think Zeke would get along well with Seth, but probably not Alexiana. c: Conflicting personalities, ya know?
Arron Renee
The Mutant



  • Name: "Well, since I have the ability to switch my gender whenever I please, I have a unisex name, which is Arron Renee."
  • Alias: "Arron will do."
  • Titles: "A title? Mm..I don't believe I have one?"
  • Age: "I am 17 years old."
  • Date of Birth: "The 19th of September, 1997."
  • Zodiac: "I'm a Virgo."
  • Bloodtype: "Um, AB?"
  • Gender: "Well isn't this a tricky question...Well, let's just say I'm both?" Changes gender whenever they want.
  • Sexual Preference: "Hm, pansexual of course. Wouldn't you be if you were uni-sexed?"
  • Species/Race: "Eh, I guess I am kind of a mutant. Yeah, let's just go with that.."
  • Occupation: "Who has time for a job?"
  • Languages Spoken: "English."
  • Current Relationship Status: "Single."

  • Height: "While I'm a female, my height is usually 5'4? Male, 5'8. Not a massive difference, but it's noticeable."
  • Weight: "Same with height. Female, 120 lb. Male, 145 lb."
  • Body Type: "Well when I'm a female, I'm fairly ordinary. Er, flat chested I guess? And male, I'm just skinny and...ordinary?"
  • Eye Color: "During both genders, they're a blue."
  • Skin Color: "Both are fair."
  • Hair Color and Style: "Female is a bit lighter then male, and is usually wind blown and crazy. Practically the same for male."
  • Distinguishing Marks (tattoos, scars, etc): "Both have a scar on their hands, wrapping around their fingers."
  • Birth Defects: "Not really."
  • Clean Shaven, Stubble, Rugged: "Cleanly shaved."
  • Usual Clothing Style: "Both have a carefree style, with t-shirts and jeans."
  • Wearing Currently: "Well as of now I'm a male, and I'm wearing a light blue shirt and jeans."

  • Hobbies: "Even though I switch between male and female, we're still the same person. And my hobbies include pranking students with my gender switching, and I'm a big fan of being lazy. Does being an ass count?"
  • Strengths: "I guess I'm pretty witty, and I have a mind of my own. Independent in most cases."
  • Weaknesses: "Eh, at times I can be an idiot, and even I can confess to this. Also, I'm a sucker for eye contact."
  • Quirks/Habits: "Jumping on the balls of my feet when I'm excited, and running down the halls to get to class. So uh, watch out?"
  • Likes: "Pranking the other students and teachers with my gender swapping, and I like trees. A lot."
  • Dislikes: "Ugh, this list could go on forever. Phony people, people, people, people, peo--" We get it.
  • Usual Demeanor: "I guess I'm usually just careless and witty."
  • Quick to Anger or Difficult to Anger: "Ha. Easy."
  • Easily Approachable or Not So Much: "Mmm..both?"
  • Introvert or Extrovert: "Psh, total extrovert."

  • Describe your characters History/Background: "Well, I was a test tube baby. Weird right? I was born with male and female parts. No, not genital parts, but organs. I grew out of that though as soon as I learned to switch between the two. The lab workers helped out a lot, and no, they weren't some cruel and abusive people like you see in the movies. They were actually very nice, and they were the ones that decided to send me to this school to gain some 'friends'."
  • Hometown: "Some lab in Kentucky."
  • Childhood trauma: "None, really."
  • Parents/Siblings: "...I'm a test tube baby. I guess I could call the lab workers my parents?"


  • Where are they now?: "Ghost Isle Boarding School. Woohoo.."
  • What are their fears?: "Pshhh, I'm fearless." Not being accepted by the people.

  • Do they know their heritage well? If so, does it resonate with their personality?: ""
  • Powers: "Meh, nothing besides the gender switching."
  • Weapons: "My hands..? Well...I wouldn't hesitate to throw a dictionary at someone.."
  • Talents: "I'm pretty talentless..." Good at playing the cello.
  • Social Standing: "I'm a random, but I'm surprisingly a pretty popular one." Popular for their gender switching, and pretty rich.

1st: Homeroom
2nd: Choir
3rd: Free Period
4th: English
5th: History
6th: Math
7th: Biology
8th: P.E.

Extra Curricular: Orchestra


Gemini: "Gemini, hm? She's okay I guess. We don't quite talk."
Alexiana: "She's...well..bad ass? Totally digging the tattoos. We're cool I guess."
Giovanna: "Ugh, I find her so adorable. Can I please pinch her wittle cheeks?" ( Hahaha XD )
Scorpio: "Ha. I love to tease that flirtatious Incubus. He's so fun to prank, especially when I'm changing genders."
Sky: "She's a sweetie."
Tyler: "Prrr, total cutie." ( Oh gosh XD )
Milo: "He's a total weirdo. Who nibbles someone's neck in the middle of the hall?"
Seth: "He's shy, and we never really talk. He's nice though."
Axel: "Ha! What a goof! He makes me laugh, constantly in class!"
Sawyer: "We never talk.."
Zeke: "Total hottie. Wouldn't mind him making me paralyzed.~" ( Excuse me while I die with laughter. )
Sanctuary: "She's awfully blunt. She once told me to shut up in class one time. Rude." ( Meh, I can change if you'd like. )
Elisabeth: "I don't understand why everyone gets all happy when she's around. She's just another person.." ( Sorry, Arron's a jerk XD )
Lucas: "Hmm..we're cool I guess. I like to make small talk with him at times."
(( More to come as people add their character sheets! If you really don't like Arron's relationship with your character, tell me right away and we can think of something together! ))
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Ahah, I love him/her~

Hey look, he already has something in common with Zeke: No actual parents. xD

Well... Technically, Zeke's mother was a chicken.
A chicken that the warlock kept alive until Ezekiel hatched so that he could eat it as his first meal.
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Oh gosh I'm laughing so hard.
That last statement tickled me haha!
And yes, a test tube baby.
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Dude! Laughing so hard
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Yes~! Test tube babies always make for interesting characters. xD
I like that they share enjoyment in pranking people too.

Arron's gonna be giving all the poor boys and girls whiplash, swapping between genders just to mess with 'em.
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Ohoho, you betcha! I have some things planned for Zeke ehehe. Now I can't wait for this roleplay to get started! @Kaz
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@Tart I could totally see Milo and Seth flirting a bit
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Well, I have some ideas for him and Seth~ When is this planned to start? I'm excited hehe!
Just touching up on characters and such. I know my friend is planning to join
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