Ghost Isle Boarding School {IC} {OPEN and ACCEPTING}

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Lucifer had skipped 8th period to go to the lake to setup the lights, tables, etc. It had taken him hours to figure out how to get the lights to turn on when there was no power outlet, he decided to manipulate a little light magic, and used it to create different color lights both above the beach and lake. Lucifer's Camaro was parked in the distance, and provided him with some music. He decided to text Alexiana -hey, everything is good to go.-
Axel smiled and caught the keys, his tail flicking lightly. "Alrighty then, let the big cat drive the big car." He said softly before he unlocked the car and got it. He smiled, running his hand over the wheel. "Oh yeah." He joked, smiling as he waited for Alexi to follow. "Come on kid!" He yelled as he put in the key and started the engine.
Geo smiled and she walked into her dorm, finding it cozy. "One more year." She reminded herself as she set down her bag and grabbed her favorite bikini and her notebook. She sighed and picked up a towel before going to shower.
Ardent blinked, shook his head. He closed his hand over the flame, stuffed the lighter in his pocket. What was I doing again? Oh, right... Nothing. He sighed bitterly, another stream of smoke curling upward. He stood, stumbling slightly, and started wandering aimlessly through the halls. Maybe if I wasn't so bloody... withdrawn, or whatever, I would actually have stuff to do, he thought to himself. Then, he paused midstep. When he started thinking like that, he needed his medicine. Now if only he bloody remembered where his dorm was...
War looked at the boy, "THE HELL MY TIRES GET SLASHED FOR? Did you slash em'?" War was furious at the news. "What ever, lets find the kid, I'll deal with who ever slashed my tires later." War was over taken by sadness, he had that car since it rolled off the line.
@Brett Albarn
Jade looked at the girl "Um I am a powerful witch, you are the girl Alexiana said to meet here, right?" She spoke with a questioning tone. "Oh sorry, I am rude, we have almost every kind of extra-curricular activities you can think of, including those." Jade smiled.
@Angelic Fusion
"War calm down it was the dragon boy and its not that bad because i got him in the hiney with my ice" Helious sighed overwhelmed with happiness that War didn't mind being called cute... Oh right Lucas was meeting him next to the band hall "and War?... He is by the band hall"
@Autumn_Burns_Red @Sashakiki
Avalia tilted her head at the girls ability "Hmm... Thats interesting.... Okay... Well I find that very interesting." She said before running a hand through her black hair. "Well... Im not a witch so you do not have to worry about dealing with me... I find that interesting and I will remember that. I wonder what my mother says about that one... She told me about Witch's and the different types of individuals here. She knows all about all of you. She watches over all of you." She said before yawning. "Ok... so what are you here to do?"

Alexiana giggled and buckled up as they drove off and made their way to the freeway. It would be a 20 minute drive to get to the store. She figured they would go to the store and then straight to the beach and meet everyone there. She pulled out her phone and texted Jade: So we are just going to all meet up at the beach, so you're gonna have to bring Axel's guitar, speakers, my ipod and anything else you think we'll need. See you soon love! "Okay, so Axel, after we get done getting stuff from the store, we are just gonna meet everyone at the beach." She looked over at him. She really liked her outfit that she had changed into before 8th period. Her swimsuit underneath her clothes.
@Autumn_Burns_Red @IceQueen


Axel smiled, looking at Alexi for a second before he drove off. "Just a question, can other cars see us, because if not, this is dangerous." He said, smiling before he hit the gas. "I am going to turn a 20 minute drive into a 10 minute drive, unless you want me to drive slow so you and me can spend more time together." He joked, messing with hid dog tag on his outfit for a second before he started driving.​
Jade looked at the girl, "Your not from around here, are you?" Jade asked. "I am here now, to get you for this bonfire...that we are going to be late to if we don't leave soon. Sorry, do you have a bikini to wear, if not you can have one of the new ones i bought for tonight, we look like the same size." Jades phone buzzed reading Alexiana's message she sighed. "Okay so I have to stop by my dorm to pick up some stuff for Alexiana, if you don't mind. Could you meet me by my truck, its the dodge rampage." Jade felt horrible bad leaving this girl, but it would be easier to run and get the stuff. "I'll answer what ever questions you have then. Oh and don't tell anybody about us leaving."
@Angelic Fusion
Avalia shook her head when asked if she was from around here. She could only smile slightly "Well... Kinda... I am from alot of places but kinda.." She said before nodding to her next question "I have somthing I can wear.... I have it on me in my back pack to be honest... I dont need a room as I don't have to stay here at the school over night if I do not wish it to be so." She said before stretching. "Ok, I will meet you by your truck and we can go from there." She said before walking out and slowly going over to the truck that was outside. The second she stepped outside she lifted a hand and had the veins in her skin turn blue. She giggled lightly before lowering her hand. "Its so weird being a God among Mortals..." She said before going over and looking around for the truck. She held both hands out before gazing around and seeing no one. She levitated into the sky slowly and gained enough air to locate the truck among the other cars. She landed on the ground before walking over to it. When she reached it she leaned up against it.

Alexi giggled and blushed. "Drive however you wish. I'm sure we'll be spending a lot of time together tonight at the party." She smiled. "How do I look? Is my outfit nice?" She looked over at Axel. He and Jade were the only people who she cared about what she looked like.
Helious told War to calm down, which didn't make things better, why his car, the hell. "Wait you said you his friend, why?" War spoke as he walked along side Helious. War was angry that car had been in his position since 67'. "Let's just find Lucas, I don't care anymore."
@Brett Albarn
"War it's ok i promise i will change your tires tomorrow" Helious was nervous because War was upset. "we'll punish that jerk tomorrow"
Axel smiled as he kept his foot on the gas, darting between cars. "Well Milady, you look good in anything, as I said." He chuckled, trying to fight the blush that creped to his face. He was starting to think he was in love with her, but that couldn't be! She was his friend... or at the least, so he thought. Soon they got off the freeway and pulled into the supermarket. "Let's go." He said, turning off the car.

Alexi giggled and hopped out of the car. They walked into the store and Alexi jumped into a shopping cart. "You get to push me around in a shopping cart! Yay for Axel!" She laughed, (Sorry it's so short) @IceQueen
Axel laughed as he walked in, seeing Alexi in a shopping cart. He smiled and leaned his arms against the handle bar of the cart, smiling playfully. "Hmm, you have to give me something first." He said softly, smiling evilly at her as he awaited his reward for pushing her around.
War, ignoring what the boy had said, and continued toward the band hall hopefully Lucas could give him a ride. But as he reached the building he turned around, "Did you call me cute?" he questions Helious.
@Brett Albarn
Alexi giggled and listened to his question. She wasn't sure if he was going to ask what she wanted him to, and she was really really scared to see what he wanted. "Okay, what do you want me to give you? I'm alright with giving you a reward since you're pushing me around." She smiled.
"u-u-um i um.... Yes i did it slipped out i hope you don't mind" Helious said blushing yet he looked straight into War's eyes realizing that he was extremely attracted to him
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