Getting By

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Giving a frown as her sister told her to check on Bill she watched as her sister left. She didn't bother to check on Bill as his friend got there before her while she stared out at John she then looked over at the two with a deathly scowl on her face her frown turning into a firm line her anger rising as she got more and more pissed of at the man throwing a fit about getting punched. When he could of very well pushed John off of him instead of taking the punches. " stop your bitching and moaning your not a baby and you know very damn well you could of shoved him away, yet you didn't." she started wiggling her big toe like a cat would its tail something she did out of habit when she wanted to control her anger but let her mouth run. "Second off your not completely non human 'so his fantasy world he lives in' is him keeping hold of his humanity and not becoming an empty shell of nothing, and thirdly me and my sister protect his ass and find him his medicine that is what we were headed to do before this little miss-hap." she then turned around to head out the front door but stopped before she made it out "If your done with your fit throwing, I suggest you clean your face up, calm down and find some way to make up for your mistake. Specially since the thing with the stranger was not between you and the fact that the man was CLEARLY un-armed and in no position to harm us. Since I'm pretty sure I did in fact wound him to put him in his place for wounding someone very dear to me." with her last words a warning she walked the rest of the way out of the room to sit down on the other side of John, her sister on the other side.
The brunette listened to what John had to say before she glanced over at him. She leaned into his body a little, more out of habit than anything else.
"You're lucky it was Nyla was with you." She started quietly. "The man would've had a bullet between his eyes the second I saw him even think about lunging at you." Her voice was cool, matter of fact as she spoke. The eagle in her hand clicked as she played with it, as if emphasizing her point. She bent to lay her head on Johns shoulder briefly before straightening back up.

'What happens if we don't find anymore nanomeds?" She asked, even as she saw Nyla sit on the other side of him out of the corner of her eye. The other girl looked pissed, in hindsight, Alexia realized that maybe she should've talked to the strangers. Nyla was too much of a hot head. "Stop getting hurt, we don't know if we'll find anymore." She Continued her train of thought aloud as she finally glanced back over at John and let her eyes linger on him. "I don't want to see you dead. I'd miss you" The girl stood up, putting her eagle back where it belonged on her body as she thought of how to address the rest of his words.

"This is chaos. Normalcy is nice when its obtainable. But it won't last long." She stretched her hands over her head, letting her back pop. "And we aren't like him." She flashed a smile, more a bearing of teeth than a happy expression. "I wouldn't have went for a shoulder if I was in the mans situation." She let her eyes glance down Johns body, when her eyes flashed back to his face, she was smirking and a bit of humor had come back to her voice. "I'd have gone for the jewels." She winked, letting the seriousness dispel.

Alexia looked over at Nyla.

"From the fuming I take it I have to go patch him up?" She asked, even as she bounced back up the stairs. She wasn't as good with first aid as Nyla, but she could handle Bills bumps and scraped.
He came out the door before Alexis could enter, his head kept down and his hood up. He went down the steps and began walking down the way, his form withering as he gained distance from the lodge. His feeling was making him uncomfortable, he didn't belong with them...they at least had sanity. He was a monster a beast and didn't want to be in the middle of all this chaos. Pulling his gun from his hip, he dropped to his knees and began to think.
John smirked at Alexia's comment. Go for the groin. He could live with that. He stood up too, but with Bill inside, and Kuroi now outside he didn't really have anywhere he could go to get away from them. Though he already knew the reading, he looked at his nano med counter again. 320ppm. He could jump off an eight story building three times, or get shot in the head fifty, or sustain any number of injuries for a while, but Alexia was right. Eventually there'd be no more nano meds. No one was making them. He didn't even know how many outside his and the other patients' bodies had been made. His future was just as uncertain as theirs.

"I try to stay out of trouble. I really do," he said. His smile was only half hearted. "People shooting me. I think it's the red shirt. Makes me a big target. Or like a red flag to a bull kind of thing. I'll try not to get hurt just as much as everyone else, okay?"

He then turned to Nyla. "And thanks for having my back. I caught some of what you yelled at Bill, and thanks for giving him the business for me." He looked between the two of them. "You girls are really great sisters."
Bill spat some of the blood out of his mouth and onto the ground, directed towards Nyla, but none of it hit her. "Yeah, yeah. Hindsight is 20 20, right sugar tits? Everyone's a genius afterwards. Geez, that's what I get for not stabbing him. Next time I'll just poke his eye out, maybe they'll be less mad at me then. Surely won't matter much to him anyway." He said to himself, and spat some more blood before retrieving the bandages from his pouch and wiping his face with them. "Abandoned ski lodge. If I find anything to wipe my face with, I'll probably get an infection." He thought to himself.

"And now Kuroi's gone." He muttered to himself, then closed his eyes and sighed. The anger was beginning to build up inside him. Since he refused to fight back, Bill was left with unused adrenaline which left him overenergized, his hands clenched to a fist and trembled. He had to destroy something, anything, or he'd probably snap at one of them, which would only worsen the tension.
Filled with anger, Bill marched over towards the bathroom, kicking the door open. The door cracked, and one of the hinges gave way, it felt good to destroy the door, but it didn't quite calm him down just yet. In fact, it only made him more destructive. The sound of breaking down a door startled the badger inside the bathroom. It began to growl and show his teeth at Bill, who stared back at the animal, showing his own teeth. "GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!" He screamed as he got closer to the badger, stomping his feet on the ground, but keeping eye-contact. In the same time, his eyes lit up to a fiery red blaze, partially blinding the badger, who ran away shortly after.

Now inside, Bill looked around the bathroom which didn't seem to have much to destroy at first glance; the toilet was gone, too. Bill screamed again, then moved back towards the door, kicking and pulling it again until the second hinge broke off, too. He raised the door above his head, then threw it at the bathtub, which broke upon impact.
The action of throwing the door left Bill exhausted, but calmed him down immensely. His eyes stopped shining, too. Now he stands there, in the middle of the bathroom, staring at the broken door atop the broken tub.
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There was a sudden sound that could only have been discribed as "scurrying" and John's badger emerged, looking in every direction but right in front of it, and running right into a tree. It shook its head and scampered off, before the sound of it hitting another tree met their ears.

There was also the sound of wanton distruction coming from inside. Bill must have been fuming in there. "I hope he didn't break that radio. Kuroi just got it working."

He ducked inside, looking around with more caution than he had when they first entered. Then he was pretty sure the place was empty (though he had been wrong). Now he knew exactly what was here and didn't want to have another talk with him. He quickly found the radio and rushed back out, sitting down between the girls and fiddling with the knobs.
Alexia cringed as the sound of destruction wafted out from the house. Without asking, she just reached into her sisters pocket to get the other girls set of keys. No one could open the door without both sets. Then she jumped down the steps, tossed a wave at John and her sister before jogging to get the first aid kit out of the truck. Between five to ten minutes passed before Alexia reappeared, first aid kit in tow. The brunette slowed down to a wal as she approached the steps.

"If I scream, come save me." She teased as she dropped the keys in her sisters lap as she passed the girl before she ducked back into the building. Alexia looked around before noticing the bathroom was now doorless and Bill was just sort of standing there. She walked forward. "I have bandaids if you come sit back down." She offered.
Bill closed his eyes, then turned his head upwards as he sighed. "Yeah, sure." He said, now looking over at Alexia, then at the first aid kit. "Neat. You three are pretty.. how do you say, well equipped? A car, weapons, a meatshield, and a medkit. Me 'n Kuroi've got about 2 cigarettes each, that's all." He dragged his feet across the floor as he approached Alexia, stopping a few inches from her. "So, how's it look?"
Sighing she rolled her eyes at John as he left. He really was a pain in the ass but her and her sister love him to pieces she thought to herself. After s few minutes of softly kick her foot in the dust she stretched her arms popping her back in the process. Just about when she was ready to walk back in John came rushing out with the radio in hand, she gave him a curious look with a raised eyebrow in question, but didn't say anything.
John adjusted the radio's knobs some more, until finally something audible played out. Curious as to what it was, he turned it up, but soon wished he hadn't.

"Attention to anyone who might be hearing this. There is a settlement located on the edge of the wastes of Seattle. There you will find we have everything you could ever need and more. This isn't like other settlements, which just manage to scrape by, because here you'll find faith, togetherness, and above all proper leadership. To my friends who know me and recognize this voice, if you're hearing this know that you're especially welcome, and will be treated like celebrities here. Know also that I've found the means to keep us going, the special things only we can use. I invite you, with open arms, to my settlement."

The message stopped. There was a brief pause and it started repeating itself again. John shut it off. He was at a loss for something to say for some time, untl finally one word slipped past his lips. "Luke."
Alexia flashed the man a small smile.

"We're lucky and smart. We're lucky to get it, but we're smart enough to keep it." She let her fingers touch Bills chin as she tilted it to the side, getting a better look at his face. "I'm not all that great at this, Nyla's better at it." Alexia paused, shook her head then cracked the box open and pulled out a small bottle of whiskey. It was the special-drink-it-and-face-the-wrath-of-Alexia-for-jepordizing-important-equipment-bottle of whiskey. She tugged out a scrap of cloth, literally, it looked like an old rag or a torn up towel, before she popped open the whiskey and poured some onto the cloth. Then, gently, she began to mop up blood off of Bills face.

"I'm pretty sure you'll live." She mumbled moments after the majority of the blood was mopped up. "Open your mouth, let's make sure nothing got broken in there." She ordered.
"I've had worse injuries." Bill replied as the woman had cleaned his face, then he opened wide, as per the woman's instructions. A huff of breath smelling of cigarettes escaped his mouth when he did.
The sound of two bullet shots air through the area, the sound traveling greatly and swiftly. Then the sounds of feet thudding slowly up the steps, and enter kuroi his hood up and his head hanging down. He walked to the bottom of the steps looking at the two " Were is Bill? " he asked the two sitting outside
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Aleixa gripped Bills chin gently as she pulled lightly to get him to open up further. She leaned closer to his face, doing her best to ignore the smell of cigarettes on his breath. However, her nose still managed to crinkle up as an echo of her fathers voice whispered through her mind. It was a familiar lecture about how cigarettes where bad for one's health, ect, ect, ect. The brunette leaned back.

"You'll live." She repeated the phrase she'd just told the man moments before. However, the sound of the bullet shots, caused the woman to jump, one of her eagles all but materializing her hand as the sound echoed outside of the building. Without another word, only a brief shot of panic over her sisters safety, Alexia found herself on the porch, eyes scanning over the area for impending doom.

"Bills inside." She answered the robotic armed man, not looking at him. "What happened?" This time, her eyes landed on the man at the bottom of the steps as the near command of a question slid off of her lips.
John jumped twice in a couple short minutes. Firstly from Kuroi's sudden entrance after causing a rain of gunfire somewhere, which fortunately served as a great distraction from the radio broadcast he'd just heard. And then the second time when Alexia stormed outside with her guns blazing.

"I don't know what's going on," he said quickly. "He just came running out of the woods and I heard gunfire. I think we should go. South."

He didn't know a damn thing about maps, but he knew Seattle was north of them, and any direction away from Luke was welcome, as was any excuse to go there.
Snapping out of her dazed Nyla looked up at John "what about leaving?" she asked him as she started to stand and stretch. She felt kind of bad that she missed what he said, but only a little bit it want like she intentionally ignored him she just kind of spaced off.
When Nyla came out of whatever funk she'd fallen into John exhaled a deep breath. No one had heard Luke's announcement over the radio. He wouldn't have to fight with them not to go. A little more relieved he amended, "It's nothing. Don't worry about it. I was just wondering about where we go after here. Got a little carried away."

He took the radio with him and moved it out of sight of anyone else, so they might not turn it on and hear Luke's announcement repeated. "Okay, so what does everyone want to do?"
Alexia surveyed the scene.

"Either find out where the shots came from or leave before the source catches up." She pointed out, a wry smile twisting over her lips as she put her eagles back into place, calm but more than alert, as she kept glancing out at the surrounding trees. "Why South?" She asked, even as she leaned back into the door and told Bill to get ready to load up. She avoided fights where she could. "Ya'll pack up, Im going to go see if I can find out what made the noise since robo arms ain't tellin us." She tossed an amused smirk at Kuroi right before she walked past him.
"I'll come with," John said. "You can use me as a meat shield."

As he got beside her he added, despite his better judgement, "Plus there's something I need to tell you."

Alexia was sort of the boss. At least John had always seen it that way. And even though he didn't want anyone else to know about Luke or his settlement or his vague promise of nanomeds, he felt she needed to know as the boss. So he told her about the message he'd picked up on the radio, and that he wanted to go South because that was the opposite direction.

"Now before we get ambushed by whatever's out here, what do you think?" he asked while searching through the tall grass. He hoped she would see avoidance as the smart move, but didn't have his hopes up very high.
The meat shield comment got John a withering glare from the brunette, but she didn't argue his accompanying her, especially after his much quitter, much more serious comment. Alexia dodged the brush as she silently listened to John explain. The young woman glanced over at him as he finally concluded with wanting to go in the opposite direction. By now she'd come to an absolute halt, altered eyes staring intently at the man. After a moment to gather her thoughts she spoke.

"Why do you want to avoid him?" Important question one, "If he has nanomeds, with your luck," the time another wry expression crossed over her face, " we might need to visit him if we can't find any."
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