Getting By

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John shook his head. He should've known she wouldn't get it. "You haven't met Luke. He's bad news. Trust me. Him and I would say we were friends, but it was all an act. We didn't really get along. No one did with Luke, but he got them to do what he wanted anyway. And he's only interested in Med patients. He won't treat you and the others right. I know he won't.

"Plus, I'm worried about where he got the nanomeds he says he's found. There's usually an angle with him, something he's keeping to himself. I'm telling you, we're better off looking across the road with crossed fingers."
When he heard the gunshots, Bill had ran for the back of the building. He didn't know if it was an assault or not, so he decided to play it safe, and go into hiding. As he exited out the back, and began to walk around the lodge to peek around the corner, he noticed that it was just Kuroi. "Fucking Hell. Give me a heart attack, why don't you?" He thought to himself.
Instead of approaching the rest, he decided to stay at the back, for he had noticed something strange near the back wall he crept along just moments before. As he walked back, he did indeed find an opening near the floor, just big enough for him to squeeze through. After dropping to the floor, Bill found himself inside some sort of secret basement. Spiders had covered just about everything in here in their webs, which was a lot. It seemed noone had found this place just yet. There was also one particularly interesting thing, covered by cloth. When Bill removed the cover, his eyes lit up in a joyful yellow glow.

A kick, and then from underneath the ski lodge came the incredibly loud rumble of an old engine. Everyone could hear it moving underground, until the ground some yards away from the ski lodge just opened up and Bill came out, riding a green dirtbike, with fuel canisters strapped to the side.
He turned around, then headed towards the front porch, where everyone had been just before, and stopped in front of the lodge. "Ladies, gents. It's been fun, but I believe this is where our ways part. Take care of Kuroi, will yah?" He said, then burst into laughter and took off. The engine sound grew more silent as time passed, and the man in the long jacket slowly moved out of sight.
Curiously nyla watched as john and alexia walked away talking quietly but before she could think on it more she got distracted with bill announcing his leave as he sped off on adirt bike. where the helk he git the bike she didn't kniw but she was to stuned by his leaving and why he was leaving his buddy behind. "What the hell?" She blurted still watching frozen in place were she stood in the direction he disappeared from.
He stood there in shock looking as his buddy riding off into the distance, his knees giving way as he fell to one knee instead of both. his fist hit the ground causing it to crack some, some steam emitting from his arms. He could feel anger and sadness in him, conflicting at high levels as if it was a war between his brain. Shaking his head he felt like destroying something, and since they were leaving he might as well destroy this place. a almost roar type yell came from the inside of the lodge with the sound of destruction, His fist going through the wall. He pulled it out slowly and began to punch the wall rapidly steam coming from his arm everywhere, he was slowly destroying this curse he was given.
"Watch your left. Be careful where you step, it's about to get rocky." Chloe softly gave directions to the boy behind her.

Vladik followed close behind her, a black thread leading from his wrist to hers. She lead him through the trees unwittingly towards the group. He had an inexplicable feeling of uneasiness but he kept it quiet. All of his muscles tensed as they drew nearer and his keen ears picked up the soft sound of voices. "There are people ahead." He whispered almost inaudibly. "I can hear at least four voices and gun shots.." A moment of silent approaching later he spoke again. "Some sort of vehicle..It seems to be leaving."

Listening to Vladik she nodded to herself. She hoped the voices he had heard left. Nervously she weighed the pistol in her hands, her mag was full but it still felt too light with the adrenaline pumping through her. A moment later a building came into view. Chloe slipped in between the trees trailing Vladik close behind her. Several people were gathered around, weather they were friendly or not was undetermined. Watching and waiting she crouched behind a bush.
Alexia was opening her mouth to reply when a loud roaring noise and then some loud crashes echoed back from the lodge. She tossed John a wry smile then took off towards the noise. The scene she happened on had her eyebrows shooting up. Kuroi was now playing Hulk and the house some poor sod of a villain who had the gall to piss him off. She stared silently for a few more moments before she cleared her throat. Bill was nowhere to be seen...or well, she hoped he wasn't in some part of the starting to cave in building...

"Uh...what happened?" This was the second time in one day she had to ask this. All of a sudden she realized just how much simpler it was with just her Nyla, John, and herself. It also wasn't as lively though. She was focused enough on the scene in front of her that she forgot about the mysterious gunshots for a moment and she didn't notice the bare twitch of movements in the brush.
Movement from the corner of her eye brought Nyla out of her daze she was in watching as bill left them. Getting in a defensive stance she stared and watched the bushes all the while Kuroi made a ruckus. "quiet for a second!" she hissed as she flexed her hands letting her claws extend to their full length.
His hands sat in the wall as he was shouted at to be silent, he let his head slowly knock into the wall and he stood there in silence as the steam from his arms hissed out slowly but quiet enough. He let a long slow breath escape himself before removing his arms from the wall, looking at Nyla. He shook his head " Sorry " walking over to the couch he sat down closing his eyes.
Alexia, noticing Nyla going on guard did the same. She spun on her heel and scanned the area the redhead was looking in before she spotted the rustling of the brush. She blinked and urged her eyes to sort of zoom into the area, even as she pulled out one of her eagles and took aim at the brush. She could spot two humanoid figures, but that was all of the detail she could make out with the brush in the way. They had probably already spotted them, no point in trying to sneak around them. Alexia aimed at the tree above their heads and shot the branch, a warning shot as it were.

"It's not nice to lurk about." She called as a greeting.
Gun shots, a motor bike, Kuroi going apeshit on a derelict building. And then there were approaching footsteps. Alexia as ever took charge and addressed the new visitors, but all John could do is spin around in a circle at everything going on around him and demand, "What the hell is going on here?"

He recovered his senses quickly, though and pointed his gun in the general direction of Alexia's, though his aim was off. If he chose to fire at that moment, he'd likely ricochet off a rock and hit some poor field mouse.
Watching Alexia in curiosity with big aqua eyes from behind her porcelain mask, Insanity sat in the bushes. Trying to see if she could inch any closer and observe her features better, she realized her movements were causing the bushes to move about. She cursed to herself silently, but immediately froze in place when she saw that the woman had pulled out a gun.

Insania cowered slightly when a shot was fired, her ears ringing and barely capable of hearing the woman's remark.

"Hnn," the young masked girl crawled out, covered in leaves and shaking nervously, "I wasn't lurking. I was... spectating."
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Alexia watched as the odd looking girl came out from cowering. She must have imagined the second body...or perhaps mistook the girls shadow for another person. Alexia lowered her gun down to her side. The girl looked pretty young and it made the brunette a bit more hesitant to shoot her. However, she didn't put the gun away. She'd gotten a small scar from a couple of desperate eight year olds once upon a time after letting her guard down. This girl didn't look that young.

"Same difference." She quipped back in response. "What brings you to the middle of the woods?" She asked, glancing over at her companions briefly.
"I.. Uhm.. Uhh...," Insania struggled to get the words out of her mouth, "My cat.. Is missing. I was too scared to ask if you've seen him."

Insania tried her best not to seem threatening as she clumsily stood to her feet and dusted the dirt and grass off of her dress. She picked the leaves out of her twin-tailed hair and awkwardly looked around.

"...Have you seen him?"
John let his gun hang loosely by his side but his eyebrows jumped into the air, making a skeptical ark.

"Lost cat?" he said. "Seriously? Wait...Alexia, remember Kuroi earlier? He shot at something in the woods? Do you think it could've been..." John stopped himself and added quickly so as not to upset the girl. "Not that I'm saying he killed it or anything. The guy ran right back out here afterwards. I'm sure he's fine."

Under his breath he added to Alexia, "It's getting pretty crowded around her. Not to mention a little nuts to boot. I think we should get moving soon."
"W--what? Who the Hell would shoot at a little cat?" Insania looked panicked and paced around back and forth.

In her current worrying phase, she tripped on a rock and fell face first into the grass, "Hnn." Not bothering to get up she just laid there and rolled onto her back.
Miles M. Dyson. War hero. Soldier. Survivalist. The world around him had changed dramatically, and though he had fought to protect the old regime--he had to accept the new one. It had happened this way many times through out the course of human history. A brave warrior fighting to protect time honored traditions, steeping their hands in the blood of his enemies and friends alike only to have not the foe he neither imagined, nor accepted steal away the very things he fought so hard to achieve. The world had seen enemies in one nation or another, one ruler against the other and beliefs abound in between separating them even further.

But one enemy, no soldier fought against, no general waged war against and no politician ever tried to suppress its rebellion. That was time. No one could have imagined this world; dark, cold, vicious, cruel and unrelenting. The world was Utopian,it was peaceful and it was splendorous. Technology at its peak, the world felt it could do no wrong. The glimmering buildings, the automated machines and yes--the people themselves hid the dissident called time. If time healed all wounds, Miles would question: was that before, or after genocide? Was it before, or after the holocaust people undeserving of its harsh rule?

There was no denying that time had indeed had its way with mankind. Miles had marched through vacant metropolises, and empty farmlands. He'd seen the sky burn with fervor, violence in absolute control. He'd been wandering through a world, where it was even okay to shoot a child for the simple transgression of theft. Even if it were only to feed itself. Humanity was at it's worst with cannibals. Once human beings, now they live to hunt their own kind like unchecked sociopaths--only, they would never be arrested for their eventual crime, the killing and eating of human beings. Their reasoning had been swept under the mat of madness and that is where it stayed.

Miles had killed a slew of these kinds of people, only to find the sickening reality that they had been hoarding human beings in their basements and cellars--in the dark,with little food and no real place to use the bathroom. Those that were s towed away were like zombies, roaming around in the dark. The light hurt their eyes now and they were often skeletal and gaunt from starvation. Many died simply from the methane build up from their fecal wastes and ammonia from their urine.

This, this was civilization now. A degraded, rotten husk of what used to be. The world was no longer a place for such things as morals and creeds. No place for laws and justice--except the strong survive and the weak perish, becoming food for the strong. But what was considered 'strong'? The ability to pull a trigger faster? The ability to abandon your reason to madness in self preservation?

Miles walked the road, the road to nowhere. He wanted to put a sign at the start that read: Abandon all hope, ye who enter. For while on this road, your eyes would surely become accustomed to true face of human ruin, and it wasn't a few toppled buildings that were once cherished or icons of someone's lasting ego. It was the people themselves that he wanted to warn against. The sincerity of their brutality could bring a tear to the eye, if one could afford them.

Miles was venturing the woodlands. He'd read on a map there was a cabin of sorts in the area, that he may be alloted to rest at. Hopefully this one's roof hadn't collapsed in. It made for a hard time sleeping when he had to wear his helmet and protective gear just to keep the rain off. He stopped suddenly. There was someone at his feet, a young girl or woman it appeared to be. Was she hurt? Did she plan being there? Miles always kept a hand locked around the hilt of his HK417 rifle. In truth, it looked very much like an M4 but was far more reliable. It had a targeting finder attached, a 40mm grenade launcher and a red dot sight.

A very impressive weapon to say the least. But that wasn't ALL he was armed with. He also had two varying shotguns on his back, two varying pistols on his hips, and two varying hatchets along his legs. He also concealed the cybernetic limbs he had with black boots, and goatskin gloves. His face covered in gas mask and his head helmeted, he would definitely appear like someone sent in for a heavy job.

"Might I ask what you are doing down there?" Miles questioned, his voice distorted from the mask. Actually, it was raspy and his breathing noticeable. He then looked up at the others and back down at her. "Are they hurting you?"

*Note: I know its linked to a HK416. The 417 is essentially the same gun--larger caliber

A 7.62×51mm NATO compared to 5.56×45mm NATO
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Alexia nodded minutely as her violet eyes glanced over at John. She was in total agreement with him. Who knew the middle of the freaking woods would be so chaotic? The brunette shoved a couple loose tendrils of escaping hair behind her ear as she watched the girl freak out about a cat then faceplant. A slender eyebrow shot up as she found herself wondering how on earth the girl has survived so long. Alexia had been debating on whether or not to approach the girl and offer her a hand up, when someone else came into the clearing. The twenty-one year old had her gun up and pointed at the new form in an instant. This new guy looked like a lot bigger threat than the girl sprawled out on the ground. Alexia took a step closer to John, grabbed his arm and started walking them backwards, not taking her eyes off of the new figure. She shoved her hand in her bag and dug out the truck keys before handing it to the man at her side mutely.

"Start getting everyone in the truck. We're leaving. Now." She growled under her breath. She still didn't dare take her eyes or her gun off of the strange, well armed man now in the clearing.
Insania lifted her head up slightly, watching everyone for a moment. She observed the stranger man, tilting her head and she tightened her mask.

"No," She shook her head slightly after standing up, "I'm just... Panicked."

Suddenly, she felt heavy warm breath on her neck coming from the bushes behind her. She slowly turned around, frozen in place and found herself face-to-face with a large striped wild cat that leaped out and pinned her down.

Insania squirmed around and suddenly began laughing out loud. Throwing her hands up in the air she announced in glee, "I found him! I freaking found my cat!"

Insania pet the tiger playfully and crawled out from under it. She marched around the giant feline happily and sang out, "Meet Oliver~!"

The tiger huffed as it stood up and began following her around, sharp blue eyes eyeing down the others with dilated pupils, particularly Miles. The beast was obviously protective of the masked blonde.

"He must have heard the gunshots," She giggles and stops moving. Oliver plopped down next to her with a big grunting noise, flaring its nostrils and cleaning itself with a sandpaper-like tongue.
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John took the keys without argument, also staring at the large man packing serious heat. This was getting to be too much. Just much to much insanity in such a small section of woods. He started walking back to the cabin when a freakin' tiger appeared from out of nowhere.

"Holy shit!" he exclaimed and jumped back a good three feet. Forget the big stranger with the gun. This was a tiger! A tiger! "That's - That's your cat?" Under his breath he added, "No wonder Kuroi shot at it."

"That's it!" he said after a fervent shake of his head. "We've stumbled out of the real world and entered frickin' Wonderland. I'll round the others up and we're going back to where things make sense."

John started his trek back to the cabin, feeling altogether wrong leaving Alexia behind with a vicious predator...and a tiger.
The tiger released a small whine and looked up at Insanity with sad eyes. Insania cooed, overwhelmed by its cuteness as she pet the big creature lovingly before mumbling quietly, "Oliver is offended."

She lifted her mask ever so slightly, just at the nose, to show she was frowning, "Ollie and I have been traveling in search of others for months. You guys are the first people we've met that don't want to kill and eat us so far, and it's sad to see you're all scared of us."

Insania lowered her mask, speaking again. This time her tone of voice seems more mature, "But that's okay. We will just be taking our leave."

Insania bowed her head slightly in goodbye, and began walking away, but froze in place when she realized Oliver wasn't following her. She turned around to find him still sitting in front of everyone, "...well then," She sighed, "My dramatic exit was ruined."
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