Getting By

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The guy sat there looking at him, his hand slowly moving down the side of the floor feeling for something. He kept eye contact with john " Badger? im surprised he didn't kill you yet...thats what i get for buying an attack badger " the man chuckled as his hand grappled to a piece of glass on the floor. " You have any food? "
John shrugged. "Some jerky. You can share if you drop that glass in your hand. Won't do you any good anyway. Oh, and can we have your radio? I think we got it working again."

After a while he added, "Or we can lock you in the bathroom with the badger."
With everyone leaving, Bill had the couch to himself. He shuffled to lie more comfortable, but fell asleep very quickly after. The sound of snoring quickly filled the room.
Alexia, being drawn towards the noise passed by Kuroi on her way to the origin of the sound, stopping, she touched his shoulder.
"Hey, what's goin on?" She asked, stepping in front of the kind of obviously ticked off man. "Are you alright?" she asked, a wry grin spreading over her lips while his arms more or less hissed, reminding her way to much of a snake.
Kyoto stared at Alexia " I'm fine " he said going around her towards the main hallway. While the other man who seemed to be spotted on his attack thought of the offer. A smile crept over his face, as he slung the piece of glass with force. Into johns shoulder. The man's cold heartless eyes staring at John as if he thought the man would collapse if he connected the attack. He has become to corrupt by now after killing plenty of people for what they have.
Without any thought Nyla shot the man after he stabbed John becoming angrier by the second, she took aim at him again this time point somewhere more deadlier than the first and less of a warning after having the first shot going through his shoulder on the right side of his chest. "that is your only and last warning do anything reckless and stupid again ill kill you." she told him laced with thick venom just as she looked over at John "And your stupid for being friendly and not cautious." she said glaring at him. She then looked at his shoulder quickly before looking back over at the man, she would ask John after this how bad it was then patch it up even though he would heal quickly she also might be angry at him but that didn't mean she didn't care he got hurt. "Why did you attack and Why are you here?" she asked gun pointed nicely at his groin. Ok so it wasn't as deadly as the heart but it still did its job didn't kill instantly but slowly the end result was the same he would die bleeding out versus a quick shot to the heart. She thought to her self as she gave a sinister grin at the thought, no one hut anyone she carted about or at least didn't get damaged from it or lived to tell.
John stumbled back when the glass struck his shoulder. It hurt, but it would heal quick. He pulled the shard out and watched as the wound shrunk with each passing second, orange ooze already dripping out. He looked at the counter on his wrist. His nano med number was going down at the same rate. It was a small injury, maybe eight nano meds per million. He'd be fine. It was cool to be immortal, as long as it would last.

"I just thought he'd be smart and realize he's outnumbered. People used to be good hosts for their guests," he retorted. "And I think your threat's kind of pointless. Unless you plan on patching him up, he's going to die from blood loss."

The man looked over at John with his mouth agape. At first he thought it was from the pain of his wound, then John realized he was staring at his shoulder. It had already healed, leaving an oily orange mess on his shirt. He checked his final nano med count. 320 PPM.
"..Freaks....Freak " He said holding his shoulder trying to climb away from the man, " I..i...." his panic and his heart racing already from the shot caused him to pass out, the man layed on the floor his breathing becoming shallower each second. This was just another man who was trying to make it in the world but had gone completely corrupt.
Alexia watched Kuroi walk away and an eyebrow shot up to her hairline.
"Allllrighty then." She mumbled to herself before the gunshot went off. In seconds, the Odd eyed girl had her own gun out and was rushing to the origin of the sound. The scene she came on was her sister holding a gun on a man who was passing out and muttering something about freaks. She scanned the area over again.
"What the hell," She yelped at John and Nyla as the man laid on the floor. "-is going on?"
Rolling her eyes at John " Well of course I know but he doesn't," she loosened her grim on her gun slightly "plus it doesn't hurt to fix him up then if he tries something shoot him again." she paused as a thought came to her. She then put her gun away with a devilish grin " I had almost forgotten I don't need a gun for this only to keep my self at a safe distance." she mumbled to herself as she watch the man on the ground as he quickly began losing consciousness. Giving a sigh as her sister came into the room she walked over to the man "Hey sis don't worry about it, you can get a first aid kit though while me and John grab him and put him on the couch. Oh and can you have somebody put a blanket or something down first." she didn't even look at her sister to see if she was doing what she asked she just bent down to begin picking up the stranger. Looking over at John to help her pick him up so that she wouldn't make him bleed more doing it by herself not that she really cared that much, but still. "ready?" she asked as she grabbed the man around the waist careful not to move his arm were the wound was.
" WERE ARE YOU TAKING ME! " he shouted and was slowly becoming frantic, but at the same time he could feel the blood rushing to his head " HELP! " he shouted but not moving, his body to weak now to even try to make an escape from anyone. " You guys are going to make me into sick creature arnt you guys! thats what you do! " The crazed man said his heart racing at this time now.
"Oh relax," John said to the hysterical man while he and Nyla placed him, none too gently, on the couch. "Like we'd give you the awesome stuff we have. It'd be a total waste. We're just trying to patch you up. We're not as bad as you, see?"

He reached forward and put his hand on the man's bleeding shoulder, applying pressure to at least slow the bleeding until a proper first aid kit arrived. It hurt the man, sure, but it was keeping him alive. "We'll get you all patched up as best we can, alright? And then we can all have something to eat and talk like normal people."
Alexia let her gin lower as she trailed the others back to the couch. She didn't put her eagle away, just held it down as she watched the situation quietly. Or instead of wasting valuable supplies we could just shoot him and put him out of his misery... She kept her thoughts to herself, however, as she watched John interact with him. However, she couldn't keep her tongue bitten for long. "A quick bullet wouldn't hurt if done in the right spot." She pointed out quietly.
Bill awoke by some commotion, and the fact that he was being pushed out of the couch to make place for a wounded man. Tired, unknowing of any previous events and grumpy about being woken up and having to get up, Bill's short fuse was nearly non-existant now.

John, of course, tried to reason with the man. Patch him up, feed him, talk with him, generally being the nice guy again. The nice guy in a world full of psychos, how did he ever survive. Bill rolled his eyes at John's comment.
Then Alexia spoke her mind. Not necessarily for everyone to hear, but Bill was close enough to hear her silent protest. That idea sounded so very much better to Bill. A clean shot between the eyes, would put the man out of his misery. From what Bill heard from his shouts, he was mental anyway, no need to keep a danger alive if you can remove it before it strikes.

A satisfied grin tugged at Bill's mouth, showing his teeth as he pulled ol' Daisy from her holster. "Sleep tight." He said, put the barrel between the man's eyes, then fired without a moment of hesitation. John, who was pushing against the man's shoulder, got blood splattered against him.
As he turned away from the man, Bill spun the revolver around his finger, before dropping it into the holster. "That takes care of that."
Kuroi stood with his arms crossed his head hung down, he chuckled a little before raising his head smirking. " Majority rule..." He turned and walked away towards one of the walls and slid his back down agaisnt it, he looked at bill " They were trying to be nice to the crazed man ya'know? " kuroi ran a hand through his hair.
John's hands dropped from the man's shoulder hopelessly. He was covered in blood, and now very angry at Bill. Without thinking, he grabbed Bill's collar and charged him into the back wall. There was a creak as a few of the old boards inside the wall broke, and the drywall completely gave way. He punched Bill's jaw repeatedly with his bloody hand and threw him on the floor. He had his gun pointed at the same place he'd shot the stranger. Unlike Bill, though, he had no intention of shooting.

"Why?! He wasn't any threat to us! He never was!" He shouted. John gave Bill's jaw an angry kick and his head involuntarily flew back and banged the floor. "Why couldn't we just send him on his way?!" He turned and glared at everyone, eyes settling on Alexia, who should, more than everyone else, have done something to stop him. "WHY CAN'T WE BE NORMAL PEOPLE FOR ONE GODDAMN DAY?!!"

He stormed out and took a seat on the cabin's front step. His hands were covered with the blood of a dead man, whose only crime had been being desperate like everyone else. He was just trying to survive. Everyone was. But John didn't want to survive. He wanted to live.
Everything seemed to move slow, yet to fast at the same time for the brunette. One moment she was muttering to herself, the next Bill killed the crazed man on the couch. Which, to be honest, she still thought was a better plan than the one John seemed to be working on. After that though, the normally dork of man threw Bill into the wall. I should stop that. the thought whispered through her mind as she watched, shoulders stiff. shouldn't I? By the time she got her body to unfreeze, Johns eyes landed on her. The woman just stared back at him until he marched out the door, and even then, her eyes trailed after him.

"Nyla, take a look at Bill." Alexia ordered quietly. "I've got John." With that, she followed the man out onto the steps. She approached John quietly, staring at his back mutely before she dropped down next to him on the step.

"Would you have been so accommodating if Nyla or I had been the ones he hurt?" She asked, voice calm. She'd noticed the trademark ooze earlier and had just assumed. Her eyes didn't look at the man by her side any longer, instead, they were focused out over the terrain, seeing more and further than most humans could. "The wound would have bled, then got infected." She continued quietly. "We wouldn't have been able to find any medicine. The infection would spread through our blood and it'd kill us. Slowly. Unpleasantly." Alexia pulled out one her eagles and began to fiddle with it some. "Did he try to reason with you when you first met up with him?" She asked. "Or just attack you?"
Kuroi was the first one to bill, kneeling down besides him and inspecting his facial wounds and his torso. " You alright bill? " Kuroi said with a bit of worry in his eyes and voice, This man had kept kuroi alive since he found him and now he was on the floor bleeding. Kuroi could feel his still human heart beating faster and faster, and his anger rising slowly. But these people had fed him he couldn't just snap at them, he shook his head. " I should of taken this beating...i should of killed him quietly and none of this would of happened. "
John sighed. She had a point. If it were one of them, the girls he'd come to see as family - he knew what he'd do, and realized Bill was perhaps a little merciful.

"No, he just charged at us," John told Alexia. "He ran in and tried to take from us by force. It was really very stupid. And desperate. If he'd done that to you, or Nyla - I'd have done the same to him. Given him a wound so that he'd die the same way, maybe with a little more pain. But the point is it was me. What he did didn't really harm anyone. I hoped to just put it past us and talk to him, make him see reason. I just wanted some sense of normalcy. Is that too much Alexia? Is that too much to ask for?"

He put his arms around her briefly before parting. He kept one arm on her shoulder. "He was just trying to get by. Just like us. I guess that's what set me off. That deep down, we're just like he was, and that doesn't sit right with me."
Bill had instinctively grabbed his machete in hand, but refrained from stabbing the man with it, and instead took the beating. He knew that fighting back was physically pointless anyway. The ooze dripping from John's chest, where he had been wounded, was pretty much telling about the nano meds. Bill knew about those, and what they do, stabbing him would only dull the knife.

His grip was locked around the handle of his machete, not wanting to let go. He jammed it into the floor and used it to push himself up again. As he rose from the ground, Bill was caught in a change between laughing and coughing. The beating had pushed a lot of air out of his lungs, but Bill was still satisfied with another kill. "Fucking cunt." He muttered to himself, then cracked his jaw. It eased the pain a little, but didn't stop the blood from dripping down his chin.
Kuroi was there, checking him for his injuries, but Bill shook his head lightly. "It's alright, Kuroi. Oww. Hmmm. Bastard'll learn that he's not surrounded by immortal people anymore. If not, he's more stupid than he looks." He paused to crack his neck and jaw again. "I don't know what fucking fantasy-world he lives in, but I hope he snaps out of it before he runs out of nano meds. Pieces of shit won't keep him alive forever, especially if he keeps being such a pansy."
Then he looked down at his knife and the blood dripping down from him, and sighed. "Fuck. Hope there's a towel around here or something." He said, and put the knife away.
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