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This says "Subtle overpoweredness," and if I weren't going to just leave before, I am now. Steam is not a super-energy-source.[/quote]
The moment you raise your hand to attack, you're probably going to skip a step or interrupt your walking pattern, which will lead to a very keen soldier that you're targeting to spin with a pistol raised, as well as several other guns either shoot you, around you, or to just be ready.

There are battles that you can fight and win against a superior force, and then there are battles where you cannot. You're outnumbered, outgunned, and your in a very bad position to attack gun-wielding soldiers. He has armor and weapons, as well as support. If the rest of the group joins in, then a grenade may be used.

Not only that, but attacking Mark will either boot me from the roleplay, with either my group losing a member or getting injuries, or the rest of you guys getting a casuality or injury. Raising your hand to attack will probably lead to either your character getting injured to the point where he'd have to stop, since I don't think he'll stop attacking once he starts, killed, or one of my group getting severely injured or even dying.

So you're basically going to boot me from the roleplay if you decide to lift your arm and attack, since my group would spit at the rest of the group and leave. They have no allegiance, and then one of them basically kicks on 'tradition' and their 'customs,' since they're soldiers and that's just what they do, and they're not going to stick around for what they consider 'peace-lovers' to beat them up for being them.

They have no loyalty, and will not bother apologizing or caring to if something goes wrong. If something goes wrong, they'll also just go ahead and leave.

@The Oddsman :

Okay that, that right there pisses me the fuck off. I am a US Army Ranger. I am a highly-trained, elite light infantryman. We don't spit at people. That's not what "soldiers do". Especially not supposedly highly trained ones. The only thing we will be "spitting" at you with, are bullets. But that's ONLY if you need to. "Si vis pacem, para bellum" Ask what that is to ANY service man, and he will tell you "If you want peace, prepare for war." That isn't saying go out there and be paranoid at everyone. It's saying be cautious and aware of your environment. And also a word of advice: There two thing you can't ever take back. The words from your mouth and bullets from your gun. You learn when and where to use each very well.

It doesn't matter which branch of the military you choose to go in, they teach you respect and manners. I'm not saying we are perfect, there will always be assholes that fuck it up. Spitting at someone is a sure fire way to provoke an attack. So we just don't do it. *Gasp.* So if anything, you technically booted yourself.

You're advocating that he shouldn't respond the way HIS character normally behaves, but you're allowed to do what you want? No, it doesn't work that way. You spit at him, he attacks, your men respond--then I take them down. Because honestly, I don't like the way you play. Every damn conceivable advantage, I mean shields? Really? Even if you did supposedly come from an army base, some of that gear should have been shed BEFORE you even got to us. Otherwise whats the point in scavenging? I don't think bullets are gonna fire outta energy based weapons. Or a random energy pack for your shields, cause that too has to have an energy source is gonna pop up.

It said the beginning tech had taken a back-step. That's why I chose conventional arms and standard body armor for our troops today. Not "Leper" Rifles or energy shields.

Another thing I wanna bitch about is the fact you stated several times that he is mentally unstable, yet he is allowed to carry a gun. You don't need to be a shrink to notice some who suffers PTSD and carrying a gun is an obvious no-no. The rest of his team should have taken that gun from him a long time ago. You don't let a sticking time bomb walk around with an Uzi. Things get messy, real messy and it gets people killed. Like so.

Your little judo flip might not even be possible. His metal arms could be like mine and grafted TO him. Which means the weight of his body, would crush you. My characters entire upper torso has been replaced with a titanium 'cage' that mimics the human body structure. Machines had to graft his arms both because they are surgically more adept than human hands, AND because they can pick up heavier things. Did you seek him out for this info? Because you really ought to choreograph so that someone DOESNT get killed.

I had a moment with Quiet where I misread the map after he couldn't read it. Now he's totally gonna bitch at me and I'll probably never let it down. But I didn't know he needed the town to be Seattle. I assumed that Boise was the place we needed to be. I was wrong so we made a joke about it. But I asked him about it so we could get on the same page. I didn't just post flippantly and do whatever.

Ya, I'm done after that, you just going all OP like that. I can understand if you turned the move my character did into a roll yourself, or you returned the grab and pulled Mark down with you, but doing that? Twisting mid-air after a superpunch after shooting out a great deal of steam, which seems to be your form of power, then shooting out some more steam, then charging up for another powerful punch with more steam? 1) why aren't the boilers overheating, 2) where is all this water coming from, 3) how are you storing so much steam in such a small space, 4) has everyone ever told you that there is a reason people moved on from steam to fossil fuels and even solar panels, and 5) I didn't know steam was so powerful.

1. Steam IS powerful. Especially when condensed then suddenly released. It has the same effect rather intentional or accidental and that is to say--explosive power.

2. Boilers overheating? Are you kidding? Just because he's using steam power doesn't mean he's got boilers made of cast iron.

3. Where is the water coming from? Oh, I don't now, maybe he harvests the moisture in the air. Thought of that? Your body absorbs water all the time through your skin.

4. Small spaces are HOW steam powered things operate. You HAVE to have it channeled to produce any effect.

5. Uh, yeah we still use steam dude. Its just not mainstream. Have you ever heard of Steam turbines? Yeah they power about 86% of the planets energy.

Is steam a viable power source? Yes. It is. Is it a supper source, no. But then again, none of the current coal, solar or wind sources either that's why we mainly keep them operational. We are still yet undecided on one source. But if anything, we'd probably be in Fission use in the timeline of story.

So Akuma IS NOT overpowered.

And by the way, you're little attempt at a breakdown, is doing the exact thing I was "supposedly" doing and that being to technical. If he wants you to know how his arms work, then he will tell you that information, if not then you should take it as is.
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Okay, think I addressed just about everything in my reply.
@Quiet One :Hahaha, good post. Miles is not gonna live that down I bet. :P But at least he did correct himself!

Also, I was wanting to talk to about your character Luke. I was wanting to cast in an antagonistic character as well.

Either This guy:


or this one:


Do either of them seem compatible with Luke? Maybe they could be in accord with each other. We could add both if you want. If not then I'll bring them in at a later time.
Sorry Sin, but not even close. Remember, Luke's a nano med patient like John. He looks like an ordinary guy, just one who can't be permanently injured. It's this invulnerability, and the fact that he looks so ordinary, that makes him dangerous.

They could make excellent gladiators in Luke's town, though. Or possibly bodyguards, not that he really needs them. Hired Mercs?
They do give off the vibe of being mercenaries, I admit it.

I was just hoping they'd be a threat on the same scale. What about them being his own form of special forces? People that he turns to, to do the jobs that most either can't handle, or because he know's their murderous natures will send a message.

Also I wanted to bring up the idea that at some point you could hold Alexia at gun point--and because Elijah gets quickly attached to her--he could run up and push her out of the way and shot instead (Non-lethal. Shoulder, leg,).
Don't think so on the Alexia thing. He's been with her the second longest amount of time (after Nyla), and he's a fairly nonviolent individual anyway. I don't see him ever doing that to Alexia.

I'd worry about the rest of you, though. You guys are frickin' out of control. ;)
I am quite curious about this, right now I just feel it would be a lot of lore backtracking to get an idea to what is going on and I would need to PM the one leading this on weither or not its fine to be an android, a robot in human form and appearance
Judging by what I read (The Introduction) it would seem its valid because robots were mentioned to exist, but an android with its own unique personality would require a shitton of tech and work to get to work properly, qui?
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Don't think so on the Alexia thing. He's been with her the second longest amount of time (after Nyla), and he's a fairly nonviolent individual anyway. I don't see him ever doing that to Alexia.

I'd worry about the rest of you, though. You guys are frickin' out of control. ;)

@Quiet One : Okay then I'll bring in my baddies a bit later as another threat after we deal with Luke.

I am quite curious about this, right now I just feel it would be a lot of lore backtracking to get an idea to what is going on and I would need to PM the one leading this on weither or not its fine to be an android, a robot in human form and appearance
Judging by what I read (The Introduction) it would seem its valid because robots were mentioned to exist, but an android with its own unique personality would require a shitton of tech and work to get to work properly, qui?

@Mirrei: I don't see why not. With all the modifications Miles has to his body he basically IS an android in all but name.

But please, no laser/plasma weaponry? We had to deal with a guy before that pulled that stunt. He even tried to give himself shielding tech.
Sin: I didn't address your point about the baddies. I actually don't have a problem being mercenaries of Lukes or whatever you said.

Also, in perhaps unnecessary defense of plasma gun guy, I ended up creating a character who can survive a bullet to the head. Our scifi tech is pretty wide ranging here. Though, yes, plasma gun is pushing it a little.

and Mirrei: go for the robot. I think it would feel a real kinship with Miles.
Allright, I will play with a friend a match in league of legends and then set a cs up, after its done please do advice me on balancing the character and if it fits into the lore quite well.
Allright, lets see...

Name: A.M.A. (Attack-mechanized-Android)
(Note: may have to work on the name further)

Age: 6, manufactured in 2124


Height: 170cm (5.5ft)
Weight: 90kg (198.416pnds)

Set up:
-Night Vision
-Thermo Vision
-Damaged short ranged movement Radar

->Left Eye
-Targeting and threat analyzis system

->Right Eye
-Eagle Zoom vision (Damaged)

-Quantum Processor
-Data Storage
-Wireless Global Internet connection (Connection lost)
-Primary AI Defense Unit (Broken)
(Note: Broken so it allows personality developement)
-Emotion Control
-Disfunctional Movement Prediction Targetting System

->Upper Body
-Primary self sufficent Fusion Generator, "The Heart"
-Extra layer of "Skin"
-Secundary AI
-Self Destruct System
-Datacable access
-Extra layer of "Skin"
-Access to inside of the Android

->Left Arm
-Extendable Blade
(The Hand opens up and a blade rises from the chamber hidden within the arm)

->Right Arm
-Marksman Rifle, 7.62x51mm
(Its a long range weapon, which does severe damage to the target if it hits, on close distances it is not going to work well against any high cal automatic weapons)
(The hand opens up to allow quick usage in emergencies)
-Ammo Storage (Upper Right arm/Right Shoulder)
(Needs to be refilled by another person, can only hold 25 bullets)
-Extra layer of "Skin" around the Ammo Storage

->Bottom Body/Legs/Feets
-Enhanced Movement Module
(Note: Damanged)
-Enhanced Flexibility Module
-Enhanced Agility Module
(Note: Damaged)
-Enhanced Speed Module
-Enhanced Jump Module

-5mm Layer of Extremly Elastic Thorium
(Note: It renders the Android Immune against any low cal ammonition, such as 10mm)

Additional Notes:
-Because Tech is rare it means that all of the damaged parts can be repaired if the Gamemaster decides to drop off those required things.
-Additionally because it is an Android every part that gets damaged cannot be fully repaired, a shot off arm cannot be reattached properly, a damaged part may not be able to be fully repaired, dependent on the dmg degree. It means damaged parts need to be replaced entirely by compatible parts. (This serves to balance it, theres a lot, such as nightvision, thermo vision, etc that may overpower a bit too much, means that high risk situations involve great danger. This should give the one leading the conversation the control, too)

During war time the US military decided to invest into mechanical special weapons, an army of elite troops that can be used for the frontline but also for secret missions. The prototype was given any possible enhancement that would aid them in combat. For secret assignments it was attempted to make it look exacly like a human beeing. It was given a mouth, the ability to speak several languages. Then they added a certain part for more desiring men... to make spying and assassination tasks easier for it.
Lastly they planned to produce "SHELL", an extra layer of nano skin to give it a natural looking skin.
They never finished that. The war got to its catastrophic point and soon, the project was forgotten.

6 years later.
Project AMA slumbers. Waiting to be awakened. Will those that find her activate her? Or salvage her for her parts?
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Hmm...Will we? Only Silver will know.
mhm, I hope it is balanced enough. And not too badly written. My english tends to go stupid mode sometimes.

edited weapon usage/left arm weapon after speaking to a friend of its viability
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@Mirrei your character looks good, and I like the way you've balanced her out. So, next question is how will she be awakened? Is she going to be in the city they're currently in? If so, would you like her to maybe, with their players permission, be awakened by the "bad" guys then switch sides over? Or would you prefer to be awakened by the group?

Name: Hazama " Poison " Ishida
Age: 30
Appearance: Beneath his clothing is a vast amount of tattoos, which all lead from his ankles, wrists, and back to his center chest which is a large snake head.
Modifications Done:
Inside of his arms are large single blades that come out to about 7 ft, which lock into place and become hardened like a regular blade. But his blood is is rested upon the blade, his blood has been modified and so has his organs, only a little so that his blood has a higher acidic value making it almost like...poison, the poison gets into the body and spreads throughout it making the body feel as if it was on fire, it works as an illusion poison and as it reaches your brain it messes up your nerves making you feel odd pains and stings which soon over work your body and send you to your death. The blood needs to enter the body in a large amount, no single droplet will kill you, but plenty of cuts from his blades mean that the poison will definitely kill you.

His eyes have been modified so that they narrow out and lock onto a target, but over time his left eye has malfunctioned throwing him off a bit but he has slowly become aware of it and half adjust's his thrusts with how off his eye is.

His teeth have been changed about and are now sharp, very sharp to be exact and put out poison, just like if he was a snake.

He has a small machine in his body which helps the process of creating blood, he had this initial idea so that he would not die from so much blood loss, but the machine still does not push out enough to keep him from being dizzy, woozy or passing out

His arm blades
His teeth
His butterfly knife which he keeps in his right sleeve in a small holding place

Other: He is accompanied by a small boa constrictor which sometimes follows him around on the ground or rests in his sleeves.

History: Hazama was apart of a illegal mafia group, who took technology and used it to their advantage to suit up their members and to own neighborhoods with an iron fist. But Hazama saw this as his ticket to bigger things, when they modified him he took it upon himself to take the group down himself. He had killed them all himself, slipping his blood into their drinks or quietly killing them in alleyways and small gatherings. He had earned the name of Poison, from people around the town and even from the mafia members which he was taking out. But when shit hit the fan, Hazama took off from his home country in Japan. He made his way to america where he thought things would be better, but everything was the same everywhere he went. He had now traveled alone with his pet and had actually been in search of un-hostile human life, Most people out here have become savages but he still thought their was some good people out their...unlike himself.

@Akuma the idea is neat, and he is accepted. But really? snake based guy with a pet snake? *gives you a pout* really?!
totally on purpose, dont worry you will love him...john might not tho..very flirt...
That guy looks like a green haired Gin. xD
No preferences really. I would leave the decision to you. Unless you really dont want to make the decision ^^

Changing site would be quite a challenge actually because the AI would have to understand somehow what is wrong and what is right. It really makes no difference for a time after beeing awaken.
Then again I can very much tinker with how she is awakened and what her analysis of the situation is.

She can also be captured huh, throwing an EMP to render her temporarely useless isnt so difficult.

I wouldnt mind beeing awaken by Ishida either ^^

Just keep in mind, her emotions are new to her and she wont be able to understand what they are or what they mean.