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his arms are layered, the metal inside were water is placed heats up the water, which flows through small openings into another layer of the arm were the steam is then forced through different exit ports. the steam being pressurized and giving him a boost. the heat doesn't just turn off after being used, when activated it continuously makes steam until he is finished using it it has not even come close to enough time for it to over heat. and his arms have two separate heaters which can be on at the same time, and the second punch had been charging as before when he was walking both arms were hissing. And you grabbed him by the arm and began pulling him, all it would take is for him to lean in with it and rotate. i can do that and like i said Kuroi is light so his body is much easier to move. And im not aloud to have a built in gyroscope? you came in here with shields, so a gyroscope is out of the question? im pretty sure this i not modern times as i was informed, this is leaning towards the more sci-fi future type deal if im not wrong. If so its an easy fix
A gyroscope connects to a computer, not an organic brain. And a gyroscope relies on electricity, not steam.

And boilers in the size of an arm would not produce nearly that much power, to give a moose a beating in one hit.
and the fist thrown is not the same fist he pulled away, its the opposite fist
Steam is not the energy you should use for arm-sized energy generation. Steam isn't that efficient, or powerful. Solar panels, sure, tiny fusion reactor, improbable but more plausible with the uses you want.

It's like taking a wooden stick, and calling it a steel longsword with equal sharpness, weight, durability.
his arms are charged by electricity, he uses solar for his arms, which was stated in previous post (first appearance with the group), the moose is an over exaggeration, and im sure steam was good enough to get a train going, All im saying is that in an advance timeline steam can still be used and steam can be efficient when pressurized as most things are, when released from a state it can give a boost. and when i chose to use steam i went by the guideline of don't go overboard, and plus if kuroi dies i already had another character ready to go. He was my test run. And no the new character is not set up to be defensive against everyone's abilities. i dont know why you have to quit the rp, people die its part of the rp world.
Because Mark wouldn't stick around with a group that seems to be attacking him because he's a soldier. There is no reason to stick with a group that is more likely to kill him than help him keep from being killed.
and i dont know if you realized but the fist was fired off after he pulled his arm from under you, and dont blame the group on kuroi lol
Kuroi is part of the group. If one of them is hostile towards him, then his example will be assumed to reflect the rest of the group. He knows none of them, so if one messes it up, then it's messed up.
welp i guess that sucks, so ya just going to drop out
That's how it works with people. If there is a group, and one of the group makes a bad impression, then that's the impression the group has on the person.

Especially since the first impression was an explosive to the face when he was ready to hold up a white flag and discuss. Another part of the group increases the probability that another will attack, if you think in logic and reasoning, regardless of emotion but rather of chance and probability. Which is how Mark thinks.
I already said I was leaving, so you can continue playing. I was the one that apparently started it, so why are you the one leaving?
i got the whole group thing dont have to explain it to me, good having ya around then i mean make another character if you want to stay :/ you can travel along with my new character if you wish, hes much more docile and well thought out than Kuroi, and he left because i really cant deal with kuroi
im just making a new char, since kuroi was long ago....nevermind, i just wanted a new character that im more comfortable with
No idea I'm trying to catch up lol I'm sorta all sorts of lost still and I need to make my notifications email me and I'm doin this all from my cell wich is way more dificult than a laptop :( once I get my school money sometime after monday my butt is getting a new computer lol anyways back on track lol um ill just have to think about it so far I gothet occupies with family and sorta extened to a friend or to so yea I guess I might make her at least ccurious...sorry thinking and typing at the same time usually eqyals into lots of jabber lol
Okay, now I don't know who to address first: Miles for telling us where we are, Alexia to see that she's okay, that boy of Sin's, or Oddsman's trigger happy soldiers.
No idea I'm trying to catch up lol I'm sorta all sorts of lost still and I need to make my notifications email me and I'm doin this all from my cell wich is way more dificult than a laptop :( once I get my school money sometime after monday my butt is getting a new computer lol anyways back on track lol um ill just have to think about it so far I gothet occupies with family and sorta extened to a friend or to so yea I guess I might make her at least ccurious...sorry thinking and typing at the same time usually eqyals into lots of jabber lol

@MissMaine : That's okay, I was just curious. All that has really happened was things got crazy Between Oddsman and I, I saved Kuroi, you, and Wolf (Hot Paint) I put you all in the back of the truck. Then Silver time skipped us, we had to skim some of our items down--Which to be honest, I still declare is exaggerated. But at least we got out of the woods, and are in Seattle, and I posted a pic of what it looks like when I introduced Elijah. Who by the way tried to rob Alexia, and rather than it being a funny scene where he actually saves her from snakes and has a met down because that is totally the opposite thing he should have done--Oddsmans character once again stormed the scene unbelievably and ruined the moment. Then it turned into WWIII all over again when Kuroi and Oddsmans character Mark got into a pissing contest, which resulted in Mark opening fire.

Oddsmans portrayal of a US soldier has greatly offended me as I am a vet of Iraq. We would never ever act like that. Even if the world goes to shit.

Mark opened fired, which caused Elijah to open fire although Elijah is terrified, so nobody really has to be hit. He hid in a dumpster. Miles told John they are in Seattle which is where Luke is, Luke is the leader of the group Elijah belongs to. Mark and Kuroi ran away, Oddsmans out of the story, Kuroi is out but Akuma is writing up another character.

@HotPaint : You might want to edit your post where you climb in the dumpster with Elijah. But don't expect a friendly welcome, he just got shot at he's quite shaken.

Okay, now I don't know who to address first: Miles for telling us where we are, Alexia to see that she's okay, that boy of Sin's, or Oddsman's trigger happy soldiers.

@Quiet One : Adress Miles, then Alexia, react to the gunfire and fighting, then focus on Elijah.