Furred love.

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" Well there is a dance this comeing weekend and i would like you to take me to it. " She said with a sly smile.
"Seriously ? Why me and you should quickly know I'm not all that much of a dancer at all" he blushes looking away nervously
She smiled. " I don't care. I just want you to come with me and have a good time. " She said as she dried her self off.
"Alright alright I'll take you to that dance" he smiled softly still growing a red blush on his face now and then
" Yayyy! " She said as she jumped up with joy. " Now looks like the party is about to end so we might want to get back to our dorms. " She said as she gatherd her clothes.
"Indeed. See you at the weekend then" he smiles giving her a soft hug
she hugged back as she walked to her car and got in, she then started it as she then drove off to her dorm.
Jamie walked back to his own dorm with a smile on his face as he had made a very friendly, new and sexy friend for the night
She smiled as she walked to her room and yawned then got ready for bed. A few days went by as she smiled. She was in her room getting ready for the dance as she looked at her clock. " Well he better be ready by the time i get there. " She said as she got up and walked out to her car.
Jamie had just finished getting himself dressed up for the dance as he made his way to their destination "well lets see how this goes" he thought to himself
She arrived to the place where the dance is at and smiled as she spotted jamie. " Well don't you look handsom.. " She said as she smiled walking up to him in her dress.
"And don't you look beautiful" he chuckled with a blush as he looked over her body and dress
She smiled. " Thank you. Now lets go in there and have some fun. " She said as she smiled and hooked arms with him as she began to walk into the building.
He smiled having his arm Hooked with hers as they walked inside the building "yep. Lets have fun" he chuckles
she msiled as she walked in. " Lets go get some punch first. " She said as she smiled to him. " Maybe one of your friends will think you got a girl friend. " she said with a giggle.
"Heh..boy that would be nice" he chuckled walking over to the punch bowl with her "any of your friends here ?" He smiled
" Actually no all my freinds are out on vacation so i have the room all to myself. " She said with a smile. " Well then. " She said as she then grabbed a cup and put some punch in it and then took a sip.
He sipped from his own cup and smiled as he looked over her again "well then lets make tonight a good night" he smiled
" Yes lets. " She said as she finished her drink and pulled him to the dance floor.