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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
that....kinda...idk. but make it interesting :D
He's already an oddball, since he's a human amongst beasts.

He's also paranoid and over reacts alot he's certainly not a bland human teenager
I'm pretty sure if Lightning were real he could wait a LOOONG time XDD
Axel would use that to his advantage. When bored...threaten to eat the human >=P
Erm, not sure how that would play out, it might end up with Lightning hiding somewhere really dark or using his his more "shocking" talents to make axel pass out while Lightning disappeared
Damn straight. But Jace would probably have the guy's head :P
Jace: You shouldn't. -.-

Axel: *grabs popcorn*
Lightning: -bad poker face- Haha hey....animal people.......didn't see you there.....
lol @ the poker face fail...

Jace: *glare*
Axel: *waves index finger of the hand holding a fist full of popcorn.* Hey man. How goes it?
Lightning: -starts to hyperventilate just a tad- ....what?
Axel: *looks at Jace and scowls at his bother-figure before poking him* Stop glaring. The kid's gonna get a hernia...
Jace: *turns glare toward Axel.
Axe: (completely immune to said glare) *looks back at Lightning and raises eyebrow* "You okay, man?"