Full Moon

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Layla smiled as Andrew offered his companionship and told her to sleep. She would as soon as she had something to eat. However, she noticed he had given her back her money. She gasped as she looked at the money. "Wait, you don't-" The man left before she could properly finish. Sighing, the woman left the money where it was set and started to eat the food Andrew had brought up to her. It wasn't long before the food was all gone, the woman hadn't eaten in quite a while. With her stomach full and everything and her safety confirmed, the woman crawled underneath the blankets and curled up. She soon fell asleep, a hand on her stomach. Before Andrew went back to his room, he would see the strange letter obviously meant for the wolves. If he opened it, he would see a missing person's poster. The picture quite clearly showed Layla though she didn't have bruises or the large clothes. She seemed happy in the photo. Underneath, there was a letter addressing all werewolves in the area. It read:

Dear Fellow Wolves,

The white star pack has lost one of our beloved members. We do not know if she ran away or if she was taken from us. We worry for her as she had been feeling sick before she went missing. She's been missing for three days, and we are extremely worried something may have happened. If you have any information please contact us. Thank you, and please keep your packs safe.

Rick, Alpha of White Star.
Andrew sat on his bed reading and rereading the letter sent out from the white star pack. Had Andrew not seen Laula's face and back, he might have told the pack she was here. But he wouldn't do that now. He got up from the bed, and went to his books. He quickly found Layla's name and erased it. He moved it back a day trying his best to copy her hand writing. As far as he could tell they looked the same, but he could only do so well. He would contact her pack. He would say she came in a few days ago, she was alone and looked like she was running away. He would say how she paid cash, took the keys and left. He had no contact with her otherwise. When he went to her room the next morning to see if things were okay she was already gone. No one would know that she was still here, or anything else about what was really going on. It would throw them off her trail. He ran a a hotel, obviously everything would be cleaned daily, and no trace of her would be left. She would be safe as long as they were fooled.
The next morning Layla was up early. She looked around before quickly moving to clean up. She had to figure out what else she was going to do. Andrew had offered protection but she couldn't stay in the hotel forever. She had to go back to school once her break was over, find a job, and get an apartment. She looked at the money, sighing as she realized Andrew had really given it back to her. Taking the money and pocketing it, she left and locked her room, keeping the keys close. She walked down to try and find Andrew, hoping to the heavens above that no one noticed her. She didn't have a hood up so people could quite clearly see her beat up face. Despite her prayers and wishes, people were starting to rise and move about the hotel, whether going to get a breakfast or just to explore. Layla kept her head down, not looking where she was going as she tried to just get to the front desk where she hoped Andrew would be waiting.
Andrew had a rough night but tried his best to his it as he sat down behind the front desk. He couldn't calm himself downto sleep, and a few time he would get up and stand outside Layla's room. He had a master key to get in if he needed but that wasn't the point. It comforted him knowing that it was only the two of them that could go into her room. He would stand outside for a few moments, before heading back to his room. He also couldn't get that letter out of his mind. He would make his reply today, but what was he to do if they came. He wouldn't be able to his her scent if she was still here. Maybe if he kept her in his room and cleaned the room from last night quickly he wouldn't have to worry so much. But there was nothing that said his plan would work. He didn't even know how Layla would feel about it. He wondered if he could call his old alpha, ask for a bit of help but he couldn't. He had split from that pack too long ago to ask for help now. He sat behind the front desk watching people leave a few checking out as they went about their lives, not knowing a thing about Layla.
As Layla walked downstairs, she noticed Andrew immediately. The closer she got, the more she noticed how tired the man looked. Concerned, Layla kept her head down and walked up to him. "Are you all right?" She asked, looking concerned. "You look tired... But I wanted to thank you again for last night. You really didn't have to give me back my money." She made sure to try and keep her healing bruises out of sight. "I'd like to do something to repay you. Do you need help around the hotel? Or maybe something else I could do to help you?" The young she wolf watched Andrew carefully as some people moved to check out. As she was standing, an older man noticed the bruises and way she held herself. Assuming the worst he walked over to her and tapped on her shoulder. Layla jumped at the sudden contact.

"Are you okay, Miss?" The man asked, shocked by the severity of the bruises. "Do you need help?" He held the scent of a human who probably wouldn't understand Layla's position as well as try to take her away from Andrew if he got the wrong idea. "Is this man your boyfriend? Is he hurting you?" The man continued before Layla could respond, looking skeptically at Andrew.
Andrew was a bit surprised to Layla down stairs, especially without any covering of her face. "I'm fine, just a sleepless night." Andrew said, sitting up a bit as he looked to her with a smile. "But you should rest, let your body heal. I'm fine with the help around here. You just worry about yourself for right now. But I would like to speak with you about..." Andrew was interrupted when the human came into the conversation. The moment he had asked if Andrew had been the one to do it, his wolf freaked. He quickly stood and pulled Layla into his arms. "No, I didn't hunt her. I would never hurt her. I am protecting her from the one who did." He half growled. Andrew's scent changed as he held Layla close to him glaring at the human. Had the human been able to smell it, he would have known to back away. Andrew was ready to fight him if he touched Layla again or said one more word.

Andrew blinked a few times as he got control of his wolf. "I'm... I'm sorry." He said, his grip on Layla loosened but he didn't let go of her. "We... We're childhood friends, she's like the little sister I never had. I'm just a little pissed still that this happened to her. Please, forgive my out bust." He said, hoping the human wouldn't think his actions too strange. However, his scent was still agitated, ready to attack if needed.
The human man blinked as Andrew reacted angrily, taking Layla into a protective yet soft embrace. He wasn't hurting her, and he didn't seem to be lying. The older man looked to Layla to see if she had any fear in her eyes. The young woman looked surprised by the sudden embrace, but she didn't look scared. If anything, she looked a little shocked by the amount of protectiveness. Seeing that everything seemed to be fine, the older man nodded and left the two. Layla blinked as her wolf responded to the sudden aggression Andrew had started to exude. At first it had scared her as she worried it was aimed toward her, but soon her own wolf reassured her that he was trying to protect what was his, though Layla had to shake the thought away. She wasn't his, and she wouldn't be anyone's for quite a while. Remembering that Andrew had something to discuss, Layla pulled on his shirt. "Hey, why don't we move to the back room... You said you had something to talk with me about, yeah?" The wolves who had come down whether for breakfast or whatever reason avoided Andrew as best as they could, recognizing the smell as one that screamed willingness to fight.
Andrew watched the human leave, half glaring at him as he did. He looked at the other people in the lobby, making sure not of them came near them, or more specifically came near Layla. He looked down when Layla said they should go to the back room, and he gave a quick look around the lobby before slowly moving to the back room, never taking his arm away from Layla's shoulders.

It wasn't until he got to the back room, where they were alone and he knew it did he start to calm down. He then realized he was still holding Layla, and with wide eyes stepped back. "Sorry." He quickly said, looking away awkwardly with a flush on his face. It had just felt so nice holding Layla, he forgot he was doing it. He turned and went to a little desk with papers and looked for the letter. "This is what I wanted to talk to you about." He said, holding it out to her. He didn't want to get to close to her again, but only because he didn't trust himself. He would let Layla set the boundaries between them.
Raising an eyebrow, Layla took the letter and read through it quickly. Her eyes widened as her grip tightened on the paper. Her whole frame started to shake as she looked up at Andrew. "What am I going to do?" She asked, fear starting to heavily taint her scent. "I-I can't let them find me! But I can't put you in trouble too... If I know Rick then I know he won't stop until all of his pack is together again. I-If Rick brings h-hi-him..." Tears welled up in her eyes as she tried to hug herself, curling to try and protect her stomach. "P-ple-ease help me..." She whimpered as she looked at the man in front of her. "I ca-an't let him fi-ind me aga-again..." She shivered and took a step toward Andrew, hoping he would wrap her up in his embrace again. Despite her wishes to not involve Andrew as much as she could, there was simply no way she could leave when her pack was after her. "I don't want to go back! They'll make me get rid of her and I don't want to!" She sobbed, finally taking the last step that let her lean against Andrew. "The-they sa-aid that she-e would ruin the pack but I ca-can't ge-et rid of her! She deserves more!"
Andrew was a bit hesitant to wrap his arms around Layla. However, as she leaned against him, he couldn't stop himself. He pulled Layla to him tightly, nuzzling at her hair. He was trying to calm her down. He wouldn't let them harm her. He said he would protect her, he was her friend, he would keep his promise. He tried to understand what she had been saying. What did she mean they would make her get rid of 'her'? Who was she with? She was alone, besides for him, wasn't she? He then realized how she was always wrapping her arms around her stomach. He had pasted it off as trying to hug herself, make herself feel better. But this was more. This is why her scent was demanding he protect her. Why she had looked afraid when he had said his wolf was acting like she was his mate.

He wrapped his arms around her tighter, his need to protect her stronger than before, and that was easily indicated in his scent. He gently started to scent her, he wanted her as his. Not just his wolf anymore. Andrew wanted her to be beside him where he would take care of her. He would show her what a real relationship was supposed to be like. His wolf was half in control of his body as he leaned down and lightly kissed her cheek. "I won't let them take you from me." He whispered, before going back to rubbing his scent on her.
Layla could feel herself relax into the man as he scented her, knowing he was most likely only doing so to protect her if another male wolf tried to claim her before she was ready. The fear had started to dissipate from her scent only to spike again at the kiss. This was too fast. This was far too fast. She could handle hugs but kisses meant relationships. Kisses meant potential mates. Kisses meant danger. Layla's muscles tensed at the kiss, her whole body frozen as she expected a hit or some other form of pain to follow. When the man stated he wouldn't let her pack take her away, she relaxed a bit. The lack of pain helped calm the adrenaline running through her body. He wouldn't hurt her. At least, he wouldn't yet. Despite this she still didn't want to move so fast into a relationship with a man she barely knew. "Th-thank you..." She whispered, moving away from the man after letting him get one last scent rub in. "I really appreciate you helping me..." She wanted to explain to him how uncomfortable the kiss had made her, but the risk of hurting his feelings was all too great for the young she wolf. So she kept quiet. She was about to ask what their plan was when two new scents entered the hotel. One smelled of power and dignity, obviously an alpha. The other held a prideful and extremely masculine scent. They walked up to the counter as one rang the bell to try and call a worker. "That's them... That's them! How did they get here so fast? They can't see me!" Layla whispered, looking up at Andrew with desperate eyes.
Andrew had felt her tense after he had kissed her. He felt terrible for doing it. She had said she didn't want him as a mate, he shouldn't be indulging his wolf. Thankfully she calmed when he just continued to scent her. However, as the two new scents enter his hotel, he growled lightly at the door and he held Layla closer to him. "Don't worry. my scent is covering you right now, and they shouldn't be able to smell you on me. Stay back here, I'll send them away." Andrew leaned down to kiss Layla's cheek again, but stopped. He couldn't do that, he knew he couldn't. He took a step back and walked out into the lobby. "Hello, what can I help you with." He said with a smile. He gave a light head nod to the alpha, acknowledging his power.
The alpha stood tall, taller than Andrew as his salt and pepper hair lay in a ruffled mess. He hadn't shaven in a while, stubble lining his muscled jaw. The man's body was chiseled, speaking of a lot of power as he kept his broad shoulders back. "Hello, we just wanted to know if you've seen a young woman come in recently? See, we've lost someone important to us and she's been missing for three days. We've tried the police, but they said they couldn't help us. My name's Rick, and this is Lawrence." The blond beside Rick nodded. "We were looking for a short woman, with brown hair and green eyes. She probably was wearing a green jacket. Her name is Layla." The man watched Andrew as the blond, now known as Lawrence, took a quick look around.

After seeing no one other than the three of them, Lawrence piped up. "We think she ran away because she was interested in me, but I already have a mate. She might be running to try and either get away from the temptation or keep the pack together by staying away from me. However, she's part of our pack, so we're worried for her, of course." His scent smelled of a different woman, but for the trained noses they could smell a hint of Layla underneath the unknown woman and Lawrence's own scent. A subtle hint of Layla's blood also flitted underneath the first two scents, unnoticeable to those who weren't searching for them. Despite the claim, there was no bite mark on his neck, no proof of the supposed mate he had.
Andrew had a good nose for detecting subtleties. After working in a hotel for as long as he did, he had to get use to it. He could smell a bit of Layla's blood coming from Lawrence, but didn't act on it nor let his scent let them know anything. He needed to keep Layla hidden. "Oh my, I hope she is okay." Andrew said. "Let me look at my books, one second." He was so glad that he had changed them last night. He never would have known they would be coming in person today. He flipped through it a bit, until where he found her name. "Here's a Layla that came in two days ago, and it seems she left yesterday morning. I'm sorry that I don't remember a face." Andrew said. He looked at the fake room number he had given her. "I wish I could take you to the room she stayed in, but it has already been cleaned and someone else in it. I'm sorry that is all I can do for you." Andrew said closing the book.

"But I just have some advice before you leave." Andrew said. "If your missing pack member is running away or is in fear of Lawrence, wouldn't it be better if he didn't come with you?" He asked the Alex. Andrew knew not to anger an Alpha, especially one that was bigger than him. "I'm just thinking she could be scare and run if she saw him. Having a she-wolf with you might be a better idea to help calm her down. But that is just my opinion." He said. He didn't want to offend the Alpha by judge his decisions.
The two nodded and were about to leave when Andrew decided to give them advice. Lawrence and Rick turned back, Lawrence sniffing the air around him. "Originally I was going to bring a she-wolf, but Lawrence knows her scent best. So, I thought it would be better to have him come with so he could track a trail. We actually were about to pass your hotel when he caught a whiff of her scent lingering by the door." Lawrence's eyes gleamed as he leered at the room where Layla stood.

"Are you sure she isn't here anymore? I'm catching a fresh trail of her scent toward that room there." Lawrence pointed to the door to the room, his eyes gleaming like a hunter finally catching his hunt. "Do you think maybe we could take a peek and see if she maybe left something here? It might help us to know where to search next."
Andrew turned towards the door, fearing that Layla was probably right up against the door, trying to hear. She should be as far away from the door as possible. How could he protect her if she was risking her own life? He turned back to the other to wolves. "That's were the laundry is taken. You're probably getting something from where the old sheets. I doubt those will tell you anything. I'm really sorry I couldn't help you out more. I'll keep my eyes out for her, and I'll ask around. A lot of wolves come here, as well as humans. I'll let you know if anything passes by me." Andrew said, really wanting them out of the hotel.

Thankfully, a small family came in at the moment, and started talking to him. He couldn't, and didn't want to answer anymore questions the wolves had to offer. Lawrence had 'his own mate' to deal with, and if the Alex was as good an Alpha as he acted then he would obviously see Lawrence was lying. He didn't like this alpha or the other male and he wanted them out.
The two men looked at each other before leaving with a nod. The wolves left Andrew off to do his job, but Lawrence gave Andrew a glare before leaving. It took a good ten minutes before Layla finally came out of the back room, having hidden in the room in case the other wolves had tried to seek her out in there. Carefully she walked up to Andrew. "Th-they're gone, right?" She crossed her arms across her chest, glancing around the lobby to see if the wolves were there. "I tried to hide in the room just in case they tried to come in and look for me." She ran a hand through her hair, looking up at Andrew with nervousness and hope. "Y-you sent them away, right?"
Andrew turned when he heard Layla come out of the office and smiled. "Yeah their gone. But I'm not sure if they might come back. I told them you were here about two days ago, and left yesterday. I didn't remember a face, but the room you stayed in was already cleaned and reoccupied. Lawrence did catch a bit of your scent from the other room, but I said it was just probably old sheets and they meant nothing." He said. He wished to hold her again. He liked holding her. He just wanted to be close to her. And if a friend was all she would allow close to her, then that's what he would be.
Layla smiled as Andrew told her that he had managed to send them away. "Thank you so much." She froze a bit, her eyes looking between the wolf and the stairs to her room. She flicked between both before taking a tentative step toward Andrew. She raised her arms, leaning back slightly before almost lunging in for the hug. The woman was careful, almost fearful as she initiated the affection. "I still want to help you somehow. It doesn't feel right if you won't take money for the room..." She lowered her head, using her hair to try and hide her face as people walked through the lobby of the hotel. "I-I can help clean the rooms or help you at the front desk i-if you need it or maybe even help you make something or do laundry..." She looked up at Andrew, wanting to do something to repay the man who had already done so much for her.
Andrew was shocked as Layla hugged him. He was hesitant for a moment before he wrapped his arms around her tightly. He didn't know when would be the next time he would be able to hold her, so he relished this moment. He lightly nuzzled her head. He couldn't help but like holding her and being this close to her.

"I'm sorry, I can't accept your money. I protect you because I want to. If I take your money or let you help out, it makes me feel like your making me protect you." Andrew said. He rested his fingers under her chin and lifted her head up and smiled down at her. "Layla, all I want from you right now, is to heal. Let your body heal from what that bastard did. As long as you stay safe and okay, that's all payment I need." He leaned down a bit, planing to kiss her forehead, but stopped before he touched her. She wasn't his mate. He couldn't act on his feelings for her. He shifted a bit and just rested his cheek on the top of her head and he held her close. This was okay. He would protect her, and she would be happy. That's all he wanted.
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