Fruits Basket

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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:3 its weird how in the manga the birds curse is already broken xD i love the manga.
Someone might as well use the last zodiac animal. I'm surprised we got them all almost :D
Mouija is now 23.
She has celebrated her 23rd birthday yesterday.
Things lookin' good! We got almost all of the animals and yay! Another boy character! I will do my best with Hideki since I haven't roleplayed as a guy in quite a while. I'm glad that this idea took off so well. Seriously, I'm excited to get to rp with all of you ^_^
o.e reading through all the comments and everyone talking about me and thinking "What? I mean, I'd like to be friends, but how do you know that we'll be good friends?"

And then I remember there's a character called Lulu.
WolfNight: Your character is accepted, and I love the cow picture!

CrimsonMaiden: I know! When I first made this I really didn't expect so many people to join. I can't wait to finally start rping with everyone. ^.^

Koene: I didn't notice this at first, but my character's name is spelled wrong on the list. Her name is Kimika not Kimiko. It's a really small mistake, but I thought I might as well point it out anyway. :)
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yeah got a problem with 13 year old nick name is Lulu
Koene: I'd hate to bother you with such a small detail but if you're going to fix it anyways it's 'AlvAn' not 'AlvIn'.

Haha, thanks Shizuka! ^_^ When is the roleplay starting????

I don't even know how it's going to work with so many people, I'm a little bit worried it'll have 'floating/standstill characters'
It's still gonna be fun I bet, but I think that might be a problem. I dunno, we'll see
I bet so!
I would love to play as my weird peeps.
Twas an honor joining your amazing role play.
Yeah, I was wondering about that too. I guess we'll find out once we start, which I hope will be soon. I'm just waiting for Lovelessesbutterfly to make the head of the Sohma family since it's a pretty important character.
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Hmm~ I see the worry there... We'll be alright :) In the least our characters will have to be in contact with NPC's so we could be keeping things moving in those scenes, no pun intended xD

I'm so excited~ Is it just me or is making a character for a fandom rp just a tad more fun than making them for an original rp? I'm starting to feel this way after this one and the pokemon I've joined. lol
This is my first make-your-character-for-a-fandom rp. The fandom rps I joined used canon character (Tamaki is fun to play xD) but I bet this'll be really cool too

Hurry up lovelessbutterfly! I had to keep my dog impatience on a chain and whack him with a newspaper a few times :3
By NPCs I mean the characters our characters will interact with that aren't the other roleplayers. Like, at the restaurant Niki will deal with a lot of people who will create situations for her. Of course, how much interaction can still be up to Shizuka, but we should be talking to the other people in the world. Using the NPCs may help with "floating/standingstill characters".
This is just a little brainstorming on the matter because I like to solve problems before they get too big :)

Yes, please hurry LovelessButterfly! We're counting on you OTL
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