Friends, Crushes and Vodka 2

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Toni would but he doesn't swing that way. :P
Toni's a girl.
*gives Shadow a cookie* Yes, yes she is. Otherwise her name would be spelled Tony. She's still going to have a massive crush on TK, unless Syelle doesn't want her to.
X3 TK: Soon to be the town's SEATLESS bicycle.
TK will definitely encourage flirting, even with girls - but that's just his nature, he won't want to... penetrate / bone / have the intercourse with?
Sorry, I'm struggling for a socially appropriate alternative for "sex" here.. D;
those seem socially acceptable to me. :P

Sims ftw
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Randy could crush on TK. Don't feel bad, Randy is getting no crushes either.
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Not to be the town bicycle, but I'm willing to hash out specific friendships for Toni with everyone.
Akira would totes want to be the bike, she'd love the attention~ xD
Toni and TK get coffee every Tuesday and order in on Thursdays!

Also, if we're doing the birthday idea, TK will strip for free; since he is you know, a strip-o-gram.

Evidently he's AWFUL at getting presents and ALWAYS strips ;D
Just trying to decide who the sluttiest character should be. The usual. :D

More importantly, whose the sloppiest drunk?!
Definitely not Darian. He'd drink enough to make him speak his mind a little more, but not enough to get drunk.
Toni still thinks getting shit-faced is fun and does it on a regular basis.

@Syelle - coffee every Tuesday and order in on Thursdays sounds like a plan. Currently planning on being a flatmate or housemate with Darian (and whomever else wants in).

Also, must remember to bring plenty of 1s to the b-day party.
Well, I don't know about sloppy, but Isaac could drink most people under the table >.>