Freaks Like Us

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Tim glanced over toward Seth, quirking a small smile. "Good. I'm very sure Kurureenu would prefer that you were not at risk of falling into a coma before we figure out some way to get her," he told him, glancing back at the rearview as they hit the highway. "I already informed the others of what happened. They'll probably be meeting us up back at mom's. I check you out there and we'll all come up with a plan."
Seth scowled a little. "I don't think I'm going to fall into a coma, somehow or the other. I'm too freaking pissed off." He said. He kept quiet for the rest of the drive, leaning his head against the head rest and watching the world go by. When they came to the house, he got out. He almost fell again as he got out of the car, but caught the car door to steady himself. He gritted his teeth. His concussion needed to clear up, and fast.
They got back to the house and Tim rushed over to the other side of the car help the injured Seth. "Careful. Let's get you inside so I can fix you up. Tiff, get the door for me." As the girl went ahead to get the door, Tim kept speaking to Seth. "I know you don't want to be here long and help Kurureenu. We all want to help her and we're aware that time is of the essence. You know OMEN the best, though. Do you think we have time right now to get Kurureenu?"
He sighed, thinking. It was late, and he got the impression that they had something more in mind. He knew the way that they thought, and he was pretty sure that kidnapping Ku was the smallest part of their plan. As they made it into the kitchen, he sat down, his head starting to spin unpleasantly again. "I'd say we've got about twenty four hours before they really start causing trouble. If we haven't tried anything in twenty four hours, they'll think we've made a run for it and will take it out on Ku."
Once Tim had him sitting down, he left the two in the room before walking out, his presence being replaced by Miss Rose. "What's this I'm hearing about someone taking what out on Reeny?" she asked, announcing her presence with a question. Her attention went straight to Tiff, giving her a brief introduction before seeing Tim walk in with his bag. "Oh, dear, you don't want to see Tim perform, trust me. Let me show you around."

Tim knelt down by Seth, flashlight in hand and checking his responses. "We'll try to take action as soon as we can, but we're going to need you up and active in order to do so. Kurureenu won't have much hope with us blindly charging in to try to get her, now will she?" he responded, sitting up straight in front of Seth. "Despite the beating you got, I think you only have a minor concussion. It won't take long for it to subside and for the swelling to go down. You need to relax and let it run its course."
"Certainly doesn't feel minor." Seth muttered, but beneath it all, he was glad that it wasn't anything serious. That would at least mean he was back in action quicker. "So basically, sleep it off and I should be fine? Because we don't have time for me to spend days recovering, and you will not keep me cooped up for that long." He asked, raising his eyebrows.
Tim nodded, closing his bag and putting it aside. "I'm very much aware that time is of the essence, Seth. Now, if you would like, I can let you sleep on the futon in the other room. This way we can avoid the stairs and you can be on a quicker route to recovery," he told him holding out his hand to Seth.
Stubborn as always, Seth refused the help. "Yeah, that sounds good. I'll see you in the morning, Tim." He headed into the sitting room and sat down on the couch, running his hands over his hair. He just hoped that they wouldn't touch Ku for another while. If she got hurt because of his stupidity, he'd never forget himself. He stretched out on the futon and fell asleep faster than he was expecting.
The rest of the house came home and had discussed and argued about the circumstances in careful whispers. Shortly thereafter, they all straggled off to bed by Tim's orders to further discuss the situation in the morning. After a few hours had passed, Miss Rose crept through the house, starting her work in the kitchen like every morning. This time, as the smells started to drift through the house, she went over to Seth, gently shaking the sleeping man.

"Seth, dear, how are you feeling now?" she asked softly, a tired old smile on the woman's face.
When Seth woke up, it felt like someone was pounding sledgehammers against his cranium. Despite the headache though, his head felt much clearer. Nothing a few painkillers wouldn't sort out. It took him a second to remember what had happened. When he did though, his stomach twisted ulpleasantly.. He smiled a little at Miss Rose. "Better, thanks, Miss Rose. By any chance, do you have some painkillers?"
The older woman smiled gently down toward him and nodded, standing up a bit straighter. "In the bathroom, take your choice. My son makes sure we're stocked up on anything that can help," she answered, moving a bit to let him get through a little more easier. "When you're done, you can head to the kitchen and dish up. I'm going to get the rest of the gang up for breakfast." She then excused herself to exit the room.
He stood up and smiled at her. "Thanks, Miss Rose." He headed into the bathroom and found his preferred brand of painkillers, swallowing two dry and staring at himself in the mirror. His hair was a mess. He was pale, and there was dried blood on the side of his face. He washed it off, running his damp hands over his hair to try and tidy it up a bit. Ku would probably tell him that it was cuter messed up. He swallowed and gritted his teeth. He wasn't going to let them hurt her.

He headed into the kitchen and put some food onto his plate, taking his usual spot at the table.
Eventually Miss Rose reentered the kitchen, soon followed by the group of Kurureenu's roommates straggling in. Scarlet started a pot of coffee while the others sat down, bleary eyed from sleep. After a few moments, the group finally settled in for the meal, each one silently eating while they slowly woke up for the day. Tim watched the group from the rim of his coffee, his sight settling down on Seth.

"How are you feeling today, Seth?" he asked, breaking the silence of the breakfast table.
Seth shrugged. "Better. Got a killer headache, but besides that, I'm fine. Still pissed off though. So, when are we going in?" He asked, taking a sip of his own coffee and raising his eyebrows.
Tim narrowed his gaze toward Seth for a moment before putting down his mug. "Once we have a plan," he told Seth before starting on his breakfast. "The one who knows the facilities best would be you, Seth. You would also be the one who knows where Kurureenu would have been taken. The rest of us will provide support in any way we can to the plan."
Seth nodded. "Right. Well, there's a basement under the headquarters that they tend to do their dirty work in. Only OMEN officers know about it, so it's unlikely that anybody else would stumble upon it. I'd guess that's where they're keeping her. Has anyone got like a flipchart or a whiteboard or something? I think that I'd be able to draw out a floor plan."
Tim nodded slightly, listening to him speak. "I have a dry erase board in the other room. One moment," he informed, excusing himself from the table and disappearing from the room. He returned with the board and a container of markers and set it up on the counter and leaning against the cabinets. "It's all yours," he announced, handing off the container of markers to Seth.
Seth nodded and stood up, bringing his coffee with him. He started drawing out a rough diagram of the office. It took him a few tries before he was happy with it, before moving onto the basement. It only too him one try to get that out to his satisfaction, and then he turned around to face the others.

"Right. So, obviously, we can't just storm in the front door. We'd be faced with an entire office of OMEN officers, most of whom are probably doing paperwork and bored off of their asses, so if they get a chance for a bit of action, they'll jump at it. There is, however, a back entrance, usually only accessible by OMEN officers. But I should be able to get us in- I forgot my keycard on more than one occasion and had to learn how to get in without it. The back way is also the quickest route to the basement. There are four rooms in the basement- two for filing and two for doing the dirty work. The archives are the biggest and the closest to the stairs, and then you have the two other rooms. I can't call what one of them she'll be in.

"Now, ideally, a team of us no smaller than four and no bigger than six will go. We'll need at least two lookouts, and I'll want someone with me to help get Ku out, just in case I was wrong about the timing. You'll have to be able and prepared to fight, and you'll have to be able to run. I'm not going to ask for loyalty here- staying behind to help somebody even though you know it could end in both of you getting captured- or worse- is foolish. So, who's in?"
The group watched him quietly for a few moments as he drew on the bored, some slowly sipping at their coffee while the others slowly nibbled at the food on their plate. The audience Seth had was slowly becoming more alert as he continued on. When he was done explaining everything, the room fell silent for a few beats. Eventually, Jack straightened up.

"I'll go!" he exclaimed, raising his fork.

"Well, we're all obviously going, idiot," Scarlet grumbled over her cup of coffee as Tony and Tim nodded. "It's all the matter of who's doing what."

Jack shrank back into his seat a bit. "Right..." he murmured before Tim turned his attention toward Seth.

"I think the best would be to have Scarlet and Tony accompany you inside to get Kurureenu while Jack and I keep watch from outside," he told Seth. "Their abilities should be able to help out the most if anything were to happen on the inside."
Seth took a mouthful out of his coffee, watching the discussion. He shook his head at Tim's suggestion. "No. We need as many lookouts as possible, and two people is enough for the retrieval. Chances are, that's where things will go wrong. The lookouts will be able to get out quicker, so they're less likely to get hurt or captured. I'll take either Scarlett or Tony, but not both. Too risky. What one of you is better in combat?" He asked, taking another mouthful out of his coffee.
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