Flight Rising! IwakuFlight!

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Just hatched these babies. Mostly basics. But I managed to get a gene on a Nocturne baby of mine, so mission accomplished!

So, working on a bit of a project~
If anyone comes across a G1 with some sort of red range & blue range combo, let me know? I'm looking for a breeding pair :s
@Vanq I've got a blue/purple range for sale. I take it that isn't red enough?
Unfortunately no :/
Its one of the last breeding pair I need for a Game of Thrones inspired "set". House Tully's colors are dulled red and blue ^.^
A pause from your regularly scheduled hatchling advertising! Do you want to get a drawing of your dragon, but refuse to pay ridiculous amounts of treasure people usually demand? Well, I know a girl who does it for free and her pics are gorgeous. She only draws dragons in human form, though. Look what she did with Hydra!


Pretty cool, huh? If you want to get your own pic, look at this thread!
wtf happened to the gem ratio?

I bought gems at about 500t/ea maybe 2 weeks ago and it's already shot up to the 550 range? I know I saw before that people mentioned a reg window tended to mess with the gem market, but nothing "new" has happened lately...ugh, not looking forward to converting what I have to gems, but now I'm afraid if I don't do it now it'll only get worse ;_;
Yup, it's pretty horrible and I have no idea what happened. It's probably still about the silks cycling out, but it seems to be a little ridiculous at this point. Nevertheless, if I'm lucky, I can buy my gems for about... 1:510? If not, I buy them for 1:535 from a user named Carnivore. They're reliable, polite and they always have TONS of gems for sale. It's still better than 1:550, even though not by much.
I have a whole bunch of new hatchlings!

First up: Two second-gen mirrors. 8k for you guys.

These next five I'll let go for 6k for a Guardian, 10k for a Ridgeback.

Now for the last trio. 15k for the SD, 7k for a PC.

I was so close to hatching 11,111,111 ;_;

Here's my "too soon" :

And my "too late" :

Hatched a pretty gen one! Unfortunately, he's not my cup of tea. Are you guys interested?

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Hatched a pretty gen one! Unfortunately, he's not my cup of tea. Are you guys interested?

Halloween baby!
Holy shit. The person who hatched 11,111,111 turned down an offer of 200k gems ;_; I just can't even
I'm CozyCoz on FR, I'm in Wind right now but when my cooldown is up in April, I'll be switching to ice :D I have a few dragons for sale right now on page 4 of my lair, if anybody likes Wildclaws, Snappers, and Spirals.
I'm PenEvan on FR, I'm an Icicle and pretty dang proud of it. I have some Tundras and Coatls on the third page of my lair I want to sell, but I'm too lazy to go into the AH and put them up... yup.
Four new babies as well as two Crystal/Facet dragons I'm still trying to sell!

5k for any of these babies for you guys!

45k for one of these coatls.

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