Fjorn: Lonely Fate (oneXone with Vespar Leviathan)

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Arturia cautiously touched the place where her new hairdo had been ruffled, looking somewhat lost as she glanced at the closed door. "Well, we should go get the ship, right Arturia?" Arturia's eyes snapped to the card, turning it over in her fingers like some priceless gem. She looked somewhat sad as she turned from it. "Let's go to the ship." Walking ahead, back into the gloomy forest, she could hear Siegfried whining,"So wait. We just got into the safe city, only to return back into the wilderness where we were almost captured and turned into slaves?! Can I just stay here?"

Arturia chuckled, "No. There was quite a few young women back there, I'm saving them the trouble of having to look after you while I'm gone." She shook her head, sliding off the face mask that she'd been given. "Well, let's go. The ship must miss me now that I've been away too long."
Otto had no qualms about going back to the ship. He could probably show his new friend the ship, and what it looked like. However, Olin looked stern, almost as if he had been given a mission. Otto waved his hand over Olin's face. "Are you okay?" He asked, tilting his head sidewards. After a moment, Olin gave a small smile and nodded. Otto slowly looked back to what was in front of them, to the woods. He took a deep breath, almost as if he were about to go under water. "I hope this ends well..."

As they began walking through the woods, Otto noticed that the woods were less frightening than they were before. Maybe it was because they actually had a native from the country. Siegfried's voice bursts through Otto's ears. "Say, Olin, why were you in that prison back there?" The taller man shrugged, causing Otto to raise an eyebrow. "Probably just like you, I was walking through the forest, before I got jumped." He smiled, putting a hand on Otto's shoulder again.

"But I'm glad my new friends were able to get everyone out of there." Siegfried, giving Olin a cautious look, nodded. "Yeah, I suppose that's how everyone got there." Otto looked from Olin to Siegfried, and then walked over to Siegfried. "What's up?" He asked, his voice stern.
As Arturia was left without the only people she would actually talk to, she walked ahead of both of them, even more. She repressed the urge to sigh even louder, she wasn't in the mood of talking anyway. She pushed through vegetation and smaller animals alike. Thought when it concerned the smaller animals, she simply pushed them out of the way with her foot. She sighed, leading the way all the way to a large clearing that was surrounded by heavy, dense forest. In the clearing was nothing but semi-pressed grass and wet mud. She sighed. The ship was still there.

Arturia pulled her hands up, clapping them together as she had done the first time. The ship's beautiful pristine white hull made itself known. The Starbound Destiny was completely unharmed. She could hear a slight intake of breathe behind her. Most likely from their new guest. "Let's get inside. Otto, too, Olin." She still didn't trust the man on her ship. She didn't even know him. Maybe he had impressive strength and muscle frame work. That meant nothing when comparing it to her ship. She loved the ship.
Otto laughed at Olin's expression. Had he not seen a ship before? Everyone piled into the ship, Otto last. He could sense his partner's unease with the situation. And he could understand, they didn't even know this man. But, maybe with time, she would get used to him. Like she did with Siegfried and him. He led Olin to a couch near in the bridge. "Here it is." Otto said, motioning to the entirety of the vessel. Olin nodded, taking it all in. "I see..."

Otto turned to Siegfried and Arturia, who were a few feet away from Olin and himself. Otto gave a sad expression, but then quickly hid it with a smile. The man should be nice until proven evil. That was his experience. He walked to the hallway. "I'm going to make Miss Natalia something to eat. I'm sure that will be payment enough." He called out, letting everyone know where he was going.

Walking into the kitchen he thought about what to make Natalia, as well as the others. He cracked his knuckles. This was probably going to be a while. He looked to the kitchen door. Hopefully, the others would be alright with each other.
Arturia literally almost left Siegfried alone with their guest. But the taller man out-maneuvered her, and blocked her way out. She didn't want to talk to him, and had nothing to talk to him about. But apparently', though he was the same, Siegfried was going to try anyway. "So how'd you get that monster strength you showed us earlier?" Arturia sighed, plopping down to the floor, hands covering her eyes. " I release the mother moon and father sun." her daggers, hung at her sides disappeared. Olin looked over at there the weapons had been curiously, a slight twinkle in his eye. "How'd you do that?"

Arturia scratched her head, "My weapons?......what do you mean?" Olin shifted a bit, turning his body in her direction. "Your weapons. That isn't a spell, you don't have a rune. And it's not a summoning either, you didn't have to bring forth blood." Arturia sat against the walls, legs relaxing. "It's my families secret. I have an arsenal of weapons." Olin leaned forward, "Show me." His tone was odd, like he really seemed interested in the weapons a little girl carries with her at all times. "I call upon the heavens," Siegfried cursed about the demon blade under his breathe, " bring to me my weapon, Full Starbuster!" The large blade sat at her legs. Olin seemed impressed. "Interesting." Arturia nodded it off, quickly getting rid of Starbuster before Otto worried that something was wrong. "It's nothing, really."
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Otto walked back into the bridge, surprised that Arturia and Olin were actually getting along well. He smiled slightly. Carrying a large pot onto the bridge, he called to the the three. "Hey guys, I think it's time to go meet with Miss Natalia." He said, carefully walking over to his friends. Olin got up quickly got up and took the pot from Otto's hands, carrying it easily. Otto looked to Siegfried. "Start the ship then." He said, putting his hands on his waist. Siegfried nodded.

They rode, over land, all the way to the destination that Natalia had set for them. With Olin's help, they found it a lot sooner, but with the way it looked, they would've been surprised if they had missed it. It was a large building, with almost every color under the sun covering it. It was definitely not a building of secrecy. Otto raised an eyebrow, turning to Arturia. "What is this place?" He asked, reaching a hand out to see the card.
Arturia was about as confused as everyone else that wasn't Olin. She looked at the card that she'd been given in her hand. It said Watergate 13, it had to be a place for ships. But, it was so gaudy, especially when compared to other metallurgic workshops, like Lovi's. She rubbed her temples, the bright colors trying on her nerves. "This is Watergate 13...."

She didn't particularly like it, it looked awful and quite frankly, she wanted to pass over it. But they were already landing. She couldn't do anything for that. "This better be really quick."
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Otto gave an awkward laugh. He really didn't understand it himself. This place, just didn't seem like the type of place you'd be fixing ships. More like the type of place that you'd be hosting children's parties. Otto looked uneasily at the building. Can Miss Natalia really help us?

Once the ship stopped, and everyone climbed out, they saw Natalia. She was standing right outside of the building, waving at them. Once they had walked up to her, she let out a loud whistle. Regardless of her voice. She turned to the ragtag group and smiled. "She's a beauty!" She said, then turned on her heel. "So, what's ailing the lass?" Otto stared at her blankly. But Siegfried was able to answer in his place. "We just to check up on her, see if she can fly." Natalia nodded, looking at the ship.

"That's all? I can do that." She said, rolling up her sleeves. She smiled at them, "You all just hold tight. She'll be fine in a jiffy." Otto nodded, then paused. He turned to Olin. "Give me the pot." Olin did so, hesitantly. Otto ran over to Natalia. "Miss Natalia! Your payment!" He yelled. Natalia turned, and took the pot in her hands. "Wow, this is for me?" Otto nodded. She gave a big, toothy grin. The yelled. "Boys! Looks like we're having dinner!"

Otto heard numerous cheers and calls of happiness.
Though Arturia's initial thoughts of the Watergate 13 were wimpy and pathetic....she hadn't at all changed that much. Instead, she only hoped that inside the pathetic rainbow bridge, there would be people who could inspect her ship without having sticky fingers. She walked ahead a bit, following where Natalia had disappeared to. And through the doors of the gaudy building, there was actually a pretty decent workshop. There were tons of ships, with all sorts of designs. Airships, land vessels, water vessels, underwater vessels.....And they were either completely finished and beautiful, or almost finished and beautiful.

Arturia was stunned, she had wanted to not like this place, based on what she'd seen outside, but the inside made it so worth the ugly exterior. "Bring her in, boys!" Arturia turned to where Natalia had yelled to workers, the older woman tossed a glance in Arturia's direction. "And be careful, would you?"
Otto stared in awe as the ship workers began. What was once a bunch of loud and rowdy people, quickly became serious and focused. Their lack of noise made the whole building, even the outside, look like a serious business. Otto looked over to Olin. "So, this is a thing they do?" Olin nodded. He motioned to the area, where multiple people were working hard on the different kinds of ships found there. "They're shipwrights. They like dealing with this 'building' stuff." He shrugged. Otto nodded. Then turned on his heel, and made his way to Arturia and Siegfried.

"Siegfried, let me see the map." Otto demanded, holding his hand out. The taller man did as he asked. "Thank you." Otto looked at the map, on the Agosian side of the map. They were originally headed for Heloa, but now that they've had to detour to get a look at the ship, it might take longer. He needed to know how long it would take now, that they were grounded. How far away was Circe from Heloa anyway?
Arturia was caught up in looking at all of the ships. She wanted to buy one-, no buy all of them. How much would that cost? She didn't care, she wanted the ships, they were beautiful. She looked over to Siegfried and Otto, both were looking intensely at the map they had brought with them from the ship. She sighed, the map, one of several items signifying the relevance of getting their ship fixed. Thing was, it wasn't relevant, she had just wanted to make sure. It wouldn't take long, anyway. She found Natalia ordering around some of the other "shipwrights" as Olin had called them.

"This is a magnificent set-up you have here." she stated quietly, still looking around wide-eyed at every single thing that happened. She could hear Natalia laugh loudly at her amazement. "Yeah, it is. So you like ships don't you?" Arturia nodded, "My ship was a gift, of sorts.....if I can keep it in good shape for two months, I am allowed to pay for it and keep it to myself." Arturia pointed over to where Otto and Siegfried stood, "Then I can rid myself of those two and live on the ship by myself." Natalia laughed even harder, making Arturia smile. This woman is fascinating....
Otto was glad. In fact, Heloa wouldn't be too hard to get to, especially through the air. They probably needed to rest a bit, just to get some of their strength back, but afterwards, they could just leave to Heloa. Hopefully, there wouldn't be any other hindrances. Otto looked over to Olin. What was his plan? Was he just going to follow them forever? Or did he have his own personal goal in mind? Otto scratched his head. Siegfried's voice snapped Otto out of his thoughts.

"...and then we can get to Heloa." He finished. Otto furrowed his brow. "What?" He turned to face Siegfried. Siegfried sighed. "You didn't hear me, did you?" Otto apologized. Siegfried just brushed it off and repeated what he said. "I said, that Circe is at least a couple of days away. At least two? So, we can get to Heloa in no time. Also, if we don't want to get caught by officials, we need to stay in the lower atmosphere, okay?" Otto nodded. He turned back to Arturia. "Did you get all of that?"
Arturia nodded, her hearing picking up the most essential pieces of what Siegfried had said, she'd been talking to Natalia bout what she knew about the flying vessel type ships. She only knew the basics, but Natalia.... she knew everything about them. It was impressive. "So you gys are going to Heloa, huh? What for?" Arturia stopped, she had almost told her, "We were meet Siegfried's fiancé!! Well, his wedding is two months from now. And us being his only friends, he hoped that Otto over there could be a best man, and that I could be a maid of honor!" She could feel Siegfried's eyes honed in on her like twin daggers.

"Oh, wedding, that must be nice...." Arturia nodded, "I hope so. I've never been to one." And I hope I'll never have to be....not Siegfried's anyway. The man would probably find a better girl at the wedding and call it off....She shook her head. "But a wedding in, that must be tough. Best of luck to you." She had said it to Arturia, but she got the feeling it was for everyone.
Otto raised an eyebrow. Sure, they needed an excuse to be in the country, but...a wedding? Siegfried's wedding? That was a little much. Especially for him. He'd just cheat on the bride on the wedding day or during the honey moon. Otto shook his head. Yeah, a wedding wasn't the best excuse. Arturia's just glad that no one knows him that well. Otto smirked in Siegfried's direction. The taller man's face was priceless.

Otto ignored Siegfried, instead facing Natalia. "Miss Natalia?" He asked. The older woman turned to him, a smile permanently placed on her lips. "What's up?" Otto glanced over to the Starbound Destiny. "Can...we still sleep on the ship?" He shuffled under the older woman's questioning stare. "I's cheaper than renting a room, and we don't have that much money to begin with..." He looked down to the floor, not daring to look up to meet Natalia's gaze.

"I mean, sure..." She began, then turned to Arturia, "But only after we're done for the night, yeah?"
"It'll take a full night to inspect the ship?" Arturia had thought that maybe they would only need to check the bridge components and they'd be done with it. "Well of course! Do you see the size of this vessel?! It'll take at least a night to go through all its key components!" Arturia sighed, she hadn't expected it would take so long.... She nodded, "Of course, silly me." She sighed, looking around the entirety of Watergate 13. " could get started on dinner, Otto? I want to look around the shipyard. If that's alright with you, Miss Natalia?"

The older woman nodded, "Of course it is!" she always seemed to be yelling for some reason. "Maybe because it's so large and loud in here....." she muttered, "Come with me Siegfried. I don't feel comfortable walking around by myself." Siegfried still looked miffed about the whole "wedding" idea. But he nodded, begrudgingly stepping in line behind Arturia as she walked around the shipyard. "What was with that excuse?!" she'd known he'd be upset, "I needed an excuse, Siegfried. What other options can you think of for taking children you hardly know out of their country of origin?" Siegfried was stalled for a response, but still harrumphed as he walked behind her.
Otto continued to watch on as the shipwrights worked on the Starbound Destiny. He felt a hand on his shoulder, and jumped. Only to found out it was Olin. Again. Otto put a hand over his heart, exhaling. "Why do you keep doing that?" He asked, trying to keep in a light mood. Olin shrugged, "Why do you keep jumping?", he countered. Otto pouted, folding his arms over his chest. Olin stared on ahead.

"So, what do you plan on doing in Agos?" Olin asked. Otto raised an eyebrow, "What do you mean?" Olin raised an eyebrow. Clearly he wasn't going to take the "dumb" routine. "You know what I mean, what are you going in Agos?" Otto took a step away from Olin. "I'm-uh...we're going to meet Siegfried's fiancé." Olin snorted. "Should I have asked the lady? She would have kept a better lie."

Otto just looked at Olin. "Why do you want do know?" Olin sighed, stretching his arms over his head. His blade still strapped around his back. "I told you, people from Fjorn don't just come to this country to see the sights. What's going on?" Otto bit his lip. Perhaps inviting this man wasn't a great idea after all. Otto huffed, and began to walk away. "Miss Natalia, I'm going onto the ship now." He exclaimed, quickly walking away from the situation.

Natalia raised an eyebrow, but nodded. "Okay, just don't get in the way of the workers, yeah?"
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"So, do you think we'll be okay here?" the question didn't entirely take her off guard. She turned to Siegfried, who was scratching the back of his head, trying to look as innocent as possible. "If we only stay the night, and lock ourselves in the ship, we'll be good. I don't trust that Olin very much, and he shouldn't be on the ship when we lock ourselves in." Siegfried glowered at her, "You don't trust him? You sure seemed to trust him when you showed him every single weapon in your arsenal." Arturia let out a dry laugh, "I couldn't show him all the weapons in my body if we had infinity together."

Disregarding her own comment, she walked ahead faster, "You were the ones who showed him kindness. He thinks that we'll break so easily because Otto helped him out. He didn't need you to break him out. He just wanted to see if you could." She finally turned to Siegfried when they were in the middle of loud noises. "I'm going to let you in on one piece of our mission. Don't trust anyone from Agos." Siegfried seed rather shocked, but Arturia quickly walked past him, "All exits and fire exits have been accounted for. I'll see to it they end up in the ships database immediately. Let's lock ourselves in the ship now."

"And Siegfried, make sure Olin doesn't follow us. I don't care if he's nice."
As soon as Otto ran onto the ship, he slammed the door behind him. He couldn't necessarily lock himself in, because he wasn't sure if Siegfried or Arturia were on it yet. Letting out a deep sigh, Otto made his way into the kitchen quarters. Maybe making something for everyone to eat would make him feel better. What was it to Olin, anyway? Thinking he needed to know all of those things. All of that information was only for him and Arturia to know, they hadn't even told Siegfried!

Otto began making a dish for his teammates and him to eat, and quickly began to fall into rhythm with it. Soon forgetting the encounter that chased him into the Starbound Destiny in the first place. While he was cooking, he heard footsteps down the hall. He raised an eyebrow, was it a worker? Or maybe Arturia and Siegfried had come onto the ship. He shrugged, and wiped his hands. No point in just guessing, so he walked into the hallway to see who it might be.
Arturia and Siegfried had made it on ship, "Go and stay at the helm...." she ordered, turning from Siegfried. "And why should I? .....You haven't exactly been nice to me very recently!" Arturia took a second to take what he was saying in. "You've a good point.......I'll bring you your food plate and some extra food. I was going to see if Ottoman had made something recently anyways." Siegfried nodded, "You're damn right you were. Fine." Arturia smiled her thanks and began her trek down the hall to the kitchen. Hopefully Otto had kept the Olin off of her ship. She could tolerate him once, but any other time would result in a skewered Agosian.

She walked to the kitchen, to find that Otto was just coming out of the room, "Hey, Ottoman, what are you making for lunch?"
Otto dropped his arms in relief. He had hoped that Olin hadn't secretly followed him onto the ship, only to murder him and steal the vessel to cause unknown havoc. He sighed. "Oh hey. The food's not ready yet, Arturia." He smiled, then turned on his heel. He paused before taking another step. "Hey Arturia...I have two questions." He took a deep sigh, then turned back around. Hopefully he would get more light on the situation.

"One..." He held out one finger, most likely to get his point across. "What do you think of Olin?" He breathed out. Honestly, he wanted to believe that he was a good person. He helped save all of those people from being sold into slavery, so what else could he think? But, with the recent questions? Was Olin trying to deceive them? "I mean, he keeps asking weird questions, but I already told him we'd help...did I make a bad call?" He finally questioned. He was so tired of making bad calls.
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