Final Fate(One on One for GaiusGermanicusBloodsoak)

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"Noah hammer." Malik said hearing Barok still going shit crazy with his own repairs. Handing Malik the hammer, Noah plugged his ears as Malik clanged the metal area Barok was inside and yelled, "Oi work time is over I'm not going to be able to sleep with you making such a racket!!!"
Barok was happily working away at the ship's weaponry when a massive metallic clang rang out, no doubt Malik being an ass. Barok was more than a little annoyed. "Fucking hell man, I know years of gun fire have made me lose some hearing, but not all you asshole. You keep that up, you can sleep with the fucking hounds." he grumbled a bit more then crawled out of his work area.
"Fine stink like a pig all night then you ain't staying in our room. We're hitting the springs and then finding a place to sleep for the night I'm gonna have this ship ready by tomorrow evening that's that." Malik said firmly as he and Noah walked off.
Barok simply shrugged and went back to work for a few more minutes until he found a good place to stop for the night. Earlier when he wandered around the junkyard looking for a ship, he noticed an emergency chemical shower that looked like it still worked. He got off the cruiser and wiped himself off a bit, then made his way over there. The whole yard was abandoned except for him so he showered and found a clean spot inside the ship and began to fall asleep.
Within a a three day period with the trio working together they had managed to get the old hunk of metal up and going. Due to unforeseen errors that would have had it up sooner but one of the engines decided to die half way through which meant extra work and time. As the three stood in front of their fine work of craftsmanship Malik said, "Well it's done and now it needs a name got any ideas?" "How about the Avalon?" Noah suggested. "What about you Barok you got a name?" Malik asked.
"As a matter of fact I do have a name for it. How about Ophelia? Sounds kinda nice don't it Malik?" Barok didn't really care what it was called, since both the names suggested were fine by him. All he cared about was that they had a badass, sturdy as hell, military cruiser up and running and theirs to use.
"I like the Ophelia it sounds like a kick ass name." Noah said with a grin. "That's great let's get the hell off this damn rock and go find that tree then." Malik said with a smirk. He reached up and caught a card flung his way. Looking at the piece of plastic he watched as Aria walked up saying, "Six twenty four is the three digit pin I dumped some money on you guys from my own account so my father won't have a fit. Best of luck and don't get sucked into anymore black holes you guys..." Malik nodded and said, "I'll find it... I have to I can't give up now.." Aria smiled and said, "Don't have too much fun now boys." She then walked off with a wave and Malik said, "You two ready?" Noah gave a nod saying, "Yup sure am."
Barok grinned and gave a "hell yea" to Malik. He idly wondered how much money they were given for their journey, but decided that it would have to be plenty. He looked up at the Ophelia, grinning again as he saw the now functioning turrets and weaponry that he had repaired. The mark on his neck again glowed, for what reason, he didn't know this time. "Malik's right, let's get going."
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