Fighting the Losing Battle

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Captain Scrubz- It's perfectly fine, an honest mistake don't worry. About your character, I'm not sure about the different dimension aspect but as long as you have good reason for him to be in our dimension and stay there (i don't want him going off back to his original dimension a lot because then it would just get kind of annoying for the plot) then it should be fine. Other than that he's good and you can just continue from the last post. Oh and he needs a good reason to know about the resistance since the base is supposed to be hidden in the woods…

Chick-With-A-Chainsaw~ yup, looks good so you can go ahead and just jump in. Oliver also called Time so you can just go to the office

Beast Boy- yeah, like EpitaphQueen said, pretty much nothing has happened, I just had the leader of this branch of the resistance call all the characters to his office which included Korvan so you can just have him go to the office and then you're in.
Your character is named Time right? I was just saying that you are good to jump into the rp now
thanks and my dimensions shift wont cause problems
Character skeleton:
Name: Salem King
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Race: Elvish. With blessed armor.

When the jewel of red roses is inserted into the armor the armor changes to mimic the characteristics of the most recently kept creature's blood, be they supernatural or not. As of now the armor mimics dragon scales and has grown large wings and last but not least allows the user to breathe out a burst of flames in the shape of either a large fireball or a slowly extinguishing flamethrower like breathe. Some people fear her thinking her a monster while members of her mercenary group know she is simply a show off. But beware, the longer the amulet and the more times inserted and filled with blood the less likely she will be able to return back to normal.

Personality: Honing a dark heart, a bastard child was once the local wench fetching men their mead and brisket she forsake that life. She is haunted by dreams and post traumatic stress disorder that in certain situations makes her laugh for prolonged periods of time like a crazy woman. She has condition where she does things in her sleep without remembering it and sometimes wakes up with blood on her gauntlets from a fresh human or monster kill. The beast inside her rages at night like a wild monster and attacks the weak. She is slowly, but surely, due to this and a combination of untreated psychosis mostly due to schizophrenia like illusions of sight, touch, taste and hearing slowly going crazy. This is part of the transformation process.

Brief history: Born to a happy Elf couple Salem was thought to be a very beautiful child, her father soon left. her mother raised her till she was old enough, but she was quickly swept up in the battle between monstrosities and humanity. Picking the side of humanity and choosing the position of Martyr by donning the blessed armor and jewel of Red Roses she decided to fight, unknowingly causing great harm to herself mentally as she first drew the blood of the dragon Dregner. Her team fought bravely, while she made it out with a few vials of dragon's blood. After that things started to happen, she had weird dreams, vivid dreams. Dreams of her dying, of her killing people, of her turning into a dragon. Her dreams only got more vivid, then she dreamed in the day while awake. She thought she was losing her mind so she tried her best to hide it.

Appearance: (Pointed ears and fair white hair.)

Dragon Armor: This is what happens to the armor when the jewel of Red Roses is inserted into it if it has dragon blood in it. It would change to the black ash like color and grow extra scale like protection on it. The gauntlet's would become claws and it would grow large wings which could lift Salem up into the air.

Dragon human form: The amulet has now actually embedded itself inside Salem's sternum turning her into a hybrid dragon woman, thus her skin has turned not unlike scale which is onyx in color, she has grown wings that are large and sharp as well as bat like but with volcanic ash colored scales, a crown of two horns protrudes from her forehead and her hands and feet have turned to claws. Her eyes, though in her initial normal form were indeed the same gold color have now become silted, she has grown a prehensile tail and her legs are digigrade. Her strength is far beyond that of a human and she is likely to rampage.

Other: She wields a sword and shield and can mimic more creature's then just the dragon, once she finds more and inserts their blood into the jewel of Red Roses.
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Huzzah! Another human!
Please don't kill me.
Cool character. :) I think Ragnar wouldn't like them very much though. :I

Anyways, I added some sketches of Ragnar. ^_^
Jackal- sorry, I should have emphasized this more but I really don't want humans to have powers and that's what the armor gives her so you can either change it so she doesn't have any magical abilities or make her a full on dragon/ other magical creature. I know this changes your character a lot, sorry.
Name: Rin Tsukino
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Race: Angel
Power: Lightning manipulation and expert bowman
Personality: Very soft-spoken and kind. When provoked she can become very have been warned.
Brief history: Rin's whole family was murdered in front of her and she barely managed to escape due to her sibling sacrificing themselves to save her. She joined the resistance so that she could prevent the same thing from happening to others.
Appearance:Girl 71.jpg
Other: Always has a bow with her now matter what and also plays the flute.
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Shadow Reaver- you're accepted! just post in the rp whenever you can
And- now I'm the only human again.
You changed the race so she can have her magical abilities but she sided with the humans and, well, the humans hate everyone who is of a magical race so I'm not sure how that could work without her being hated by the humans. Sorry.
Cyrus Ryan doesn't care whether or not an Insane Elf is in his ranks, as long as the Insane Elf is used to destroy Elvenkind- as well as all other non-humanoids.
At least,
While she's still Insane and powerful.

And... Well...
Cyrus Ryan does not put it below himself to manipulate insane elves for twisted schemes. We can change a few things, round off the ears- and voila! She looks like a human.
Just sayin'.
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No offense N..... But Cyrus creeps me out a little o.o
I can't tell if that's a compliment or not, but Creepy is what I was going for.
Ok, well of that's the case then jackal, you are accepted! You can post when you can :)
Ooh, this makes delicious hidden plot details even more delicious...
ok i say this now and forever i suck at finding an opening -.-
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