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Well, as I see it, there are a few topics up for discussion:

a) mutual consideration - if I had posted after everyone instead of first, I don't think I am wrong in saying that there would be backlash. So, am I afforded the same amount of consideration? If not, just explain why instead of getting mad after the fact.

b) storywriting - are we creating or following a framework? If the former, are my methods too drastic? Again, just let me know. The way I go about doing things is only my way, and I'm willing to adapt so we can all enjoy reading the IC, which is what I'm here for. When Jack used parts of my character without explicitly warning me beforehand, I liked that because it showcased interaction and new direction.

c) rationale - I write the way I write to provide contention in the story, which is what I created my character for. That's the reasoning behind the flashy introduction, by the way. Of course later on I try to blend the character into the chapters as appropriate.

Well, it's not like I'm expecting anyone to dignify what I write with a response :bananaman: /PASSIVE-AGGRESSIVE
Yes, Unanun posted first, so the onus is on the rest of you to maintain consistency. We need some edits from people here, to correct the pocket-dimension action scenes that have happened.

And yes, Unanun is doing nothing that JackShade or myself wouldn't do to move the story in a ballsy way. I encourage that kind of thing, as long as it doesn't break the themes/mood/plausibility of the setting. I craft the beginning and end of a scene, but what happens in the middle is something I can always use help with.

And no, Unanun! No passive-aggressive banana man for you! *kicks Unanun into the burning-Jack-man-Wolfsin-kerosene-junkie-scorpion-ditch*

Okay, here's the Asmo-approved timeline.

1) Big Snake scatters everyone.
2) Janus crawls into a nearby tavern.
3) Derek goes for it and is tossed into a building.
4) Althera is half-crushed and crawls to hand Derek his sword.
5) Tahan distracts the Snake with his mini-duel and the power of his magic ropes.
6) Snake goes for Tahan but Alwyn shoots it in the eye (Woody, if you could just tweak your post so the snake is not lunging at Alwyn but instead at Tahan, that'll fix the space-time continuum.)
7) Alwyn is bitch-slapped away and crawls to Althera to give first-aid.
8) Derek returns to the fight and stops the snake eating Alwyn and Althera.
9) Janus returns... being chased by hounds...?

Point number 9 is a little confusing. @RiverNotch - why would the snake turn away from all the dangerous FateGuard that are attacking it just to watch some dogs chase a dude? I'm not sure I follow the story logic there.

So what we have right now is Derek and Tahan facing off against the snake, and everyone else trying to recover. Tahan can have his rope-trick for now, but if he turns into James Bond in every scene by pulling some tailor-made gadget from his butthole, I will tuck his shit.

Tuck his shit real good. >:[
9) Janus returns... being chased by hounds...?

Point number 9 is a little confusing. @RiverNotch - why would the snake turn away from all the dangerous FateGuard that are attacking it just to watch some dogs chase a dude? I'm not sure I follow the story logic there.

I guess I was trying to bring some sort of additional vulnerability to the beastie... Also, snakes are generally reactive to stimulus that way (or at least that's how I usually see them); any prospective threats, they turn to to observe in times of crises for a quick second or so. But if you require me to edit it, then I shall.
Okay... Sorry for the confusion, and the possible idiocy I'm about to project through this. But do I need to change anything about my post? As long as I'm not hallucinating I believe my latest post came before Unanun's, and so my last actions are not directly tied toward it. But if that's the case, what do I have to change? And 'how' exactly?

Sadly, I wont be able to wont make any of these changes immediately because I have to force myself asleep now. Can't doze off during my shift again. ​
Right now it looks like the only thing that needs an altering is Wood's post in who's attacking.

Other than that the sequence of events is already arranged appropriately in Asmo's post, no need to alter anything.
Yeah, and we'll say the snake is a giving a WTF double-take at Janus, not actually getting out the popcorn or anything.

So one of you young scamps can take a swing at its neck.

So all we needs is a Woody-tweak.

*nails Woodrat to a cross above the burning Jack-Man-Wolfsin-Kerosene-Scorpion-Ditch*
Well, like I said, usually I'd gladly pounce on a killing blow if I felt I was in a position to but three people have yet to post and frankly I think it would be kinda nice to let one of the recruits get the killing blow if possible.

Unfortunately the recruits are the three who haven't posted again yet. So I'll give it till later in the evening and see if something changes or someone kebabs the snake in the throat before I do.
Sound off, Newblings. I need someone to land a decisive blow on the snake. Not kill it - just bring it down so the rest of us can whale on it.
Ill post when i get home from work tonight at 10pm. Though mine wont be the killing or decisive blow for the Snake since im pretty much not in position for it. Ill do something fun though =)
*Pours more kerosene into the fire pit*


Keep the story movin'. Seriously. If you guys don't have something up before about midnight pacific time I'm making an opening and already know exactly how I will do so. So chop chop. I seriously don't want to be the one to do it but we need to keep this moving if we want people to stay interested.
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I probably took too long to respond, but coming up with a plan to fight a giant snake with just a short sword is quite difficult.
My advice there is ask yourself what your character's skills are, what you might expect from the opponent and adapt your abilities accordingly. Will that always make for interesting fights where you accomplish something? No, it won't but no one is capable of effective combat every time. That's one of the things about the FateGuard. They're always stronger as a whole. Like right now even all of Derek's brute strength isn't going to do much for him against something that is as speedy as a snake, hence the defensive offense. Earlier in the story Derek took on a centaur solo and was with an equal problem. Dealing with a man-horse that was faster than him and could kick Derek's head off his heavily armed shoulders. For all intents and purposes Derek lost that fight if it wasn't for NPC intervention I whipped up under the circumstances.

So if I was in Refia's shoes I'd note that I'm fast, maybe not as much as the snake, but I'm still fast. I have two more heavily armored allies already engaged with it and forcing it's attention on two people already looking for an opening, which is already hard when you're missing one friggin' eye! Having to keep an eye on Refia, AND Tahan, AND Derek all on one eye would allow her for some wiggle room for attacks. Perhaps at the softer underbelly. And if the snake tries to attack her, then that just leaves it open to getting mauled by Derek and Tahan. Perhaps she can't do a lot of harm but she can certainly divide it's attention much better than Derek and Tahan can.

The FateGuard's strength in this fight is in numbers. One giant snake can't track everyone there. Hence where we just need an opening to strike!
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That actually... Clears up ALLOT. @Delnoir
Normally, I try to avoid controlling NPC's and other characters to avoid conflict, but as it seems, as long as I'm not going too extreme with what it is that's happening, I should be fine.
And stating that fact, anyone can feel free to move Althera or whatever if I'm taking too long to respond, which I'm holding back on given her current state, or if it ties in with the current action being taken place. So I'll just wait a lil' bit, unless asked otherwise.
Well the specific circumstances were that the centaur in question had taken the Queen and Derek was the one who gave chase. He took an axe from a suit of armor and used it as a throwing weapon to injure the centaur into dropping the unconscious queen. When he thought he had won the guy got back up and was about to kick his head off his shoulder, but I had the queen, who until then had been unconscious, use the axe from before and plant it in his chest.

It's all about using what we have to work with. Typically we don't get NPCs to work with.
Roll up, roll up. Someone claim the snake kill.

Otherwise Delnoir and Unanun will get it and be showboating for the next five pages of IC/OOC.

* prods @Bard @Torack and @Excesmyr *
You've done enough, Sir Distractalot! >:[

*hits Rivernotch with the Woodrat-supporting-kerosene-soaked-Jack-Man-Wolfsin-Burning-Scorpion-Ditch-Wood-Cross*
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