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Fate/Mark Last OOC and signups

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There are awesome people who pet pigs.
Lol, I'm afraid that I don't know who that is ^^;
I have added in finalized servant stats (Those of you on the obvious lower end, you may appeal slightly if you wish. I did plan to be generous but there are some monsters here) into the first post along with classes and pics. Here's a few things that you guys should know about servants if you don't already. If you have watched, then you probably already know most of this.

1. Your masters will be able to discern the base stats of servants after getting a good look at them. This means when they are still or not moving very fast. Them going by you at 400 mph does not count. That means that getting to look at their servant first can tell you quite a bit and give you an edge up in information.
2. Servants start with a proper amount of prana. They lose prana by existing, fighting, using their abilities, and using their noble phantasm in that order from smallest to greatest use. They gain prana from resting (uses less or no prana), eating food, getting it from their master, and eating human souls, again in that order from smallest to greatest use.
3. Servants are not obligated to be on their master's side. The master had 3 absolute commands (if it isn't specific, it may not be absolute. Something like "follow all my orders" is prettymuch ineffective) but a servant isn't obligated to listen to them beyond that. Treat your servants well or at least well enough. It isn't like they can't stab you in the back and seek a new master.
4. Servants without a master consume prana by the second and quite a bit of it. Even starting at full strength, they won't last long without a contract barring the independent action class skill.
5. Servants have the ability to go into astral form (like a ghost) which consumes less prana and lets them get around with less chance of detection to some degree. They won't be visible to humans in this form so it is useful for walking around town and not having them walk around for the police to try to arrest.
6. The grail war is supposed to be secret so it is a generally understood rule to usually fight where there won't be living witnesses. Ripping up stuff is fine, though.
7. Servants are much, much more powerful than normal humans. Even an all around E rank servant would be stronger, faster, etc than an extremely strong or fast normal human. Most masters, even strong ones, are completely incapable of killing even a weak servant. They just can't significantly hurt them.
8. Servants have auto-healing where they expend prana to do a cursory heal over which is skin deep to stop the bleeding. More healing than that tends to take quite a bit longer and that is where master assistance tends to come in handy.
9. Servants can unequip armor or weapons (they just go away to some magical holding place) to save prana and allow them to wear normal clothes and whatnot for going about the world without sticking out so much like a sore thumb (though I imagine some like Hercules still would stick out like a sore thumb).
10. Servants are given cursory knowledge of the modern world upon being summoned so they would know what a car is, how to dial a phone, etc even if they came from a time when those things did not exist. They will not necessarily be able to work more complicated modern equipment without the aid of a particular ability. For example a servant would not know how to fly a plane inherently by this. The ride ability at an appropriate level would allow them to.

Did I miss anything so the less fate savvy people can know those things that the more fate savvy people do?

Mosaic, that is Emperor Peony IX from Tales of the Abyss. An emperor, a bro in every sense of the word, and a playboy of sorts.
I have added in finalized servant stats (Those of you on the obvious lower end, you may appeal slightly if you wish. I did plan to be generous but there are some monsters here) into the first post along with classes and pics. Here's a few things that you guys should know about servants if you don't already. If you have watched, then you probably already know most of this.
1. Your masters will be able to discern the base stats of servants after getting a good look at them. This means when they are still or not moving very fast. Them going by you at 400 mph does not count. That means that getting to look at their servant first can tell you quite a bit and give you an edge up in information.
2. Servants start with a proper amount of prana. They lose prana by existing, fighting, using their abilities, and using their noble phantasm in that order from smallest to greatest use. They gain prana from resting (uses less or no prana), eating food, getting it from their master, and eating human souls, again in that order from smallest to greatest use.
3. Servants are not obligated to be on their master's side. The master had 3 absolute commands (if it isn't specific, it may not be absolute. Something like "follow all my orders" is prettymuch ineffective) but a servant isn't obligated to listen to them beyond that. Treat your servants well or at least well enough. It isn't like they can't stab you in the back and seek a new master.
4. Servants without a master consume prana by the second and quite a bit of it. Even starting at full strength, they won't last long without a contract barring the independent action class skill.
5. Servants have the ability to go into astral form (like a ghost) which consumes less prana and lets them get around with less chance of detection to some degree. They won't be visible to humans in this form so it is useful for walking around town and not having them walk around for the police to try to arrest.
6. The grail war is supposed to be secret so it is a generally understood rule to usually fight where there won't be living witnesses. Ripping up stuff is fine, though.
7. Servants are much, much more powerful than normal humans. Even an all around E rank servant would be stronger, faster, etc than an extremely strong or fast normal human. Most masters, even strong ones, are completely incapable of killing even a weak servant. They just can't significantly hurt them.
8. Servants have auto-healing where they expend prana to do a cursory heal over which is skin deep to stop the bleeding. More healing than that tends to take quite a bit longer and that is where master assistance tends to come in handy.
9. Servants can unequip armor or weapons (they just go away to some magical holding place) to save prana and allow them to wear normal clothes and whatnot for going about the world without sticking out so much like a sore thumb (though I imagine some like Hercules still would stick out like a sore thumb).
10. Servants are given cursory knowledge of the modern world upon being summoned so they would know what a car is, how to dial a phone, etc even if they came from a time when those things did not exist. They will not necessarily be able to work more complicated modern equipment without the aid of a particular ability. For example a servant would not know how to fly a plane inherently by this. The ride ability at an appropriate level would allow them to.
Did I miss anything so the less fate savvy people can know those things that the more fate savvy people do?
Mosaic, that is Emperor Peony IX from Tales of the Abyss. An emperor, a bro in every sense of the word, and a playboy of sorts.
Looks good to me, will we be starting this when we first summon our servants or after we already have?
Ooh, a tracer. I was wondering if we were going to get one ^^ Seems to check out just fine. Accepted. Just remember that by doing more with imagination and less physical structure results in shorter base duration tracing. It sounds like 2-3 steps are being used for each trace as opposed to Shirou's typical 7 steps. As a technical bit in case you're unaware, stuffing more prana into traces won't necessarily last longer. Their duration is usually determined by the steps of construction and understanding and less so about how much prana you put in. They are destroyed by the world at that point regardless of their physical state at the time.
Ohh I forgot to mention this but in a sense, the Index has an expansive recorded history of anything written in it. Just to clear things up.
Then 5ish steps vs 7. Shirou and archer do some stuff involving the crafting and such that isn't included and probably can't be done for a living thing.
I have added in finalized servant stats (Those of you on the obvious lower end, you may appeal slightly if you wish. I did plan to be generous but there are some monsters here) into the first post along with classes and pics. Here's a few things that you guys should know about servants if you don't already. If you have watched, then you probably already know most of this.
1. Your masters will be able to discern the base stats of servants after getting a good look at them. This means when they are still or not moving very fast. Them going by you at 400 mph does not count. That means that getting to look at their servant first can tell you quite a bit and give you an edge up in information.
2. Servants start with a proper amount of prana. They lose prana by existing, fighting, using their abilities, and using their noble phantasm in that order from smallest to greatest use. They gain prana from resting (uses less or no prana), eating food, getting it from their master, and eating human souls, again in that order from smallest to greatest use.
3. Servants are not obligated to be on their master's side. The master had 3 absolute commands (if it isn't specific, it may not be absolute. Something like "follow all my orders" is prettymuch ineffective) but a servant isn't obligated to listen to them beyond that. Treat your servants well or at least well enough. It isn't like they can't stab you in the back and seek a new master.
4. Servants without a master consume prana by the second and quite a bit of it. Even starting at full strength, they won't last long without a contract barring the independent action class skill.
5. Servants have the ability to go into astral form (like a ghost) which consumes less prana and lets them get around with less chance of detection to some degree. They won't be visible to humans in this form so it is useful for walking around town and not having them walk around for the police to try to arrest.
6. The grail war is supposed to be secret so it is a generally understood rule to usually fight where there won't be living witnesses. Ripping up stuff is fine, though.
7. Servants are much, much more powerful than normal humans. Even an all around E rank servant would be stronger, faster, etc than an extremely strong or fast normal human. Most masters, even strong ones, are completely incapable of killing even a weak servant. They just can't significantly hurt them.
8. Servants have auto-healing where they expend prana to do a cursory heal over which is skin deep to stop the bleeding. More healing than that tends to take quite a bit longer and that is where master assistance tends to come in handy.
9. Servants can unequip armor or weapons (they just go away to some magical holding place) to save prana and allow them to wear normal clothes and whatnot for going about the world without sticking out so much like a sore thumb (though I imagine some like Hercules still would stick out like a sore thumb).
10. Servants are given cursory knowledge of the modern world upon being summoned so they would know what a car is, how to dial a phone, etc even if they came from a time when those things did not exist. They will not necessarily be able to work more complicated modern equipment without the aid of a particular ability. For example a servant would not know how to fly a plane inherently by this. The ride ability at an appropriate level would allow them to.
Did I miss anything so the less fate savvy people can know those things that the more fate savvy people do?
Mosaic, that is Emperor Peony IX from Tales of the Abyss. An emperor, a bro in every sense of the word, and a playboy of sorts.
Ah okay :D

Oh yeah, can masters see other servants in spirit form or does that only work for servants? I've forgotten.
Sense, yes. See, no unless there is some ability that lets them. They cannot materialize again unless close to their master so they can't just run off in astral form, got close to a master, them materialize and kill. They are also deprived of most of their senses in that state though they maintain mental connection with their masters.
Auto correct reminds me how much it hates me.

Phantom, are you still going to make Mr. Creepy overseer? I'll probably assume the role of a mage's association bigwig or two of no real importance to the war to kick things off when the last couple sheets get finished up hopefully tomorrow. That way I can provide an actual introductory post and not just a summoning.

Speaking of summoning, a lot of you may want to be using relics as catalysts to summon. If you do and wish to not completely give your servant's true identity away, you may wish to not explicitly state what it is and have an implied scene where the master learns the servant's true identity rather than stating it for everyone to see. From this point on, I will be doing very little of holding your hands. The sheets were hidden minus the one that got posted but kinda doesn't matter due to the skill. If you give yourself away or do something that gets you jumped right away, can't help you. I will tell everyone to keep some semblance of plot in mind but this is not the rp where you come crying to the gm because you got cornered right off the bat and your character is being hunted like a dog on the way to execution.
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26 is pretty old for a homunculus. They have pretty short life spans and deteriorate much faster over the course of the war (Irisviel only lived about 9 years). Prana burst from a magus prettymuch isn't breaking a servant's weapon but can break ones held by other magi. You have him listed as Adam in the prana burst description. Lol. Keep these things in mind.

Um... yeah. That's prettymuch all I have to say.
Luca's actually an exception to that rule. He's definitely not as strong as an einzbern homunculous, but he can live to his fifties, and they're planning on having him join the family and pass on his magic circuits to the next generation when he comes back home. Yeah, prana burst won't have any effects on servants, but I guess I should mention that to clarify. Thanks for mentioning that lol XD I'll fix it.
Actually, making his life span set to his mid 30s sounds better. And according to the fate wiki, they don't necessarily have to have short life spans. It's just a defect that is common with them.
Homunculi can live forever if they're designed to. The Einzbern's just die earlier because they're designed to get turned into magic cups and dresses, and not have particularly long longevity.
Homunculi can live forever if they're designed to. The Einzbern's just die earlier because they're designed to get turned into magic cups and dresses, and not have particularly long longevity.
Oh yeah. They did say something about that on the wiki. I'll just make it so he has a set life span because his masters weren't skilled enough in alchemy to make his life eternal.
May I suggest something?

Can we let the class skills -just the specific servant class skills- be visible to masters too? 4 of the servant classes have natural magic resistance, so it'll give the all-mage master roster one small edge against them: the ability to see whether their magecraft is totally useless, or whether there's a chance, however slim, that they can damage the servant.
They're supposed to be able to see all the Personal + Class Skills and their ranks anyway, unless there's a skill or Noble Phantasm preventing that.
Doesn't seem to be the case here. Shall we make it as like canon? Add all the servant skills to the front page stat sheets?
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