Fate/Mark Last OOC and signups

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Ah, okay.
Well, from a typical master's perspective it would make sense since Lancer would still linger for a little while if the master was killed and Kiritsugu saw no value in their chivalrous fight. But personally I agree that that was a dick move. All of Kiritsugu's fights were badass but now that I think about it, I didn't like the character himself that much.
Would want to is much less important than "Can he?" If it makes sense, go ahead. And I think it probably does make sense.

Edge, even he knew he was. He just considered it necessary. It didn't make him less badass, though.

The church is actually NOT in charge of overseeing this one. The mage's association did a table flip since before so they actually went and sent their own in (If Phantom's overseer is more neutral, I'll leave it at one. If the overseer is more lopsided, I'll add another mostly inactive one just to act as the representation for the "other side" of the mage's association). So they won't flip out that hard over a bunch of human killing. If you killed enough, maybe but they'd take a lot more bs and wanton slaughter than a church overseer. Yes, if that happens, the command spell reward may also happen.

If someone's pretty screwed, then they'd better think about how to get unscrewed or prepare themselves to get squished. Whether they run, bargain, die like a dog, etc is none of my business but I suggest at least trying to not die like a dog.
A dog....? :D you're scaring me, Nevvy. And no worries, Luca won't make the soul reaping too noticeable.
He won't have a bounty on him as long as he doesn't consume large masses of people frequently. ;D
You don't even need to soul-siphon. Fuyuki is located ontop of a nexus of leylines to plunder.

EDIT: Though you probably need a lot of magical knowledge to do that...
Pfft. Killing and eating human souls sounds cooler than lines.
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I'm going to assume that everyone getting involved with this thread is familiar with fate or is not the type to spaz over a little spoiling because it is just bound to happen in conversation. While true, it was probably unnecessary. Lancer wasn't at 100% to begin with. After losing Kayneth (Kiritsugu could make him burn the command spells in whatever way he pleased. It didn't have to be suicide), Lancer would be losing prana by the second. He probably wouldn't last more than a few minutes of fighting at best. C rank independent action is something like a day of just existing with no contract. E rank only grants a little fighting time. Lancer has no independent action so just on account of fighting briefly, he'd disappear all on his own and he's unlikely to beat Saber within that time limit or even injure. If Kiritsugu valued their relationship more, he would have realized that it would have probably cost him nothing to just get Kayneth out and leave Lancer be. Then they could finish their fight with no real animosity as Lancer can understand that masters fighting masters is part of the war. Or if the stars aligned, he'd end up with 2 servants on account of Lancer's extreme desire to ride off into the sunset with Saber. But that's fairly unlikely.

I meant whether he was capable of doing it and whether he'd reasonably be taught it. The answer to both questions is yes.

I say die like a dog because there are probably some people/servants here who would hunt you like one. There are some who are nice and care about honor. There are some who care... not at all.
What do you mean? I'm not very familiar about the leylines.
Basically, they're like giant Magic Circuits in the earth. They're what powers the Greater Grail.

EDIT: Lancer could've totally won that. Did you see the positioning just before he died? All he had to do was extend his arms and spear Saber's neck. And Saber couldn't have retaliated because her arm was fully extended.
I'm going to assume that everyone getting involved with this thread is familiar with fate or is not the type to spaz over a little spoiling because it is just bound to happen in conversation. While true, it was probably unnecessary. Lancer wasn't at 100% to begin with. After losing Kayneth (Kiritsugu could make him burn the command spells in whatever way he pleased. It didn't have to be suicide), Lancer would be losing prana by the second. He probably wouldn't last more than a few minutes of fighting at best. C rank independent action is something like a day of just existing with no contract. E rank only grants a little fighting time. Lancer has no independent action so just on account of fighting briefly, he'd disappear all on his own and he's unlikely to beat Saber within that time limit or even injure. If Kiritsugu valued their relationship more, he would have realized that it would have probably cost him nothing to just get Kayneth out and leave Lancer be. Then they could finish their fight with no real animosity as Lancer can understand that masters fighting masters is part of the war. Or if the stars aligned, he'd end up with 2 servants on account of Lancer's extreme desire to ride off into the sunset with Saber. But that's fairly unlikely.

I meant whether he was capable of doing it and whether he'd reasonably be taught it. The answer to both questions is yes.

I say die like a dog because there are probably some people/servants here who would hunt you like one. There are some who are nice and care about honor. There are some who care... not at all.

Aww it's okay. :D Luca would probably like having more company, no matter the form.
Saber can still move. Lancer definitely had an advantage but with them being knights, I imagine there would be an understood pause from the contract being dissolved and Kayneth being dragged out. I think a number of matters of chivalry would have done him in.
I honestly think Lancer would of won that fight, but just for the sake of the plot, they had all that shit happen so Lancer would lose.
He would have barring interruption. Thing is, there would be interruption either way.
*Covers eyes to avoid the spoilers* I havent finished it yet! Lol

So whens the IC gonna be up?
That is why I put my stuff into a spoiler because I noticed you said you didn't finish it earlier.
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Finalizing a couple things with Phantom. If it doesn't happen tonight, I'll just put up the IC thread anyway and deal with it after since they probably won't make that much of a difference right off the bat.
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Woo! -Can't post until is summoned- D:
Enforcers are Mage's Association. Executors are Church.

I'll post after classes tomorrow. Gonna hit the hay.

But I'll drop the summon chant here:

Silver and iron to the origin.
Gem and the archduke of pacts to the foundation.
Let the descending winds become a wall.
Let the gates in four directions close, rising above the crown, and let the three-forked road leading to the kingdom rotate.

Shut (fill). Shut (fill). Shut (fill). Shut (fill). Shut (fill).
Five perfections for each repetition.
And now, let the filled sigils be annihilated in my stead!

Let thy body rest under my dominion, let my fate (doom) rest in thy blade.
If thou submittest to the call of the Holy Grail and if thou wilt obey this will and reason, then answer my summoning!

—I make my oath here.
I am the person who is to become the virtue of all Heaven.
I am that person who is covered with the evil of all Hades.

Thou seven heavens, clad in a trinity of words,
come past thy restraining rings,
O keeper of the balance—!
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