Farthern Legends

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Patch looked back to town, then back at the girl that had run into him. Lucky thing he was built more solid than he looked. "Then you best ride with young Eclipse, Eva; Delphi rides double, Locklin throws riders." He said, shedding his cloak and putting it back in his pack, tying it to the stallion once more. "We haven't got time to waste on your little...escapade." He smirked, knowing full well why she was "running away" but not judging her for it. He'd done worse in his past. "She's your responsibility nephew, simple as that."
Eclipse hopped up on Delphi as he shed his cloak revealing his blade's full thirysix inches. " Hop on Eva! " He said as he smiled his eyes reverting to his normal purple color.
With a smirk she tied her bag to the mount and joined Eclipse. He seemed innocent enough, the other... Well, she would decide later if he were truly as cold as he seemed though she doubted it. More accustomed to walking between towns, and usually alone, she gripped on to Eclipse's sides, careful not to pierce cloth or flesh with her sharp, claw like nails. Being the guest she remained silent, grateful for the chance to ride along.
He gently nufged Delphi's sides as the mare began to walk slow enough for patch to catch up.
Patch paused only a moment, looking back toward town before mounting Locklin. He squeezed the stallion's sides and he easily caught up with Delphi. The stallion nickered softly, flicking his tail quietly. Patch looked up, saying, "We'll have to travel an extra hour after sundown to get to the place we're stopping at. We spent to much time in town.
He nodded. " Where are we gunna stop at this time? " he said as his ear flicked lightly.
Evangeline listened quietly and carefully. She had not made it 27 years through life by chance. Under her carefree and innocent facade, she was as cunning and vicious as any predator. She would need to know where they were going and why if she were to travel with them for long.
"A cave, off the side of the road. Maybe a half-mile out." Patch said, looking around at trees. Kanchin would be waiting at the coast, he wasn't worried about another episode tonight.
" Tonight we will be ready, he will not stand a chance against our two sword styles combined.. " he said with confidence and pride in his skills.
"Kanchin is probably at the coast by now; we won't have any trouble tonight. Besides, this is a place he doesn't even know about." Patch said, chuckling as Eclipse bolstered himself. "You're a good fighter, but tomorrow we're going to be in the city. You'll need your rest tonight, and I need you to be on top of your game."
" Right! " he said as he saluted patch in a silly way and giggled.
Patch shook his head again; that was the only thing he hated about traveling with younger fighters. They always messed around, acted strange. He was only in his early thirties-or so he thought, he really didn't know-but he often felt ages older. Like now. But, he couldn't complain much; without these younger kids, he'd have a rather boring life.
Eclipse smiled as he made a silly face to pass the time.
Watching the two of them converse made Eva realize how long it had really been since she'd spent time with another soul. They seemed close, of course Eclipse had called him his uncle. She yawned and loosened her grip on Eclipse's sides as she became more comfortable on the mare. Her legs already aching from riding. She fidgeted but wouldn't say anything so there would be no reason for them to leave her behind. She had traveled long and far but never to the coast. Visions of water danced in her imagination, her curiosity growing and growing.
Soon she began fidgeting not from the ache but from her excitability. Her eyes shifted between the two of them constantly before asking, "What is the coast like?"
"Right now, Eva, I don't know." Patch said, thinking back. "Riots crowd the city streets in the city, but the water goes on for miles out toward the rising sun. If you've ever seen the sunrise paint the clouds, imagine the reflection in the water. The salt in the air is crisp, but it's the freshest air you'll likely ever breath in your lifetime. The beaches are white sand, and the waves constantly crash against them, changing them every day from high tide to low tide." He smiled slightly.
"It's a beautiful place, by far; and it's worth the trip every single time."
Eclipse nodded as he smiled to eva. " He teels the truth eva, the streets are filled with riots even though i havent been there i have heard from travleing people that came from the coast to escape all the delima. " Eclips said as he smiled more. " Eva hold onto me. " He said as he nudged Delphi makeing her go into a soft trott.
The thought of rioting didn't phase her, she'd deal with whatever came. But to imagine a sea of such beauty... "It sounds wonderful none the less." I sigh escaped her as she gripped again on to Eclipse's sides. "How far until we come to this cave?"
" PAtch how far? " He asked right after eva did.
"I told you..." He looked up, watching the fading colors of the sun, "We still have an hours ride before we get there. We spent to much time in town, my fault really, but still..." He urged Locklin into a soft trott, rolling his shoulder absently.
" Well then lets waste no time. " He said as he nudged Delphi into a gallop then to a full run.