Farbe Anti-Terror Magical RP (Sign-Ups/OOC)

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
What I wanted to was sparring so that there was so time to get the role-players to feel out how they want the powers to go. Time skip. Then a terrorist mission. Yay?
Yay! :D
I'm a bit busy at the moment, I should be free soon.
One thing GhengisMike forgot to mention is my character, Rorke the terrorist asshole, blew up the Eiffel Tower.
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Don't sweat it, it's all good.
I don't even now how to respond to you wanting Green to be punished O.O
XDD I'm just an asshole to my characters, s'all. Which totally isn't because making their lives hell makes me feel like mine is just a little bit better than it actually is.
One thing GhengisMike forgot to mention is my character, Rorke the terrorist asshole, blew up the Eiffel Tower.
Knew I was forgetting something.

Yeah, that. Terrorist blew things up.

Meanwhile, Blue is trying to get him some exotic tail.
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Home Guys, After I get settled in I'll post my CS
Make sure you read the wall of text posted by @Genghismike as it gives a perfect synopsis of the characters.
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Well.. This is.. different. My eyes hurt. XD
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It's so different. It'll take a while to get use to.
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As with all things, new things take a while to get adjusted to.
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Hey Guys, Sorry I didn't get my post up before the site shutdown! It shall be up tonight, that is if you still want me,
The GM post won't be till waaaaaaaay later. So GO! DO IT! PLEASE!
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Maybe I should post.

Something long and descriptive about how Blue is unconscious.

And make it take up the span of about ten seconds in RP time.
Okay, coolio Shall begin now. :x
I have a friend that might be interested in this rp. I will get him to post in it if he is.