Faraway Castle

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Sorry, Driver's Ed is kicking me up my shapes~!
And Evairy's gonna get sick if the snow gets thick~!
You forgot Fran on PURPOSE, didn't you~!?
Re: Francine Lorraine Templin-Grausam (Servant)

I might play a servant. Is it fine if she serves Lydia as well? They're twins and need to be respected equally.

Francine (Franny) Lorraine Templin-Grausam (was taken in by Evairy)

18 (August 6)


Evairy and Lydia's Servant


Francine's name was given by Evairy while she tamed for the servant's wounds. Her original name is Easter Templin. Easter was originally an orphan taming for a man (Stephen)'s cattle. Stephen Horrace Templin gave harsh treatment to his servants. He yelled, burned, kicked, and even whipped the servants, including Easter. Easter was usually a kind girl who gave respect to her master. Easter was given very little food and water. Stephen usually gave his other servants water and food (in cans). Easter, on the other hand, received very little and ate what the animals ate.

On winter days, Easter was given a worn mink boa on top of her potato sack dress--that was it. In fact, Stephen punished her for pointless things, such as taking the milk jug out or breaking eggs. Stephen treated Easter like an unwanted slave. Easter dared not to go against her master's orders, but one Christmas morning, she had enough with his daily torture. On that day, Easter went to the cattle to milk the cows as she was told. Easter began to work a lot slower because she caught a terrible cold. Stephen came in the kitchen. In awe, Stephen saw Easter and Karen (his daughter) scrubbing the floors together because Karen spilled the new milk. Infuriated, he went to the shed and got a steel rifle he used for hunting.

Stephen stormed in the kitchen, looking at his daughter with evil eyes. "You... little... BITCH!" he cried before he shot his daughter in front of his servant. Easter screamed in alarm, and tried to run. Stephen carried the servant in a steel grip down in the shed, in where two other servants were being punished. He began whipping the servants for an hour but nearly all the whips were given to Easter. Even with whip wounds, she rebelled against Stephen by wrestling the weapon from his hands. Stephen threw the girl out the window as the last resort. He left her there to die in the cold snow.

Three hours later, Evairy and her sister Lydia went over to the man's house to buy fresh milk. They went to knock on the door when Evairy saw a body outside. In alarm, Evairy went to the girl in the bag. In tears, Evairy saw that the man had "slaves" and she wanted to take her in. By the time Evairy saw a man with a rifle waiting by the door, she carried the girl out of his territory in a fast pace. By the time Evairy reached the castle, she showed her to the queen.


After the encounter, Evairy treated the girl to royalty and gave her more treats. Fran now works for Evairy and Lydia and will do whatever they say unless if there is a good reason not to do so (in case if there would be trouble).

Fran is a good-spirited child with a willing heart to have freedom, even if it's only a little. Once in a while, she likes to wear the prince's old clothes.

Sorry,but forgetting people is a violation, dearie~
In the story or in my list of people? I did forget her in the list. I couldn't find her sheat in all this mess of posts. But hey you found it for me!
Both, dearie~
You forgot both characters~
And Fran's actually trying to help everyone out, so she's like... everyone's maid...
And I won't be on due to school, so anyone has the right to god-mod my characters.
I am also IceChateau777.
IM an arch angel who goes by the name of arch and i never tell anyone about my powers unless i have to i usally don't like fighting but will if i have too i am a traveler and i usally don't talk to ppl unless they talk to me firstavenging-angel-1.jpg
(( @rainbow ya sorry i just signed up i'm a real noob XD))
(( If you need any help Just tell me. I'd be happy to help. This is my second account and I've been around for a year now. ^^; [MENTION=3625]Arch[/MENTION] ))
IM an arch angel who goes by the name of arch and i never tell anyone about my powers unless i have to i usally don't like fighting but will if i have too i am a traveler and i usally don't talk to ppl unless they talk to me firstView attachment 17894

Hun, to make things easier for everyone... The character sheet you need to fill out is this:

Pets(if I allow them):
Story(who are you?):
Arch, you have to read the first post xD It explains what this RP is about and give you the character sheet that you have to fill out =P
Hate to bring this up... But I bought we were to only post twice a day?
Yeah.... Some people >.> seem to not care. I'm noting to do anything. You know... It is nice if you follow the rules...
*hugs* I know... I stopped. ^^ I did. I did. Now I only post once a day if I can actually get on since I'm down to using my useless phone. I still love you, Red. Maybe they will realize soon?
You should beat them >=]
But I'm being a good boy v.v