Faraway Castle

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Did you all just finish eating and run? Wha wha? Sorry to be so demanding, but I am queen so...
"You all get back there and enjoy the meal and a FAMILY!"

Just saying because dinner is a big meal and sort of a meeting place. I have some announcements to make and I like you all to be there.
NOAH! Serve the main course! (wrong course but whatever! I needs no grammer)
I'm good where I am your majesty. Out in the gardens looking at the horizon. ^^
<.<... you should beat her... =P
In my room.
Fran's cleaning the dishes...
>.>... No one... <.<...
*tackles* Now you want to beat me??? *tickles*
*trys to jump out of the way but gets tackled anyways*
No... Yes... Well not really... I want Red to xD
O.o ummm... have fun with that =P
Mmhhmm... *pushes rain off causing her to fall on the ground and sits up* so are you xD
I can fix that xD
Hi. c:

If you are still accepting, this is my character sheet. I would like to be a personal guard of someone (Who's online frequently if its not a problem. xP) But I'm willing to take any place really. :>

But anyway, here.

Name: Elise Tiamdore.
Age: 25
Sex: Female
Status: Royal Guard

Appearance: Elise is a scarlet haired halberdier. She wears iron armor that although protects her body quite well, doesn't hinder her movement as much as most armors do.

Pets(if I allow them): A male cat named Charlie, who would stay in the guard's quarters.

Story(who are you?): Elise Tiamdore was once the first daughter of a noble in another country, where her name was Alice Mansel, however she was quite rebellious and ran away with a knight she loved dearly. Thats when she came to this country, her lover had proposed to her and she was quite happy. But she was afraid every time he went into battle. So she had decided to join the army. A tom-boy at heart, Elise rose to the same ranking as her lover after a couple of years, then on mysteriously on the battlefield he went MIA. The man Elise loved had disappeared. Elise, couldn't bear the pain of the memories in the platoon so she requested to be moved to the royal guard, where she has now been to this date.

Other: The reason why I made her love MIA, (missing in action) because maybe her lover can come back? As another applicant? Maybe? :>
Plot twist? =O I like xD
Who are you planning on being her lover? Are they in, going to be in, or are you going to be both?
Who are you planning on being her lover? Are they in, going to be in, or are you going to be both?

Assuming I get accepted..

I'm not sure. It was a suggestion, just in case they wanted to take it. Hehe.

Uhm. If no one bites, then I might just take that role as well. It wouldn't be as fun but It'll work. c:
I would have just because it would be interesting and I an stalking you but am already useing two carracters... with a potential third. I will go 4 though if the queen lets me tack on the two extra carracters =P