Fallen Angels

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Help!! I'm beig held hostage at work!! Someone save me!!
I don't eat as much candy as I used to. Occasionally a peanut butter cup or some ice cream is about it for me and the sweets.
Vanilla ice cream and pistachio ice cream are both my weakness. If I was a cop and I stopped someone and they offered me that as a bribe. Id take it.
Vanilla ice cream and pistachio ice cream are both my weakness. If I was a cop and I stopped someone and they offered me that as a bribe. Id take it.

Caramel, Vanilla and Chocolate....put those 3 together and I love it.

Okay who's turn is it to post?
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Yes I can get you free candy lol
I work at a candy store making candy... in Walt Disney World

Man! I am liking playing the bitchy protective Mama Lion lol. Regina gonna protect her cub, no matter how old his is.
Post will be coming up tonight from me.
I think I manage to acknowledge or say something to anyone and if I missed you...sorry. Hey this RP has legs to it trust me we will talk again.
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I'll post something after I get home from work!
Unfortunately I am going to have to inform you all, that I am dropping out of this role-play for I have lost interest. (I'm not the biggest fan of normal/realistic or non-fantasy/magical role-plays.) However I wish this Role-play the best of success and you all have a wonderful day! (Also feel free to use benny to your liking. Not like you need my permission, but yea XD )
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