Fairy Tail: Lost Chapters

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"Welcome to my brand of magic. Since you've a nasty habit of running away.. I figured I would give you all the time in the world to do just. That." She explained, but just as sudden as the world had changed, so had she. The cloak of black she once wore was now a deep crimson that shifted about her body in unrealistic wisps of shifting shapes and formations on a wind that Kanda couldn't feel. All Kanda would soon see would fade to black and white, all except for her, who remained as obnoxiously vibrant as she could be.

Ila had reached the girl, but stopped short when she noticed something...strange on the air. The diamond tattoo on her neck flaring angrily in all of seconds. Ila then looked up to see Kanda standing perfectly still as if he were some sort of statue. Even his hair and clothing stood stiff against the passing breeze. Across from him, the cloaked woman was gone into thin air. This...worried her. "...where'd she go?"

The girl closed her eyes and shook her head, covering her ears. "Nightmare! He let the darkness touch him!"

Ila arched a brow and immediately went about trying to calm the girl down while attempting to make sense of what was going on.
Kanda groaned, unable to move, his world turning to black and white...only the woman in the crimson cloak stood out. He grew angry....angrier than ever before. Here was the woman that took away his beloved Eliza! "You bitch!" He screamed, fire wrapping around him. He felt wrapped in darkness, his anger infusing him to a point he had never felt before.
"That look!" The Woman grinned from ear to ear. "You remember me now​ don't you!?"


While Ila was finally calming the girl down to little more then gentle sobs into her chest, she sensed something...dark. Something she'd never sensed before but she couldn't put her finger on it. Not until waves of heat started to pulse from Kanda's feet. It was small at first, just a simple blast of heat every few seconds or so..then in a brilliant flash Kanda was suddenly reignited. Brilliant crimson flames whipping around him from the ground up with such ferocity that it lashed out at his surroundings.

"Hang on kid!" She said and picked the girl up, rushing back across the field to avoid the inferno.
He took a step towards her, then two, growling low in his throat. "Oh, aye...I remember you well." His eyes were cold and lifeless, his body flame and heat. A snarl was across his lips and his hands were clenched. He felt the familiar hate and chaos drag him back under to dark thoughts, the emotions he had almost put behind him.
She arched a brow when he took his first step, but the second step had her narrow her eyes darkly. "...You... " Her demeanor got a tad more serious. She'd had her fun... and it seemed now Kanda was in the process of going beserk.... perhaps it was finally time to see just what the Knights' legendary flame wielder had done with his despair filled years.

"You've gotten stronger, haven't you?" She asked, watching the reds of his rage-filled flames begin to stand out. She took a step back. It was getting hot... too damned hot too fast.
Kanda took another step, his flames burning brighter. "I'm not a happy little kid anymore, bitch...you took away the only joy in my life...now let me show you just how strong I have become." He snarled, his words coming out harsh and cruel. He smirked at her, a knowing look entering his eyes.
Words that would have been lost in her heir of superiority suddenly rang through her very core. There was a slight tremble at what he'd said.. was if fear? Impossible. She was a god in the Nightmare... how could she feel fear?

"...Interesting. Consider my interest piqued." She said as she felt her hold on Kanda significantly weaken. This was enough to kill Eliza.. The woman had been completely paralyzed to the point Dante could do all she wanted to her while Kanda could do nothing more than watch from the otherside. This man, however.. He was as he said. He was no longer a child. "Fine then... You'll see what happens when you challenge God."


The flames pouring off of Kanda was enough to darken the mid-day sky. It bothered Ila that he was so upset... but it bothered her more that she had virtually no way of helping him. So what else could she do?

Her hands cupped together and she closed her her eyes. "Kick her ass Kanda!"
"I only believe in one God, girl." Kanda spat at her as he took two more steps further. "You definitely are not Him!" He continued to approach her, pulling a hilt out of his boot as he did so. In one step it was an empty hilt, the next it was a sword of fire.
Dante narrowed her eyes at his defiance and her arms whipped out to her sides. No weapons came this time, but the very folds of her cloak shifted about her like it was living. "You'll pay for your insolence.."

Her fingers flicked toward Kanda, confident there was no way he'd be able to dodge. Her crimson cloak extended outward around her, streaking through the air and stabbing inward to a point toward Kanda's heart.
Kanda smiled, lifting his blade of flame and merely blocking it. "Oh really? Gonna have to try harder than that..."

He smirked. "There's a reason I got to be number one in my guild in only the few short years since we last met."
Dante growled under her breath, clearly irritated by his smug attitude where most would find only despair. She was intrigued sure... but she was terribly proud.. and when that pride was threatened so blatantly...

The blades were blocked and though they pressed against Kanda's blade of fire they could go no further. Through sheer force of will, he held them back. Was he REALLY challenging her?

"FINE!" She'd been lured into the fight. NO ONE matches her in Nightmare. NO ONE!

Her hands thrust outward and her concentration on his being bound was focused more on offense. Balance. The stronger the spell, the more concentration it took to keep stable. Her cloak receded as the red eye hidden behind her hair began to glow. A familiar spell being prepared as a sigil of red appeared under Kanda's feet. "..Try this one on for size..."


As the word was spoken the familiar hiss of blades singing through the air would soon reach Kanda's ear. An attack that allowed it's user to unleash a deadly barrage of slashes through sheer force of will. Horribly inaccurate, and growing weaker with the more strikes initiated. That being said, Kanda would soon find himself on the end of a seemingly endless barrage of strikes from all directions.
Kanda laughed, waving a hand to produce another flame blade. "You have earned my wrath. I'm done with you." He stated simply before he ran straight at her, his swords slashing at the air and trying to distract her from her attack, even a lapse in concentration could cause him to break out of this madness.
Dante tried to focus on his movement, surprised by how quickly he was able to move, and so had to compensate for trying to keep up. She was successfully baited. She wanted him dead now more so than she was curious about his development. Behind him sigils exploded with the Fury spell, the earth exploding with the deep lacerations of the successive barrages. The more she tried to focus on Kanda, the less stable the nightmare became and the more color was beginning to bleed back into the world surrounding them.


Ila watched as Kanda's body still didn't move, but suddenly the road was beginning to explode as if being struck by something powerful. "What the hell is going on!?" She growled, but placed the girl down behind her. Readying her hand on the hilt of her sword. Should Kanda break free of this weird spell, Ila would be ready.


"Sit still damn you!" She growled, and both her hands rose to the skies, crimson reaching far and beyond to surround her before following her hand to lash violently forward toward Kanda in a concentrated blast.
He lashed out at her, growing in speed the more he moved. Fire burned him, prodding him in one direction or the other, helping him to stay alive. After all, once he died, so did the fire living in his veins. Kanda kicked out at her, knowing she was distracted by his blades. He pushed away the pain from the wound to his shoulder, pissed at this woman for taking his Eliza.
Dante hissed, jumping back and out of the way of each on coming attack. His speed was increasing and she soon found herself no longer on the superior seat of power. She was now on the defensive, desperately lunging and flipping back out of the way of blows that grew increasingly more fierce and accurate.

Then it happened, so suddenly that the nightmare came crashing down around them. Kanda's foot came engulfed with his rage-fueled flames and struck her square in the face with explosive force.


Ila would be the first to see it. The sudden shockwave that shook the very air and forced the tall grass surrounding her and the girl flat.

"What the hell?!" She exclaimed, shielding the girl from the sheer force of the strike as Dante soared out of seemingly thin air in a wide arc back through the air from where the shock wave originated.

As the nightmare collapsed the world around Kanda filled with color and he would awake back on his feet as if it had all been nothing more than a day dream. Though the area and his body was scarred from their battle within Dante's nightmare, it was as if he'd never really moved.

Dante on the other hand lay in a crumpled heap a good distance up the road obscured by a heavy cloud of dust kicked up by her impact.
Kanda felt the world around him come back into focus and he staggered forward, clutching his shoulder. He had hoped that the damage to his body would be just a part of her magic as well, but it seemed that such a hope was false. He grunted, falling to his knees. The world around him swam and he shook his head, putting a hand to the ground to steady himself. He looked at Dante's crumpled form and smiled. "I warned you, bitch." He whispered.
When Kanda fell forward Ila was already on the approach, rushing to his side and placing a hand on his back. "Kanda!? What the hell was that!? What happened? Are you alright? you're covered in blood!" She said, frantic, some part of her hating to see him in such horrid shape.

Meanwhile, the crumpled heap seemed incapable of movement. The reds of her cloak returning to the tint of the abyss upon returning to the real world. Her breathing was hoarse, staggering to remain conscious.

The child watched with a mixture of horror and relief. Dante... the nightmare.. she'd been defeated? Just who was that man? how strong could he possibly be?
Kanda looked up at her, his vision swimming. "Shit...I used too much energy..." He reached up his hand to grab at her, steadying himself. "She got me..." He glared at the cloaked figure. "She'll rot in hell for what she did to Eliza." He began to breath heavily, trying to sway to his feet. "I didn't realize how deep her blade got me" He said looking at his blood-soaked shoulder. "Get to the wagon Ila...you and the girl...get to the wagon." He failed in his attempt to get to his feet, instead falling back to his knees.
Ila looked at the hand as it reached up to her and her heart sank, eyes welling up before she could realize the reason why. "Calm down Kanda.. you're in no condition to fight right now..I had a feeling she seemed familiar.." Ila said while glancing toward the black heap as the dust was beginning to clear.

"So that's what she's become..." Ila said and lowered her gaze to the sand. Now wasn't the time or the place. She could feel how weak he was because his skin didn't make her feel uncomfortable.. but what concerned her was the was he was talking. Telling her to get the girl and get back to the wagon? How stupid! How could he even think she'd do something like that. "Come on.. We're going to the wagon together, big guy. I'm not leaving you out here."
He shook his head, breathing deeply in and out for a few moments. "I'll meet you there. I just need a minute..." He looked up at her, frowning as he saw her eyes well up. "What's wrong?" He asked in concern. He tore off his shirt and pressed it to his shoulder.

"This was my favorite shirt too..." He said with a slight pout. Kanda looked back up at Ila and smiled softly.
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