Fairy Tail: Lost Chapters

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Kronos nodded. "Glad I have you along...though many would say that knowing who you are...they aren't so glad..." He encouraged the beasts to pick up speed.

Kanda grabbed her hand tightly. "I'll be okay guys. Don't hurry on my account...." He chuckled, looking up at Ila. He gave her a weak smile. "Just glad my Ice Wizard came along!"

Kronos frowned. "Seriously...you are too sappy right now...what happened to you being cold and drunk? I think I liked drunk you more. You were so fun that way..."
"How do you know what I am?" Ila lowered her gaze at what Kronos had said, she gripped Kandas hand and shook her head at how strange he seemed to be acting. "I don't know.. I kinda like the big guy like this." She smirked briefly.
Kronos pointed at Kanda. "THAT is not normal!" He fussed. The scenery passed by quickly, Kronos pouring every bit of magic he had into getting the beasts to move swiftly. Before they knew it he was at the guild entrance, huffing and panting.

Kanda had long since closed his eyes, not unconscious...just in a state of drowsiness and semi-awareness.
"Oh you're no fun at all." Ila said as they were pulling up tot he gates of the guild hall. She half expected to see it in shambles, but was glad to see it exactly the way it had been before she'd left. It was a strange feeling, like returning home.

The sled stopped and Ila was quick to let go of Kanda's hand to hop out the back of the sled and looked him over. Seeing him in his half-sleep state worried her, and she looked to Kronos while slinging Kanda up on her back. His feet dragged slightly because she was so short, but he wasn't at all heavy to her. "Call the healer, I'll get him to a table."
Kronos frowned. "I have a healer inside....Deacon's the guild healer."

Kanda woke at Ila's movement of him. He pushed her away, staggering slightly. "Stop...I'll walk in there by my damn self!" He leaned against her, teeth chattering as he walked into the guild. Kronos moved ahead of them, bursting into the guild hall.

"DEACON! GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE BOY!" The entire guild stopped, frozen at the sight of a fired-up Kronos. For a moment they all had thought he was Kanda, his energy was so vibrant.
Ila was pushed but she respected the mans honor and allowed him to walk on his own feet. She still kept close to him, just to be safe, and led him inside.

The one known as deacon was a young man with brown hair and a love of literature. He read every book, knew every tale and story. Every beast and every being. Since his only magical talent was healing, that was what he did around the guild when he wasn't keeping records. If you'll recall, he was seated at the bar the previous night when Lyra and Kronos had received the letter from Ila. Since then he'd been going through books on how to reverse control magic with the assistance of young Emily who seemed to share his interest in books.

The call shook the young man to his core and his book slammed shut. With a weary glance, he caught young Emily curled up with an old picture book in one of the large reading chairs in the corner. Rather than wake the girl up, he figured he'd heed the call before he got into trouble.

In only a few moments he was on his way down the steps, and to his surprise it wasn't Kanda yelling like he'd owned the place already, it was Kronos. "What is it? don't you know I was JUST getting somewhere in my studies!"
Kronos pointed to Kanda behind him.

Kanda clutched at his stomach, he had been unable to keep his fire in check without the help of the ice shell. It had melted away the ice bandages around his middle and now the blood was once again dripping in between his fingers.

Kronos pulled Kanda inside, ignoring his attempts to push him away. "I don't give a care about your pride, stubborn-ass mule of a Flame Wielder!"
Deacon arched a brow and rushed down the steps to aid Kanda and Kronos. "What the hell happened!?" He asked while rolling up his sleeves and thinking on what kind of spell to use. "How did KANDA of all people get stabbed in the stomach?"

Ila crossed her arms over her chest and shook her head while Krono's Restrained Kanda. "doesn't matter, just heal him up already, quickly!"

"Yeah yeah!" Deacon grumbled and rubbed his hands together, summoning forth a green aura that flowed freely out from between his fingers and into the air like a somethign dissolving into water. He muttered an incantation under his breath, and moved closer to Kanda's wound to examine it. "..It's a bad wound.. Move your hand. This might sting a little."
Kanda glared at Deacon. "I'm fine, just get me in a bed..."

Kronos groaned, slapping Kanda over the head. "Shut up." He forced Kanda's hand aside, disgusted by the blood he saw. "Deacon, now!"
Ila watched and crossed her arms over her chest. She could see the bond between Kronos and Kanda, a hostility similar to that of brothers, though she doubted they'd ever admit to it. Still, it was better Kronos be there right now.. Ila would've just struck him and knocked him out by now.

Deacon frowned, not wanting to be harmed by either Kanda OR Kronos.. but it was for Kanda's own good. He nodded and pulled his hands apart. "...Healing Aura.." He said simply at the end of the incantation, and placed his palms on the bloody wound of Kanda's gut. The green smoke flashed and pulsated out from his hands, then recoiled and shot back into Kanda's wound. It would sting, but no more than cleaning a wound with an antiseptic...and stitching it back together with a blunt needle. But he was trying!
Kanda wavered just a bit. He had meant it when he asked for a bed. He was far too light-headed and weary to stay standing much longer.

Kronos did his best to support him while Deacon worked, looking at Ila with worry in his eyes. "Will you go upstairs to Lyra's room and get her please? I just now realized...she would kill me if she knew we were back and I had not gotten her." It was true. Lyra was currently sleeping on the mattress in her room at the end of the hall, oblivious to everything after nights of sleeplessness.
Seeing Kanda waver on his feet Ila had stepped in with Kronos to help keep him stable. She could sense Kanda's fatigue, the bloodloss finally getting to him not that the adrenaline of the days events had come and gone. This was the time to slow down and take stock, rcover and be grateful that no one was lost. though you couldn't tell by the way the entire guild was nearly on the edge of their seats. (at least those who weren't standing around them watching Kanda be healed)

Ila received her order and stepped from Kanda to carry it out. It took a little doing to get through the gathering, she had to push and shove a little bit to get through given her small stature, but the only thing to keep her from getting through smoothly was the hilt of her sword which kept getting caught and ... wait a minute.

She remembered the flammer of metal and the shock when Kanda had thrown his arms around her at the castle... then reached down to pull her hand through air behind her, nothing but the open leather sheath that was getting caught on people hands and things... She'd left it behind..

It wasn't important. Not right now.. She had to get Lyra! And so she had, moving up the steps and to the room of the barmaid and beloved sister of Kanda. Knocking before pushign the door open and peeking inside. "Lyra? ...Lyra, Kanda's back. Kronos came and helped, they're down stairs." She said, hoping not to cause too much excitement int he girl before Kanda was healed. she hoped Deacon would finish before Lyra could see the wound Kanda had suffered by his own hand.
Kanda leaned against Kronos as Ila stepped away. He didn't have the energy to tell everyone to go back to work, just ignoring the stares.

Lyra mumbled, poking her head out of her covers and jumping out of bed the second she saw Ila. "Kanda?!" She rushed past Ila and down the stairs. The guild automatically moved aside, letting her run and embrace him. She looked at his haggard expression and pale face and tears escaped her eyes. "Oh, what happened?"
The guild was silent as Lyra entered the scene. A nurturing smile on most faces, and a cool relief that the worst of this was over and their Flame Wielder had been returned to them. Ila followed only to the stairs. Looking down on the group as Lyra was reunited with Kanda, it was one of those heartwarming moments we all wished to have at some point or another. Where, after a long time away, the true colors of family is shown to be everything we hoped and so much more.

Ila took a seat where she was, not daring to go down and join them. Not out of guilt, not really.. but there was just so much on her mind, she preferred right now to stay where she was. Watching from the outside, an observer rather than being a part of the reunion. Pulling her knees into her chest she smiled softly and closed her eyes to take in the air. So much magic intermingled and gathered at the ceiling.. then she reached out further and took a deep breath.. the warmth of fire magic filling her lungs. Even at this distance she could feel him and hte magic he possessed. Deacon had done well to heal his body, but his magic was still not back to normal.

Perhaps later she'd help him restore it.. though she thought perhaps maybe she shouldn't. There was no rush afterall, and Kanda needed to take a break for a while. Especially with the wedding plans of Kronos and Lyra coming. That thought made her eyes open only slightly as she watched, and before long she was gone to find Emily.

Deacon, like the others wondered the same. Pulling back his hands as the healing had finished, and taking a step back. "All done, but I'm with Lyra, What the heck happened? You've never been captured before."
Kanda shook his head. "I don't want to talk about it, guys." He staggered off towards the stairs, leaning against Lyra for support.

"He can tell us later.." Lyra said, helping him up the stairs and to his room. She set him in bed, sitting on the side of the bed at his waist and brushing hair out of his eyes. Kronos had followed a bit behind, making sure that neither fell or tripped. Then, he leaned against the frame of the door, watching it carefully.

Kanda looked around. "Where did Ila go?"
Deacon, like the others were disappointed with the secrecy, but what Kanda said was how it went down even if he hadn't officially been made into the guild master just yet. And with Lyra backing him.. well who could defy her? Between Kronos and Kanda you had only 2 extremes to choose from and they'd both end up with you six feet under.

So, they all slowly dispersed and began going on about their usual business, just glad to have Kanda back.

Where did Ila go? Well, it took a bit more time than she'd thought, but Ila had eventually found Emily curled up in the reading chair with a rather large book with stories written of the exploits and adventures of a Wizard Guild called Fairy Tail. It was a rather popular book, one based on real places that everyone in their world could relate too. Though since the book seemed so real to most wizard, only the scholars and wizards with too much time on their hands truly understood the weight and importance.

Still, Emily held onto it like it was sacred, frail arms clasped around it in a new sapphire dress made for her to replace the old raggedy one she'd been wearing upon arrival. Ila had taken to leaning against the back of the chair, looking down on her with a soft smile. She didn't want to wake her up, though she knew Kanda being back would have the girl on her feet in a flash. Perhaps Kanda could get a bit of rest like Emily. Let him have a moment without someone worrying over him.

Ila closed her eyes and peered into the light dancing across the walls of the library, so many books... such a boring place she thought. "..Of all the places for a kid to take refuge, I guess it's a good sign to have a strong mind." Ila intoned, reaching down a hand to pat the girl, who stirred, but didn't wake. Ila then turned her gaze upon the fire, and she focused upon it. Felt it's warmth beating against her soft and weary features as she tried to remember when she'd had so much fun? This mission was only one disaster and unfortunate turn of events after another... and yet this was the most fun she'd had since as far back as she could remember.

They even picked up a kid...but who's kid? Now that she thought on it.. How could a child survive a fire long enough for someone to save them? With everyone else dead.. how could the girl have lived? She felt nothing evil from the girl.. but she was shrouded in mystery and neither her nor Kanda had even stopped to think about who or what she was... nor why Dante wanted her so badly.

With an exhausted sigh at her own thoughts, Ila eventually just closed her eyes and rested her head on her folded arms, leaning heavily into the back of the reading chair and just... stopped giving a damn. It was time to relax for a while..they deserved it.
Lyra smiled softly. "Kronos? Will you go grab Ila? THen, we can go talk in my room..."

Kanda frowned. "What?" He asked.

Kronos moved downstairs, finding Ila and tapping her on the shoulder. "Kanda wants you..." He grunted.

Lyra patted Kanda's arm, "Nothing, sweetie."
Ila's eyes opened slightly whens he was tapped on the shoulder, her head rose and she was suddenly a little disorientated. She wondered what Kanda wanted.. Kronos didn't seem too happy.. but then again she assumed Kronos didn't like being used to fetch people.. then she imagined Kronos as a blue hound with droopy ears and couldn't help but smirk.

Ila started toward the exit to the library when a thought hit her, and she turned to glance back to Kronos. "By the way.. why did you come for Kanda? Was it because you care about him? Or because he's Lyra's brother?"
Kronos frowned at her question, thinking it over. "A combination I suppose. I consider him an ally and friend. He is also Lyra's brother, however, and in the running to be guild master."

Kanda grabbed Lyra's hand as he yawned. "You be careful with Kronos..." He said, staring at her with worry in his eyes.
Ila gave a thoughtful nod before smirking slightly. "Guild master eh? Guess I better enjoy hanging out with the big guy while I can. He'll be too busy to play if he's working all day. I'd suspect you guys would watch his back though." she then turned back toward the doors and headed out the room. "Sorry, was just curious is all, where is he now, anyway? Still downstairs?"
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