Experiment 52 [CLOSED]

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@Cassette I like him! It'll be interesting to see how he reacts to this situation. Perhaps he finally realizes you can't always get what you want? XD
Yay, thank you! Perhaps he will, he might end up dying before he comes to that realisation though. XP

Also! Thirteen! A fitting number of players!
We will probably start tomorrow or Thursday.
I think I'm going to leave both of my characters the way they are and use Nikolay as my last chance character if it does come to that. I think two should be enough for me to keep up with(:
@Nameless Alright sounds good to me!

@Cats @Percival Not to rush you or anything, but please try to finish your character sheets as soon as you can (so we can get started!).
I'm trying my best to finish >,<
(Hope you don't mind the change!)
I'm gonna drop out of this because I'm in to many RP's. Sorry for dropping out :(
@Cats It's alright! Thanks for trying, though!
@Percival Not to rush you or anything, but please try to finish your character sheets as soon as you can (so we can get started!).

I am so sorry; my situation is making it a bit hard for me to finish; will it suffice to say something along the lines of 'virus' and 'computer restart'?
Well we won't be starting until tomorrow or Thursday. Think you can finish it by then?
Almost finished with my female, just need to do the hardest part...which is the Biography X_X
"I've been on my own since as long as I can remember, but I still haven't gotten use to it
and whoever says that they've gotten use to being alone is truly lying to themselves. No
one can ever truly get use to the feeling."




Adaline L. Phillips




Adaline is a female who will fight for what's right no matter how many
people might turn her down, she'll go alone if she has to. She doesn't take
no for an answer when she knows it isn't right, but is also open minded to
any ideas you may have. She also does not tolerate people who seem to
act big and tough on the surface when in reality they are the weakest link.
She can come off as bossy sometimes, but that's only when people want
to be hardheaded and rebellious at the wrong time and in the wrong
situations, messing up everything for everyone. If someone is wrong, she
won't hesitate to confront that individual no matter what it may cost her or them.
Despite that, this doesn't mean that she won't "save" someone, if a problem
surfaces and someone has done something wrong, yet the only way to
save them was to shut up, smile, and say positive things then she is willing
to do such a thing, but it only happens at certain times.

Adaline had always loved her family and had a tight group of friends for as long as she could remember.
She could truly say that she wouldn't change her life for anything, even though it wasn't perfect like some
people may have thought. Just as Adaline thought everything couldn't get better than what it already was, well
it didn't. She didn't know why, but everything started to crumble to the ground and it all started with a fight her
friends got into, which made them all split up and go their different ways. Since Adaline didn't want to chose
anyone over someone else, she was left by herself. On top of that, her parents health sunk and they began to
become very weak and sickly, though they didn't die from illness of any kind. Her friend had came over to her
house very intoxicated and started to play around with knives and such, getting extremely dangerous and mad
at her for not picking him. He killed them first and tried to kill her too before she snatched the knife away from him.
The neighbors had called the police because they heard loud noises and screaming, thinking that there was
something seriously going on. Almost immediately they blamed her because she had the knife in her hand and
she was holding their lifeless body while her "friend" retreated down the street somewhere before they even got
a glimpse of him. It took them about six years to find out that someone else committed the crime, but by then
Adaline had already lost everything. Nothing was going to change her families mind no matter how hard she
tried to convince them that it wasn't her, that was one group she couldn't persuade. From there she just decided
to run away from it all, move to a different place and try to forget about her passed...but everyone knows you
can't run away from what had already went down. She's been living on her own independently ever since.




- This started off when she was just a little girl climbing
up the factory made rock wall, she adored climbing ever since.

- Her dad first got her into shooting guns and aiming, but
since mom didn't agree they had to find something else to do.
To not put her aiming skills to waste, he quickly thought of
Archery as a second choice and she quickly fell in love with it.

- She was in cycling since she was in middle school then started
to get serious with it entering contests and races.

- Though she rather settle for wild adventures than sight seeing, Adaline
would never back down from a thrilling ride across a new country.

Rough Decisions
- One of the decisions she hates to make are the ones
where she has to chose between people, usually she'll
just not chose at all if they're all wrong or all right.

- She use to play with them when she was little, but now
they're just unwanted creatures that seem to find their
way around pretty quickly doing summer season.

- She hates it when people judge just because of pigment,
stereotypes, or anything else that may come across as racist.

- She believes that time is controlling and consumes our way of
thinking and living, without time she would be fine... but doesn't
know if others will be.

Hiding / Camouflage
Persuasion / Acting


Working together
Sitting still
Not helping
Believing others

Skill Set:

Other Information:
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Name: Josh Williams
Age (18-45): 19
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Personality: Serious, for the most part. He doesn't like jokes. In pretty much everything to do with his life, he sees everything as another task to complete, and will not stop until it is done. It is rare for him to smile.
Biography: Josh was what most people aspire to be. He was clever. He was even well read... Until he was fed up with all of it. Since his father's death, his mother imposed the highest standards on him through his school life-- and never stopped. There was no time for love. No time for fun. And no time to de-stress. He took solace in the small amounts of time he had in the gym, where he could literally take out his frustrations on the punching bag. He graduated high school early, and moved out of his house the second he got the chance. He's actually been filed as a missing person several times by his mother, though he cared little for her. He'd been training with a coach in a local boxing club. He's fought in a few tournaments and gotten far, even winning a few. Though he ran away to be a free spirit, it was too late for him. His mother's cold attitude and personality had already left it's mark on the boy. Though he may not realize it, he's exactly the same. He doesn't smile. If there's a task to complete, it will be done. With efficiency, and swiftness. On the inside, he feels greatly for a lot of things, though no one sees it.

Fighting: There's little else that can keep his mind off of things like fighting. Fighting is so simple, and he's become very good at it.

Exercise: (REALLY need to be explained?)

Writing: There had never been any real way for Josh to express himself. So he took ink to paper and wrote a lot. After a time, he'd become a very decent writer in his own way. Often able to express things most can't put words to, his writings can offer a unique and intense view on the world in front of him.


Arguing: Nothing gets done when an entire group argues. A consensus should be made, otherwise It's time wasted.

Puzzles: He's put his life of academics behind him, and doing things that require a lot of intellectual brain power just remind him of the life he's thrown away.

Sitting Still: As a fighter, to be completely still is a death sentence. He doesn't know what to do when he can't move around.


Trained Fighter


Cool Headed


Poor People Skills


Likes to go it alone

Skill Set: Endurance
@Elfie He looks good to me! Accepted!
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I posted my character as well o:
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