Everyone Wants to be Loved

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She watched amused at the two of them. She felt sad since it seems like it's always her that's going to be alone. She laughed to cover her feelings. "As amusing you are to watch, I need to be going. I don't want a certain someone to find me here. So goodbye, silly" she waved as she hurriedly flew away. It hurts for her to see two people together now. She had to get away from them or she might kill someone.
"Where do you think you're going?" Azriel called out to Lilith. And almost as he willed it a blue smoke spiraled around Lilith's body and consumed her in a blue cloud, shrinking and disappearing taking her with it. In a puff of blue smoke Lilith was brought right back to him, right at his feet. He blinked in confusion and stared at her for a moment. " Well I honestly have no idea how I did that but good thing it happened. I don't know my way around this world and I'm going to need someone to show me around. " as he spoke , the she spirit who had once curled herself around him faded away, the blue smoke following her. Leaving Azriel and Lilith alone.
She raised her eyebrows at him. "It's none of my business. Besides, your so called servant might get jealous or whatsoever and I'm not in the mood to be in a cat-fight. I'm not even in the mood to baby-sit right now. If you haven't notice, I'm unstable right now." she told him.
"Jealous? Cat fight? She's a spirit that does my bidding. And baby sit? I'm full grown thank you very much. Well as far as I can tell at least. And unstable? Didn't you just fly by and catch me out the sky ...? " He smirked.
"Oh I don't know. Maybe you're right, maybe you're not. Yes, baby-sit because as you so intelligently told me before, you're new here. So that's baby-sitting for me. And yes. I'm fucking unstable, idiot. Not much physically but emotionally. You wanna die so bad?" she snarled in return with her eyes glowing.
" Can't kill what isn't alive, or dead. Ms.Unstable." he snarled back baring his fangs, his bright yellow eyes lighting up, his pupils shrinking as his eyes widened. He balled his hands into fists, and a red smoke curled itself around his body and his arms. "And you're the one who quote on quote caught me, I'd say at least finish what you started. And if you're so unstable maybe I'm the one who's going to have to babysit you? "
She laughed at him loudly. "You're so amusing! Ok then. I'll baby-sit you but you have to trust me. When I say don't, then don't. Okay, Mr. Smokes and Amnesia?" she said before laughing again. "In the meantime, though, let's sit here until I'm sure we can go back to my house." she said staring at him.
Rayne ran outside as Lilith flew away "Lilith! Wait!" She stopped in the middle of the yard watching her fly away. Lilith may have been the voice Tomoya heard but rayne was beginning to consider her a friend and she was trying to help them get through whatever it is they're going through. She sighed and walked over to Tomoya who was still sitting on the ground outside. "What happened? Why is she so upset?" She asked him worriedly.
He sat there dumbfounded by Lilith's extreme reaction, "It couldn't be....could it..." he was whispering to himself as he watched her show her true form and fly away. He stared at her her voice ringing in his head. She could have only reacted that way if what he said had been words she recognized. He was snapped out of his daze at Rayne's words. Looking at her with worried eyes he whispered, "I think that..." he swallowed nervously, "I think that Lilith is the one who I heard..."
She nodded sadly "I figured that when you ran out of the room when she told us goodnight after hearing the voice" she looked down at her feet not really wanting to look at Tomoya. He loved her but he could very well love Lilith too and this upset her. There would be no way she could compete with Lilith.
He softly pushed himself to his feet and looked up at the night sky, "I am just so confused right now..." he looked at her with hope in his eyes, "I promise this. That I will figure this all out and if for some reason I am supposed to love to Lilith as well. You can have faith that I won't stop loving you either."
She huffed a small laugh "you don't understand, do you?" She looked up at him knowing she could never handle him loving more than just her. She wouldn't be able to bear the though of him touching or kissing another girl.
He looked at her with a sadness entering his eyes. He had figured something like that would happen and he would have to choose...but he knew he wouldn't be able to decide between one or the other. He dropped his head and fell back onto the grass, "I do understand...I just hoped that I wouldn't have to choose...." he closed his eyes and sighed feeling a tear come to his eye. What was he going to do now? He couldn't pick between one or the other. He loved Rayne but he knew had loved Lilith once before as well. He draped an arm over his eyes to hide them as he laid on his back, "I am stupid..."
"Well you didn't think you could keep us both did you? Because I don't share very well" she asked then sighed "you aren't stupid"
The red smoke somewhat simmered down, spiraling above his shoulder , molding itself into a solid form. When the smoke cleared a palm sized red goblin sat on his shoulder. It's head was bigger than it's body, and it wore a brown loin cloth. Its arms were rather muscular for its size, considering. He had great big yellow eyes, and two little yellow horns on his head. His ears pointed outwards, and each had 3 silver earrings on them. He puffed his chest out in a tough manner, and crossed his over sized arms.

Azriel squinted at the little thing, curiously pointing his finger at it. "And what are you supposed to be? "
"I had hoped..." he sighed and continued to lay there in silence. If only this choice could be made easier but it wasn't. He was being forced to choose between the two girls who he had ever loved. One he would be with and the other would be forced to leave. He was torn apart inside and was slowly being pulled farther into pieces as he tried to decide.
"Find out what Lilith wants to do.. Then decide" she told him.. She would fight for him, but only if she was who he wanted. She wasn't going to fight for someone that didn't want her, there was no point in that.
He nodded slowly half to himself to help him sort out his thoughts. Closing his eyes he focused and sent out his mind to find her. He whispered to her telepathically, "Hey Lilith listen. I am sorry if what I said shocked you but judging by how you reacted you were the one who said those words." he sighed out loud then continued, "I would greatly appreciate it if you came back...please. We need to sort this out and we can't do it without you..." he opened his eyes moving his arm from his eyes as he finished, "I just hope she will listen..."
"I'm sure she will after she calms down" she looked up at the sky wundering where it is Lilith went.
She sat down and watched Azriel conjured another being. Then she heard Tomoya's voice in her head. "Ok. I will. I have someone with me so better be prepared." she answered him. She stood up and looked at Azriel. "Hey, come. We're going home." she said as she grabbed him and they flew away. They arrived after a few minutes. "Tomoya...." she trailed off.
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