Everyone Wants to be Loved

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"I know I do..." he smiles and leans his head on hers, "Believe me it will drive me crazy as well unless I find out who that was..." he kisses her cheek then leans his head on the wall for a couple seconds before he sits straight up again, 'I'm here. Listen to my voice. I'm waiting. You're heart will lead you to me. Come..' He stared at Rayne, "There it was again..." he had a look of pure worry on his face, "They sound so sad..." he froze at the sound of Lilith's voice, "It couldn't be..." he shook his head, "No...." his eyes widened as he slowly moved Rayne from his lap, "Wait! Lilith...What were you doing a minute ago?"
Rayne sits there on the floor not knowing what to do. Was it Lilith he heard? She sighed feeling helpless and a little lonely. Does she love him? Or is it him that is supposed to love her? The thoughts filled her mind and she couldn't help but feel as if she had interfered on something that was really meanto be. Her heart slowly breaking and tears threatening to come forward she stood up and walked slowly to the bedroom door. Seeing the way Tomoya reacted to hearing Lilith worried her. She suddenly felt lonely and as if she would never really have the love she so desperately wanted.
Maybe I should leave to let them figure things out. She found herself heading back downstairs toward the front door, ending up outside. She left the front door wide open and stood there staring out into the darknees. Wonderful, I don't even know where I am. She groaned and sat on the ground feeling helpless.
Tomoya spins around as Rayne walks past. He reaches out with a hand, "Rayne..." his voice is a whisper, "Wait...I am so confused..." as she walks outside he sighs and drops to the floor his black hair falling in front of his eyes as he sits in the hallway on his knees, "What do I do..." he felt his shoulders shake as he breathed in. Shaking his head he looks up and runs out jumping over the railing to land downstairs. Looking up out the open door he sees Rayne and goes to run to her but hesitates, 'What if Lilith is the one I am to love?' he shook his head shaking the thoughts but a new came to mind, 'What if I am supposed to love them both?' he stumbled at this thought and fell onto his chest. Loving more than one person was crazy but yet it made sense...
Rayne jumped as she heard a noise from inside the house. She stood quickly and turned to face the door. She sees Tomoya and starts walking to him but stops. What if he was coming to tell me he loves Lilith. She waits by the door doing her best to keep tears from her eyes as the feeling burns at the back of her throat. She wants to cry, to tell him it's okay and that she loves him no matter what. She wanted to but she couldn't, she wouldn't be able to handle the man she loves loving someone else.
He slowly pushed himself up from the ground. He had to talk to them both at the same time. He had to know if those words had been Lilith's. he needed to know so much but he had to take one step at a time. Propping up to one knee he looks up at Rayne standing in the doorway. He stands up and starts slow but runs the last couple feet to her wrapping his arms around her hugging her close as he twists and they fall to the ground. He lands with her on his chest, "Please don't go...I need you here..."
She looks down at him a little lost for words. "Tomoya.." She says him name soft and sad. "I don't want to but.." Her voice fades not wanting to say anything else and the tears she was trying so hard to hold back began to fill her eyes.
"I need your help..." He was starting shake with her in his arms, "I can't go on without you right now...please..." His eyes were shut tightly as he hugged her. He needed her by his side during this. He was confused and needed the support of others more than ever.
She sighs and lays her head on his chest then nods "okay" she says in a whisper. "I'll be here for you. Whenever you need me" the tears began to stream down her face but she kept her head on his chest refusing to let him see her cry.
He felt her body shake with muffled sobs and he couldn't bear that. Shaking his head he buried his face into her hair and felt a tear roll down his cheek, "Thank you..."
She quietly composed herself and dried her tears with her hand. She got up off him and stood up. Her eyes were puffy and red from crying. She extended her hand to him to help him up and gave him a small smile. "Don't thank me, just know that I'm here and I won't be going anywhere."
He opened his eyes smiling grabbing her hand pulling himself up, "I am going to thank you anyways...Thank you..." He wrapped his arms around her shoulders holding her close, "I love you..." He closed his eyes again putting his head next to hers as he whispers in a shaky voice, "Thank you for being here..."
"I love you too" she told him softly and placed her hand on his cheek turning his face to hers and kissed him gently.
He smiled at her touch and looked into her eyes for a second before closing his eyes as their lips touched. He pressed his face to hers raising a hand to hold hers as he enjoyed her soft lips on his.
Lilith heard their voices. She went out of her room to see Rayne walking out of Tomoya's room. It seems that they're having an argument. Not wanting to bother them, she peeked and saw them crying. Jumping from the window, she cleared her throat. "Uhm, guys. I know it's none of my business but what happened? Did you two argue? Come inside. I'll make you hot chocolate." she told them smiling.
Hearing Lilith she dropped her hand from Tomoyas face. She looked over at her as the familiar burn in the back of her throat began again, her eyes showed that she was in pain but she tried to hide it in her voice by clearing her throat "hot chocolate sounds wonderfull"
She noticed that something was off. "Guys? What happened?" she said as she looked at the two of them. "Rayne, did he hurt you?" she asked her as she went to her side. She held her face and stared. "You were crying." she said angrily as she turned to Tomoya. "What did you do, jerk? Damnit. It's none of my business but you shouldn't make her cry!" she glared at him. "Come, Rayne. Let's have that hot chocolate." she grabbed her and they went inside.
She looked back at Tomoya as Lilith pulled her away wondering if she should say anything. "It's not his fault" she finally said when they got inside.
"I think it is. So tell me what happened. So I can help you. Don't worry." she assured her. She started making the hot chocolate. After it boiled, she poured it into two mugs and handed one to Rayne. "Here. Drink. It will make you feel better."
She sighed and took a sip of the hot chocolate. She wasn't going to be able to get out of saying anything and she knew it. So with another sigh she looked up at Lilith. "He heard a voice.. Like I heard him." She told her sadly. "And now he is confused and I don't think he knows what to do." She took another sip of the hot chocolate. "He loves me but.." She trailed of not really knowing what to add to that. "I'm just scared I guess" she looked away from Lilith not wanting her to see her eyes watering up again.
"Oh. He heard a voice? That's not possible. Only a human can hear that magic. It's not usual for an angel to hear voices unless we talk telepathically. Yes, we are angels but fallen ones." she told her. Her brows furrowed as she tried to think what Rayne just told her. How come he can hear voices? Whose voice was it? "Don't be scared. He loves you. I told you to believe in him. Whatever is happening, you should be with him and get through it together. I'll be here to support you guys." she smiled assuringly to her.
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