Eureka Academy: First Semester [SU/OOC]

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hmm, walther is pretty heavily armored though, and he has heavy range. Considering he's just a regular human, that armor must weigh him down quite a bit too (comparatively speaking anyways). I'm not sure he would be best suited to fighting goblins since they're quick and crafty, he'd just end up becoming swarmed by them as they took potshots at him from all directions. The elementals, seeing as their babies, will more than likely be more playful than mallicious. Granted 'playful' for a being made up of fire or lightning can still come off as pretty dangerous, but the goblins would outright betrying to hurt.kill him.

overall though methinks he'd be best suited to mission 2. Bobby and Hibiki are both skilled enough to cover for his inexperience in fighting monsters (Bobby is pretty much meant t be a living shield when none of his alter egos are dominant anyways, so he wouldn;t mind protecting walt), and neiher of them posess his ranged skills, which might come in handy when taking down something particularly big and nasty.
On a statistical comparison, yes..but keep in mind Walther tends to stray away from overly magic or abnormal things. In his world of origin, magic was despised, and wars were fought against them, whatever races say...orcs were around, they were either servants or laborers, though goblins were around to some extent. It's a matter of familiarity, and Walther himself is a pretty logical and clever person. You guys have bobby to soak up and hits anyway, and I figured Walther would play a similar role in this mission
*laughs* and that's exactly it isn't it? The students at eureka are here to overcome their difficulties as well as hone their skills, he's just signed up onto a school literally full of magical creatures where a normal human is pretty much the anomaly. Best for him to get his first taste of the magical world over with quick eh? Besides, he seems to mistake bobby for a fellow knight, so interactions between the two should be interesting.

well, anyways, that's my opinion, you're ultimately free to do as you wish.
Are you saying that everyone is suddenly manned up and out there? Walther never grew up in this world, he's still going to make an effort to try, that is absolutely guaranteed, but diving straight into unknown waters is unlike him, baby steps you could say. If you really want I could switch over missions, but I'd have to think about how'd it would play out.
Just a clarification point, there are in fact a fair number of humans within the trinary system. Most of them however are in Arma since they ahve no innate magical talent. You might find the more intelligent humans in Magic where they learn academic magic (think wizard vs. sorceror in D&D terms).

I would also like to point out that Hibiki has a few ranged skills but they are more initiators than for combat; he likes to get his hands dirty.
Are you saying that everyone is suddenly manned up and out there? Walther never grew up in this world, he's still going to make an effort to try, that is absolutely guaranteed, but diving straight into unknown waters is unlike him, baby steps you could say. If you really want I could switch over missions, but I'd have to think about how'd it would play out.

lol, naw, it's cool man. I was just giving my observations on what I thought he would be better suited for. It doesn't harm or benfit me either way which mission you send him on.
Yeah, trinary. The system has three bodies: the Eureka moon, Corinith and Eritai.
ahhhh, ok, i wasn;t sure what you were referring to lol
Yeah, I totally stole it from Star Trek. The proper term is a multiple system for any that has more than two bodies but i like the idea of a trinary system over multiple.
Gavin had nagged me to join a while back, I'll be joining as a professor, just so ya'll know. He's not a professor yet, I'll find a suitable way to introduce him.

Name: Arukab Tashira Tragide

Age: 237 (appears 53)

Race: Human

Class: Argentomancer (Argentum means Silver, and Mancer comes from Mancy, which means divination by a specified means.)

Title: Staff

Sect Study: Arukabs abilities put him under the Dominus Sect, but he teachers under the Arma sect.

Appearance: Long black hair down to his mid back, his bangs cover his forehead. With eyes of a deep green, they seem to contrast with his relatively pale skin, however he still maintains that normal peach color. His scars are mostly well hidden by his clothing attire. He wears a long sleeve full length trench coat made from genuine black leather. under his coat is a silk and cotton made dark gray shirt. Beneath his shirt and upon his waist rests loose black denim jeans that need a belt to hold them up. His belt is leather with a silver belt buckle resembling a tarantula. He wears boots that reach just below his knees and have silver plates over the toe and heel parts, effective when kicking opponents. All up those boots are straps that also have silver buckles. on his shoulders he wears very thick, but due to his power not too heavy, spiky silver shoulder plates. He has a pair of gloves that he always wears and as I already specified, he does not carry his gunblade around unless in combat.


Personality: Simply put, Arukab is a lawful neutral. His own ideals are prioritized over societys. These ideals consist of defending the people, doing what's right, making things fair, among others of the same nature. He will go to great lengths to defend his ideals, even taking part in all out war with the side he respects more. Despite his strongly opinionated ideals, he is not a movement starter, he does not like the spotlight. First impressions are important to him causing him to always be very friendly to people he first meets. He is not the type to show his emotions very easily simply because he doesn't particularly care to let people know what's on his mind, however, when asked, he will answer. Excitement is particularly difficult for him due to the fact that he rarely even gets excited. He is, however, very passionate about the things he does. Due to his kind nature, if he ever must slaw an enemy in combat, he will give them a proper burial and even do a ceremony respective to their religious belief, provided he knows what the individual(s) believe.

Weapons: Technically speaking Arukabs own body is a weapon, but more on that below. The only material weapon he wields is a gunblade. The handle houses a hammer and trigger, as one would expect of a handgun, however, the barrel travels down a silver blade. The blade is approximately 15 inches in length and 4 inches wide decreasing from the handle in width. There is an area near the middle of the blade that dips down about 5 inches from the top of it, but retreats back up and continues to narrow. The gun aspect is a revolver, and therefor only houses 5 shots. These shots are extremely rarely used as the gun is highly inaccurate due to the bullets being crafted of silver. This gives them high power, but very low range and accuracy. As a result this weapon is not considered a ranged weapon

One of Arukabs three abilities regards his weapon. This is a basic ability that is in no way offensive, as all it does is put his weapon away. Due to the odd nature of his weapon, there is no scabbard, no hilt, no object that has been created to hold it. Instead, his weapon can actually be inserted into Arukabs flesh. It will not cut him, instead it will become part of his blood stream. Once inside his body, he can bring it out of any body part he so chooses, however it must be pulled out, it cannot simply slide out. Despite this ability, his own weapon can cut him when he isn't expecting it.

Arukabs second ability is the ability to manipulate the properties of metals. With flesh contact, Arukab can change a metals weight and magnetic properties. While he cannot turn a metal into a magnet or move it at will, he can manipulate how strong a standard magnet will stick to it, making that part of this ability essentially useless unless he is surrounded by magnets or facing someone with magnetic powers. The true convenience of this power comes from his ability to change the weight of metals. This ability is not 100% free to make any weight he chooses, instead he is limited. When decreasing metals weight he can make the metal up to one eighth it's normal weight. This means if one cubic foot of silver weighs 650 pounds then he can make that weigh 81.25 pounds instead, which is a significant drop in weight. In turn, when making objects heavier, he is limited to 3 times its weight. The 650 pounds becomes 1950, which is also a rather significant boost.

Lastly, the power he uses most, his Silver Phantom. This power came to him from a gift passed down his family. Once the power is accepted, the users bone marrow turns into silver and stops the wielder from aging. The silver is not normal, it weighs much less and remains unable to be effected by Arukabs power, meaning he cannot make it heavier or lighter. He can, however, manipulate its magnetic properties. From this bone marrow he can grow more silver from inside his body, which fortunately acts like his gunblade and will not harm him. Instead, just like with his weapon, the marrow pours silver into the blood stream, which is then focused onto his body, making him be able to grow silver from any part of his body without even breaking skin. His ability to use silver is not unlimited. Since the silver is the same as his bone marrow, he cannot change its weight, so he must be careful to not crush himself. Naturally, since this power originates from a process within his body, this can be very taxing, draining a lot of energy over time. For this reason he tends not to run or do much activity that would exhaust his abilities. And lastly, as with any bodily function, he can only create as much silver as his body will let him. This varies based on factors of energy, nutrition, and even mood, causing him to sometimes be much more limited than he would like.

History: Arukab was the son of Nakiti Tashira Tragide, inheriting the family middle name as well as last, a traditional last name passed down for generations. Since birth Arukab was destined to be the next silver phantom, which was the legacy of his family. The Silver Phantom is the title given to the first born son of each person endowed with the title. The legend goes that long ago, the first Silver Phantom was blessed by a black and silver pegasus who made a deal. The wielder would use the powers of the pegasus, which happened to be the powers Arukab now wields, however this is considered just a myth, a fun story to be told. Once the silver phantom has his first born son, his own powers are relinquished to ensure there is only one. With this legacy also follows a weapon. This weapon is different for each wielder, also granting a secondary power. While every Silver Phantom gets the power to create silver, the weapon can vary drastically. In Arukabs case, his weapon has made him age extremely slowly, increasing his life span drastically, and also has caused him to be immune to poisons.

Despite being granted powers since birth, they do not manifest until later years. Thanks to this Arukab was able to have a normal lasting childhood. He was not an only child, as he did have a sister. Needless to say, she is no longer alive, however they were a typical big sister little brother pair when they were growing up. Arukab was very exploratory as a child, going on long walks into the woods to find anything he found interesting. There was never much to truly find, but it was always interesting as a kid. This didn't last very long, as Arukabs father knew that he would have to be trained in combat, such is the nature of the silver phantom. As such, the lack in information to what weapon Arukab would be given made his father decide to teach arukab in all forms of armed combat. Everything from swords and halberds to gauntlets and hatchets. By the age of 19 his powers had manifested, which was rather late for most of the silver phantoms. It was much surprise to everyone when his weapon was materialized from Arukabs body. Training had to start all over again to get used to this weapon, but it was much easier to manage than most weapons he learned with.

From there, the life of the silver phantom is much like the name implies. A phantom, floating between areas like a ghost. If you ask people about the Silver Phantom, they will tell fantastic stories, but asking them about Arukab will warrant confusion. His life consists of wandering around finding people who need his aid, however the true purpose of the silver phantom is to wait for war. By the age of 32 there was a civil war starting up within a country not of his own. Once he heard about this war, he insisted on joining. The people of this country were happy to accept someone of his nature, hoping it would being them an ally of his country, however this was not the case. As usual, Arukab was acting alone. Most of the battles he took part in resulted in victory thanks to his unique powers. His many foes would all receive some form of grief from Arukab, as he know they had familys, but it was what must be done.

The war resulted in victory of the people over their king, and with that marked Arukabs cue to leave, holding up his family legacy. There has been very little war in Arukabs life time, only the 2 year civil war that he took part in. As such Arukab is nothing more than a wanderer in the eyes of others. When he had heard of Eureka Academy, he didn't pay any mind to it. He had no reason to learn, he was already very skilled at his style of combat. As the years would pass, the Academy got more and more famous, and eventually became a large part of society, forcing it to attract some of Arukabs attention. On occasion, he would even find some of the students on missions, typically paying attention to their results. To this day, he still has not visited the academy, but that will soon change, as he has considered becoming a professor.
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Yay, I got my squee back.
I'm catching up on student bios, since as a professor of armed combat, I'll probably need some info on each of you, what better way than reading it? I'll also be making a student, but I'm not starting it right away, I need to brainstorm.
....for some reason i keep coming into this RP reading the first post looking at a few characters
(lots of text isn't my strong suit on a screen though not to mention school rps scare me away like cats run from water)
Yet here i am for the fifth time =>.<=

=0.0= so here i am considering to join and um....well hi ^///^
Well, hello there. Feel free to look around. I know it's a text wall at the start but nothing to be afraid of. Trust me.
Hi! I'm new to roleplays, so please be gentle. XD
I was told this roleplay was a at good place to jump-in, and I love the idea, so here's my bio! Let me know if there's anything I should change or whatever..

Name: Ashling Garrick

Age: 22

Race: Human

Class: Archer

Title: Entry-level student.

Sect Study: Dominus: White

Appearance: (Self-Explanatory. Please write at least two paragraphs; an image alone does not count.)

Ashling is about 5'7" tall with a slender, but muscular frame. She has blond wavy hair to her shoulder blades that she leaves down for the wind to control. She has deep brown eyes, and fair skin. While she is naturally beautiful, she has never cared much for the title, and does not use makeup or primp herself in any way.

She wears a peasant shirt with a ruffled front under a leather vest and slim-fitting riding pants with boots. She chooses to wear her sect insignia as an armband around her left arm. She keeps entirely to neutral and Earthy tones. You will never find her wearing bright colors, as she sees them as an eye-sore.


Ashling scores an INFP on the Meyers-Briggs personality test. This means she is introverted, intuitive, feeling, and perceiving. In her free time, you will find Ashling outside under a tree, studying. She is passionate about learning, and improving herself. She is a very quiet person, but this is not because she is stuck up. She is simply observing. She avoids being an intrusion at all cost, so starting a conversation can be difficult for her. However, once you introduce yourself, she will talk to you for hours.

Ashling fights for peace. If there is a diplomatic way around any issue, she will negotiate to the end. She always tries to see the other side of the argument, and wants the best for everyone involved. However, this does not stop her from getting the job done when someone is being unreasonable. If it comes down to a fight, she will fight with whichever party is most accepting of a compromise. She is a lover at heart. This composes a major weakness for her. Not only does she fall for people easily, but it also makes her vulnerable.

Ashling carries a common bow and quiver of arrows with her. She also carries a Chinese style short sword on her hip.

Ashling is skilled with her bow. She has a great deal of room for improvement, but compared to the typical white-ranking student, she is quite good. This is due to her history of practicing with her father. She has also recently found that if she channels enough energy she can escape a close-range attack by focusing on another physical location, and her body will "magically" follow her energy there. This is extremely new to her, and she does not know how to manipulate it properly. As of yet, it can only be used in absolute emergencies when her adrenaline pushes her energy off the charts. It is also limited in distance, so she can only currently use it to bide time to put away her bow, and unsheathe her short sword. It currently cannot be used to open enough space to make archery a safer option.

Ashling grew up in a very close-knit family on Corinith. Despite her love for her mother and younger sister, Brielle, her father was her favorite person. From a very young age, he began teaching her to use a bow. He would always tell her "You've gotta have one skill, any skill, that you can use to care for yourself." but he never meant for her to enter combat. Her father was a high ranking city councilman, and they lived very comfortably. Her mother stayed home and taught her and Brielle the importance of perspective and diplomacy. This dream life shattered, however, when Ashling was 15, and her father mysteriously went missing.

Over the years, Ashling has gathered all the information she could from those who knew her father's work best, his fellow councilmen. She guesses that a group of terrorists kidnapped him, as his policies upheld respect for others and peaceful coexistence over individual freedoms (such as the 'right' to own unnecessarily powerful weapons as a civilian with a criminal record). Although she knows the chances are slim, Ashling still holds out hope that her father is alive somewhere. At 18 years old, she went off to track down the terrorists who she believes took her father captive. However, after witnessing an internal battle in their group, and seeing the power they had, she realized that she needed to improve a great deal (and perhaps recruit some powerful allies) before she could actually take the group on.

Worst of all, her sister Brielle, now just 17 years old, seems to be falling for one of the group's core members. Ashling never shared her investigation with her sister, fearing she was too young and vulnerable. However, now she fears that was a mistake. Brielle has left home to be with a member of the group, and they seem to be grooming her to take over her father's position in the council, only to uphold their twisted idea of freedom over Brielle's own values. This is Ashling's motivation for joining Eureka Academy. She needs to gain power in order to save (or avenge) her father, rescue her sister, and protect her home town from the terrorist group's plot.
Hmmm....teleportation. Definitely a higher level magic power. I imagine you discovered this under duress, yes? That would make the most sense given how it's activated. Which means you would probably wind up having force based magic once you learn how to tap into your power at any time and learn to manipulate it. Definitely a growing character and your backstory lines up perfectly for one of the side stories we've got in the works so you're in for some fun.

@CylciaAlyann You're accepted. Adding you to the roster nao. Feel free to pick a mission and collaborate with the others on it to get it rolling.

In other news, I've gotten word that Mr. Squee above and his S.O. will have students joining as well so I will be 'nagging,' as he calls it, him to complete the bios as soon as possible so we can get all of this going.
Gavin you smelly hoe. Clycia is my S.O. My student is in the makings now.
@Yaoi Master Gavin Just off-hand, thought I might mention that I am Squee's S.O. Felt odd to mention it in the first post. Didn't want to sound like I had some sort of privilege because of that.

Yes, the idea was that her teleportation power was just recently discovered during an attack on her life. I wanted something interesting to add to an archer and Squee suggested a teleportation (within limits) would work well, and also that you would probably be okay with it. Excited to start!
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