EquinoxSol x Dedtoo

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She smiled. "I might take you up on that offer someday," she said, kissing him to punctuate the sentence. "But I'm too tired right now to. She kissed him again, before pulling away with a yawn. Taking his hand, she squeezes it gently, nuzzling her head beneath his chin.
He smiled and gently stroked her back, feeling himself relaxing as she nuzzled up on him. Her heat made him sleepier for some reason, so he used his tail to pull a blanket over the two of them. He hissed happily, as he slowly stared falling asleep, still stroking her back.
Sighing happily, she closed her eyes, feeling herself dropping off into sleep quickly. From both the repetitive way he was stroking her back to the simple closeness, it was all soothing her into rest. Closing her eyes, she shifted slightly, still underneath the blanket, getting into a more comfortable position. Laying her head on his chest, she lets go of his hands while she starts to fall asleep.
Zar'Le slept better than he had in a long time, feeling the heat on top of him. His dreams were filled of warmth, water, and a beautiful nymph dancing with him.
Morning came far too fast. He opened an eye slightly, looking at the now-bright room. He looked down at the beauty still on his chest, in his arms. He closed his eyes again with a smile.
The sun had risen much too early, rousing Evelyn earlier than she had wanted to be waken. Instead of letting it bother her, she kept her eyes closed, trying to recapture the silence and peace of the morning. She loved the feel of him beneath her, his scales against her skin, and wanted to prolong the moment as long as possible. A stray hair eventually came to rest on her nose, making her twitch, trying to get it off without moving properly. When that proved to be useless, she finally brought up a hand to move it, opening her eyes.
Zar'Le could feel something moving on top of him, making him slowly open his eyes again. And just as he head expected, it was his lovely Evelyn who had awoken in his arms. He started gently rubbing her back, as he almost whispered "Good morning, love." with a wide smile on his face. "Was it a good night on your new mattress?" He was almost surprised with himself. Barely woken, and yet he had already cracked a joke.
"Yes," she nodded, kissing him softly. "It was very comfortable and warm, and I slept well through the whole night...I might have to use you as a mattress again," she added with a soft laugh. Kissing him again, she felt her stomach let out a loud growl, making her laugh again. "Guess I'm hungry," she said, smiling.
"And you're the warmest and most comfortable blanket I've ever had. And the only one that actually was giving off heat." He said, giving her a kiss in return, before her stomach woke up. "I guess you are. Poor thing. Having to eat every day..." He shook his head slightly, before giving her a kiss to make it all better. "I guess we should get up and get some food then." He was quiet for a moment, before his face brightened up with an idea. "Or, you could stay right here, and I could get you breakfast in bed?"
"Okay," she answered, brightening up. She had never been able to eat in bed before, and was excited by the prospect. Kissing him again, she slowly gets off of him, reluctant. Stifling a yawn by bringing up a hand, she pulls the blanket over her a little more, lying back against the pillows, looking up at him and grinning.
Zar slowly stood up and stretched and was about to leave, but remembered two things he had to do first. The first was to put on a robe, which was simple enough, and the second was to lean down and give Evelyn a deep kiss. He stood again after a few seconds and walked over to the door, where he gave her a small wave. "I'll only be a moment." And with that, he closed the door behind him and hurried off towards the kitchen.
It seemed he was the first one up, as the kitchen and main hall were both empty. Unless his parents were bathing, that was, but he didn't care. He was here to feed the nymph in his room, not ask them about anything. He grabbed a plate, a bowl of fruits, a knife and got to work, chopping them up. He had a special pattern in mind.
While Zar'Le was getting breakfast, she stood up, moving to her bedroom. Taking her shortest nightgown from her trunk, the one her mother had insisted she where the night after the wedding, she put it on before returning to the bedroom. Pulling the blanket up around her again, she grinned softly, waiting for Zar'Le to return.
It didn't take Zar'Le a long time to cut the fruits and arrange them on the plate in the way he wanted. Many different fruits arranged in the symbol of Slaneesh, the Lizardkin's symbol of love. He quickly cleaned up the mess he had made, before he picked up the plate and went back to his room.
He swung the door open and quickly stepped inside. "Hello there, my love." He said, before he started walking towards her, closing the door with his tail. He got down onto the bed, and on his knees if front of her, offering her the plate. "I hope this offering pleases the lady." He said with a wide smile.
"Thank you," she said, taking the plate. Kissing him deeply for a long while, she reluctantly pulled away. Taking a piece of apple, she popped it into her mouth, smiling as she chewed. Eating until she was no longer hungry, she set the plate down besides the bed and kissed him again, grinning. "I love you," she told him when she pulled away.
Zar laid down on the bed next to her as ate. As she put away the plate and kissed him again, he wrapped an arm around her, only to notice that she had put on some kind of clothing. As they broke the kiss again, he looked into her eyes and said "I love you too." He ran a finger along the gem of the gown. "And you seem to have gotten dressed in my absence." He said with a slight smile. "I quite liked you without clothes."
She nodded. "I didn't want someone else to walk in on me while you were out..." Shifting so that she was straddling him, she smiles before kissing him. Deepening the kiss quickly, she places her arms around his shoulders, her pale green eyes closing as she leaned into him softly.
Zar'Le would have said that she could just cover herself with the covers. He would have, had it not been for the nymph straddling him and kissing him. It was rather distracting, to say the least. Instead, he simply placed his hands on her hips, wrapped his tail around one of her legs and returned the kiss.
"And anyways," she added, once they had broken away for a moment, "you got dressed first." Kissing him again, she smiled, pulling away soon afterwards. "What will we be doing today?" she asked him, gently caressing his cheek with the fingers of one hand.
Zar'Le grinned slightly. "Yeah, I got dressed because I was going to leave the room." He started stroking her hips gently. "But not you, as far as I know. You were just going to wait here for your breakfast. But I suppose I can forgive it this time..." He gave her neck a soft kiss and tugging slightly at the nightgown with his teeth. "As you look pretty sexy in it." He gave the soft skin of her neck a little love-bite.
Yelping softly at the bite, she kissed Zar'Le when he pulled away, pushing her tongue into his mouth, letting their tongues meld together for the briefest of moments, pulling away hers to tease him. Letting her arms rest on his chest, she gently pulls at the neck of the robe, kissing the bare scales that she uncovered.
Zar'Le hissed slightly at the kisses, and his hands roamed across her back. "Well, aren't you in a amorous mood?" He asked playfully, as his tail started stroking up and down her leg. He gently started tugging on the bottom of her gown, running his claws ever so gently across her skin as he did.
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