Engel: Fiat Lux OOC/Signups

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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Sheo has a feeling Dem is going to get on his nurves... -. -;;
O_O DUDE I'm so sorry! At first glance, I thought that was one of yours! I guess I'm not as acquainted with your art as I thought :( Darn, I'm just gonna have to look at all your work again! :P

Mmm, yes, tastycakes indeed! I think I'm gonna have fun with that one, heh heh heh >:]
Oh no! All those cute boy drawings.... *sigh* Poor Ossiel....
He's totes getting resurrected for this. He's just too awesome. Also, Demoloth is a dick. Wow... I usually don't play asshole characters o_o

It's more fun than it should be.
YAAAY!!! O-SSI-EL! O-SSI-EL! *cheers and throws confetti* ^o^

Heh, man, I really like Demoloth. He's a dick, buuut he's totes smexy so it works, haha! XD I love his character so far, you're doing an awesome job (with the whole RP, including him! :)
Thanks, it seems like everyone is on the same page now and things are going well. I hope everyone is still excited because everyone is doing fantastically!
we're still exsited, but please pardon my rudeness in my next post T^ T
Ming! No, I love it. Totes in-character and awesome. It'll be fun to be foils/rivals!
Wait what was our post order again? didn't we have one? @.@ omg
steph, you need to edit your post because i just post before you by a few seconds. If anything, you should add to it so it makes more sence and not edit it at all. I think it's a good post :P
I believe that, given the frequency or infrequency of some players, that the post order has gone out of the window.
lol, you may have a point. We migh thave to implament one before long, atleast not during the conversasion part of our Rp. Perhaps during the combat area, when we're all down where the humans live.
sorry for the short reply, i couldn't think of any details that would fit in with the conversasion we are having.
That's cool ^.^ Without the others it is a bit limiting
i'm going to sleep now, don't do too much that requires me present to detail them. =3
Yeah, I think I need to hit the hay myself. Night guys!
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