Engel: Fiat Lux OOC/Signups

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I see, but she still knows of that the Engel Ordermembers use Telepathy to communicate to one another via long distance, right?
Yes, but only Engel have that power. Humans can't do that kinda thing.
And Engel's can or can not read humans minds?
They can, but someone like that would know how to not be an open book, don't you think? She might not have powers, but she has been specifically taught how to deal with the Engel of her own order. It makes sense, right?
That's what I was thinking when i thought she was an Engel, that she could chose who reads her mind and could close her self who ever wants entrance that she doesn't.
I shall be posting tomorrow when possible!
It seems like interest has pretty much dried up for this thing. It was my first attempt at GMing for a group and I learned a few things, so thank you all for a learning experience. I'm really pretty sad that we had to stop before the story ever really got off the ground. It's something that I love and that I would like to continue to be able to build on so I might be resurrecting it sometime in the future but not anytime soon.

Thank you all for your time and effort and I apologize for not doing a better job of fostering enthusiasm.
Dawn, do what I did. Make a 2.0 version of the story and have a new roster of people. It worked for Snow-Fallen Zombies, my first thread ever on this site.
I'm sorry about your roleplay, Dawn :( If you do make a 2.0 version, I'll do my best to post more.
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