Engel: Fiat Lux OOC/Signups

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steph, My character didn't really say thoughs words, he was thinking about saying it but couldn't get the chance. From what i read in your post it seems that she heard what he said, but he said nothing. Sorry, but could you edit your post so it has fluent informasion based off of what i wrote. =P i know its hard to understand at first, but my way of descripsion grows on you and you can understand it over time ^^
Posted! I don't know if it's bad or anything. If I need to change something, let me know!

And TheGrimBunny, just put Serefaal next to Nurnadael just in case you wanted her to interact with him or anything like that.

EDIT: I'll get Serefaal to go over and interact with Sheo and Tiel soon as well!
Looking good guys, I'll be throwing some wrenches in once the chars are all introduced. :)
Since I don't know that Peanut will be joining us, here's the CS for your Urielite! If he does decide to come in... well, we'll just play it by ear.

Name: Demoloth
Order: Uriel

Olive skinned, with glossy dark hair tied off in a topknot. Tall and lean, everything about him speaks of speed. Intensely green eyes seem to hold an expression of constant amusement. Clad in the green robes of his order and soft leather accents and accessories. His wings are a warm chestnut brown.
Personality: Demoloth has been trained well and he knows it. The Engel is well aware of his abilities and takes great pride in them, almost to the point of vanity. He makes a show of it, preferring this to be the face that others see instead of the cynical, contemplative nature that only a select few have been allowed to glimpse. Intelligent, crafty, and as sarcastic as he is skilled.
Weapon of choice: Traditional longbow and arrows fletched with his own feathers. Carries a long utility dagger that he is able to fight with in close quarters.
Strengths: Speed and stealth; You'll never know he's there until he is right up on you. Urielites possess larger wings than the other orders, allowing the messengers to fly for longer distances at greater speed.
Weaknesses: Overconfident, thinks everything is a joke.
Quirks: Has a deep, protective love of his Nonnus Meryn; is intensely torn about leaving her and his Himmel and wanting to go out into the world and prove himself in service to God.
im guessing he's going to be playes by you, right?
Eee-yup! I'll crank out a post in a bit, gotta make some lunch.
what are your comments about the post I made earler in reply to Teil's question twards Sheo?
No problems with it, looked like a good post to me o_o
thats not what i mean, How do you like the awenser Sheo gave her?
Demoloth doesn't wear a shirt. I like Demoloth XDDD GORGEOUS illustration (as usual ;P), DawnsLight!!
Ehh, it's not mine though! Wish I could take credit. He is tastycakes though, right?
made my post, hope you two dont mind company.
this is going to be good, a self-centured serious type Vs a kocky party animal. what posibly could go wrong? (sacrasm)
Party animal? Woah, man... Dem can't help it if the party follows him... XD
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