Empty Bottles

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Brianna started to mumble in her sleep and rubbed her eyes, waking up. "Nya~" she yawned and looked up, seeing Jason's smiling face "I just got the strangest dream" she said as she let her head stay on his lap "I heard you say I love you or something. It was such a weird dream" she stated and snuggled into his stomach "Can I keep you? you're so warm~" she mumbled, still half-asleep. "I wish I could take you home~"
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Jason blushed deeply, not knowing what to do. He gently pressed his lips on her scalp, his gentle lips meeting the soft strands of Red hair. ''Heh.. T-Thanks.. That M-means a lot to me..'' he said as he removed his lips, brushing her hair with his delicate fingers. ''I love your hair.. So red and adorable..'' he gently touched the tip of her nose with his finger. ''Boop!~''
"W-what are y-you doing?" she exclaimed as she felt his warm lips on her head "Don't eat my hair! T-that's disgusting!" she said and sat up, blushing madly. He then poked the tip of her nose, making her blush even more "S-stop it! Y-you're m-making me b-blush!" she stuttered covering her face "S-stop t-teasing m-me! M-my hair is w-weird so no o-one l-likes i-it!" she said, waving her hands frantically and hiding her face with her hair.
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Jason had a worried look on his face. He had no intention of being rude, it was just.. He couldn't help himself. ''Im terribly sorry.. I just.. I couldn't help myself.. Your hair is nice, and I adore it.. I just wanted to be nice to you, Y'know.. If life at home for you was bad, then at least you could've been happier here when you saw a smile on my face.. But, nevermind..'' he said admitting everything, blushing even deeper than her. He slowly reached out for her hand, and sighed. ''Would it make you feel better if I tried to stop teasing you..?''
She blushed even more after hearing his statement. "Why do you care so much for me?" she asked while peeking from her red hair "I-I'm not mad at you for t-teasing me.." she said while looking away from him "i-its just that.. its a bit embarrassing..hearing c-compliments f-from you. N-no one g-gave me c-compliments before" she mumbled.
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Jason sighed as he scooted over, closer to her, sitting beside her as his cheeks heated up harder. It was as if they were in a race to see who could blush the hardest. His hand gently landed over hers and he spoke. ''B-Because.. I H-have something F-for you.. I guess... I do like you..'' he but his lip in anxiety to know what she would say. His hand shook very lightly, unsure about anything he would do that could upset her in any way.
"D-didn't I tell you that you c--can't like me?" she asked still blushing, feeling his warm hand on hers. "Y-you j-just can't. I-I'm sorry." she said with tears brimming on her eyes.
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Jason gripped her hands with his, tears forming in his eyes as well, only one streaking down his cheek, leaving a depressing river down to the rooftop. He looked into her wettened eyes and laced their soft fingers together. ''But.. But why..? It's like showing candy to a baby.. And eating it in front of their face.. Please tell me why.. Or at least, what I can do so I can like you..''
"I-I'm sorry..and b-besides, h-how can y-you l-like me if y-you don't k-know me that w-well?" she sobbed, her voice cracking with every word "I'm sorry...I didn't mean to hurt you, please don't cry" she said as she wiped away his tears and squeezed his hand to give comfort "It doesn't suit you to cry..you look like a baby" she stated, trying to laugh and trying to stop the tears falling from her eyes. "ha, I'm being a crybaby. Geez.." she muttered, wiping her tears profusely, laughing once again.
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[ ooc: @meely Alright, glad we sorted that out then. ]


Max had withdrawn himself from the girl for the rest of the class. And just because she was currently kind of freaking him out, he decided he would also withdrawn himself from her for the rest of his life, if it would depend on him. He knew when he was not wanted around, and despite usually being a very frustrating personality and acting out of defiance, he also knew where the line should be drawn. And this was where the line was drawn for him; a perfect circle around him with a demand of 'Begone!' and a Bible as a prop. All the earlier thoughts about the girl seated in front of him being pretty were judged again from a new angle, deciding that it did not matter if she was and it was completely wasted on her, if she simply was not sane enough. It was ironic how his own words from the detention came to haunt him; "Insanity? That is rather debatable, as in my opinion I seem to be the only sane one in the world sometimes. I believe the world fairs well enough even without my help, don't you think?" It was definitely doing well without his input. But oddly enough, there was a feeling of hurt gnawing him from the inside too, which was weird as hell. Rejection and bewilderment mixing together, and he could not help but think if there was something wrong with him too, just on a different level.

When the bell rang as a sign of the end of the class, Max practically swiped all the stuff from the table into his backpack and was already out of the door before their teacher was done assigning homework. The tawny eyes did not even glance at the brunette as he exited the classroom. What he needed right now was a smoke, a good dose of nicotine and handful of other toxins that would slowly kill him. Maybe they could also kill the turbulence of unnamed emotions when they were at it, though that was probably only wishful thinking. And thus he started making his way towards the usual smoking pit which was located behind the school within a dodgy place shielded by trees.
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And the bell rang. Once again, she spent a few minutes simply collecting herself from the pieces scattered around the floor of her mind. Then she packed up the various bits and bobs - pencils, erasers, sharpeners and the like - into the pencil case and, like she usually did, walked automatically to her locker. The day had been stressful. Very stressful, to the extent she wanted to scream. Yet, she smiled as she opened the phone and saw: I'll see you later, love you, flashing on the screen, from her dad. It was nice he wasn't ignoring her. She typed a quick reply, before stuffing her maths book inside and then taking out her English book. One more class to go, and then, she'd begin her revenge. Stuffing her phone in her pocket, the smile slowly turned into a smirk.
Jason sighed and wiped his tears away, holding the girls hand. He scooted even closer to her and hugged her tightly. He said as it flew with his breath. ''Well.. If you do find someone else.. I hope he trears you better than me. '' Jason stood up from the hug and looked over the rail, sighing as his hair breezed in the wind, along with the faint tears that were already dying out of his eyes. He gave a final sigh before being quiet.

As Max pushed himself outside from the school doors and soon turned the corner behind the school, the baseball cap wearing boy Kyle jogged up to him. The two exchanged a fistbump and then continued their way towards the smoking pit together, keeping an eye out for any teachers who could have been venturing outside. The smoking pit was like a public secret; everyone knew about it, including the teachers, but nobody talked about it. The smokers used it, the students who did not smoke did not snitch them to teachers, and teachers mostly acted like it did not exist. There was a silent agreement between the smoking students and the teachers, always had been; you could smoke as long as you stayed out of the field of the staff's vision and did not do it openly in the school grounds. So as long as the little runts kept to themselves, there was no need to make a hassle out of their bad habits. The teachers rarely came behind the school, but when they did, they always tried to stop the kids going to the smoking pit out of obligation more than anything else. But they all knew that it would do little to no good to anyone, as the ones in nicotine hook would go and ruin their health there in the end anyway, one way or another.

When the two boys entered the pit through a shrubbery, there was already few other kids inhaling their cigarettes already. Two boys and couple of girls, all having the similar kind of aura as Max and Kyle did, all of them being the bit more rebellious type. There was brief exchanges of greetings and how are yous, and then Max threw his backpack on the grass and slumped down with a heavy sigh. He dug out his cigarette package from within the jacket's pocket, picked up one and placed it between his lips. Kyle reached over and lit it for him, and Max inhaled the bitter smoke, before breathing it out with another long sigh.

"The fuck is bugging ya?" Kyle asked as he started to light up his own cigarette. Max just shrugged and took another draft, and did not answer. The baseball cap wearing boy blew out a smoke ring, and continued; "Ya were talking with that girl earlier in class. Cassia or whatever. She yours or something?"

Max let out a barking laugh. "Oh hell no, she's just someone I found... interesting, I guess. But that died pretty quick. She made sure of that herself."

"Oh? She reject ya or something?"
"There's nothing to reject when nothing even started, bro."
"I bet chu were thirsty for her, though. Ya don't just talk to any chick."

Max chuckled quietly, and took another draft of his cigarette. "You'd think so, huh...?"

Kyle bumped his fist against the blond boy's shoulder, smirking mischievously. "Dude, ya didn't hook up with anyone last year. And I never saw ya show any interest towards anyone who flirted with ya in the parties. Think 'bout it."

Max hummed quietly, but did not disagree.
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She knew that something nagged her from the corner of her mind. That something was up, and she wasn't really sure what, because she was concentrating hard on how to get her revenge. She wasn't letting people walk over her anymore.

That was what was annoying her. Why today? Why today had she opened up? She'd normally allow herself to be treated like dirt and think about arguments she could have had late at night just before she fell asleep. Was it those girls earlier about Amy, had she simply just became sick of listening to people gossip and torment? Oh, hell, she didn't know.

She entered into the classroom and relaxed to see she was the only one there and earlier than the teacher. English was hard. She could read easy, but writing fiction sucked. Cassia just wasn't creative enough, in her own head. There was words that just wouldn't reach the page ever, and sometimes, she felt stupid. How she'd passed all these years was unknown. The athletics team, she supposed, probably kept her sane. Javelin, cross country, long jump, shotput, she wasn't very picky. Sports was more her thing. It sucked that she hadn't got sport till tomorrow.

The phone vibrated in her hands as a text transported. Will you pick up the groceries? Pint of milk, loaf of bread and some pasta? Cassia sighed, but replied that she would on her way home from school.

Rest of the break was spent in silence between the boys. Kyle could see that he was not getting anything out of Max further than that, and he soon approached the other smokers to talk to, deciding that he had gotten the point across to the blond boy. And Kyle had, since Max had fallen pensive, mulling what his friend had said in his mind between the bitter drafts of tobacco.

First was complete denial. He was not interested in the girl (Cassia, was it?) like that. He was just briefly intrigued by her sass, and soon put off by her overreactive side, simply because he did not know how he was supposed to answer to it. Who cut off their hair for something like that anyway? Was hair not a big deal for girls? Would she doze herself in gasoline and set herself on fire if he touched her skin with a bare hand? The further Max thought about it, the worse his mood was getting. The whole thing actually had gotten to him more than he was ready to admit.

Secondly was guilt. Had he gone too far? He had just been messing around, it was not like he really had meant anything bad, it had been harmless. Maybe she had been actually more scared of him than she had let on. Maybe she thought he was one of those guys who tried to force themselves on the girls. Did he give off those kind of vibes? Dear God, please do not let him give off those kind of vibes. Max was ready to admit that he was bit of a jerk, but at least he was aiming to be a jerk who had some class. A classy jerk. So if she was ready to cut off her hair to get away from him, then so be it. Max would take that as a sign to back the fuck off.

Thirdly was the conclusion. He would deal with this like he always did with everything. Bottle it up and not think about it any further. Act like it does not matter, because it does not matter. Shake it off like water off duck's back. There is no point letting things get to you. Man up and get it behind you. It is no big deal, life goes on and all that shit. Hakuna matata!

When the first bell rang, Max stumped his cigarette bud and picked up his backpack. He, Kyle and the others made their way out of the smoking pit through the shrubbery and the trees, and then parted their ways. Kyle and Max had the same class again, so they started making their way towards English together. Kyle was retelling what happened to him during the weekend at a party, something hilarious about beer bongs that Max just nodded along and pretended to be interested in, even though he was anything but. Kyle knew Max did not drink, but still dragged the blond boy to parties nevertheless with him. Max did not mind, but despite being one of the kids with bad attitudes and habits, drinking was not one of his. Kyle had never questioned why, he did not need to. Guys did not talk about things like these, and the baseball capped guy had been able to put together one plus one eventually himself after seeing Max wear a black eyes couple of times and hearing the yelling from the porch of the house when he picked Max up for school sometimes. It was not like Max tried to keep it a secret, he did not just talk about it, and Kyle respected that. Every family was sad in their own way.

"Dude, you don't have to take me home today, I'll walk." Max said as they entered the school building again. "Mom asked me to pick something up on the way home."

"'Tis fine, I can drive ya to the store at least, aight? No biggie."
"Thanks, mate. I'd appreciate that."
"Aw, don't go falling for me, now."
"What? And here I thought our bromance was deeper than that already!"

Max and Kyle entered the classroom together, and the baseball capped boy barked a laugh at the blond's retort, who continued dramatically. "Have you been leading me on? All this time? Bro, I thought we had something!"

Kyle pushed him a bit with a snicker, and Max pushed him back, which continued on until they were seated in the very back of the class. Max threw his backpack on the ground, taking a seat next to Kyle. Automatically the tawny eyes seemed to spot the brunette, but forced their attention away from her, indulging himself into a conversation with Kyle about some game, waiting for the second bell.
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The deep thoughts stayed deep until the classroom door opened and he was stood there. She didn't know if he'd always been in this class or not. Perhaps she had never found it important what students were in her classes, because she'd never really got involved, either as a friend or a foe. He came in with a friend, or what seemed to be a friend, playfighting. She envied him. Sure, the peace and quiet, when she wasn't being approached, of course, was great, but someone to tell secrets and have sleepovers with and plan futures together. That was Cassia's idea of bliss. She told herself to look away before he noticed her watching him, and surely enough, he glanced at her.

When she did, the second bell rang. If the first one wasn't loud enough, the second one seemed to be double the volume. It left a high-pitched noise, a constant screech like a banshee's, ringing in her ears. Or maybe just one, though if you asked her which one, she wouldn't be able to tell you. She opened her book, and wondered if she was the only one who had bothered to do the homework on Macbeth. She was now pretty glad she'd had the detention. It had given her time to complete it. Except she despised Shakespeare as much as she despised Maxwell. Because she believed he was full of himself.

The teacher didn't come in even after the ringing of the bell. How many minutes late would the professor have to be for her to legally leave this class? Five? Ten? Fifteen? More? Why was she even bothered? Her thoughts were distracted by the silent vibrations of her phone as a text came through. When are you coming home? She turned it off again. She was not going to even bother with the question. She had a lot to do. A lot. When she was to get her father's food items, she would get a few items of her own. She was the one with the money of the two, after all. The credit cards, the debit cards, the cash, the cheques, the vouchers, all safe in one bag. Money wouldn't be a problem, the hardest things to find would be the right objects.
Brianna isn't the type of girl who should be affected by just a mere confession. She doesn't believe in love and yet, she got a painful feeling inside her chest. "Hah. Pathetic" she muttered to herself.

She grew up never seeing a normal and functional family. Her parents are divorced but lived in the same roof for her sake. They would fight each day and night, crushing the hopes and dreams of Brianna seeing her family being together again. She trusted so many people that eventually betrayed her, hurt her and left her broken. How could someone like him like a person like her?

The sudden warmth took her by surprise, and his kind and love filled words gave her a shock. How could someone broken as she deserves someone so bright like him? She asked herself.

He abruptly stood up and looked over to the scenery, his hair waving as a gentle breeze swoop passed them. She cannot help but let out a sad smile and hug him from behind, whispering "You deserve someone better. Someone much more than me" Those words stung her deeply, as if nails were driven to her heart with each word, yet she continued on "but thank you. Thank you for making me feels special, even for just a moment."

She then heard the school bell ring, indicating the end of class. "Come on" she beckoned, letting go of the hug and reaching for his hand but stopped halfway, thinking that she'll make things even more harder for her to let go. "We should get going.." she mumbled and went downstairs.
Jason blushed again at the hug, it was his natural thing to do, since he was unfamiliar with 'girl hugs', and all he could do was sigh and look down, a tear sliding down his nose to the tip, dropping into the courtyard. The blush soon faded away, since he realized what made of this : nothing more, than a Friendly hug.

Jason sighed at the bell, it ringing even the deepest depths of his soul, the annoying RRRIIIINNNGGGGing stopped the peaceful serenity that was the outdoors. He noticed her about to take his hand, so he followed sue to grab it. However, she pulled away, in his opinion, she would bring him into the dark depths of Friendzone and Depression. He walked towards the door and opened it, holding it for her like any young gentleman, but this time it was from his morals, not of the feeling he had for her. That died in the small amounts of time they had spent on the roof. He walked down the same flights of stairs, binder in hand, pencil faintly holding a pencil as another breeze moved the bangs that were covering his forehead and pupils.

The teacher was late. Max hoped their instructor on the fine language of English and how to do it the right way would not arrive at all, so he could leave earlier. He had things to do, places to be and people to see. And anti-depressants and beer to pick up and deliver home like a good boy he was. Such a model son, feeding his parents addictions like that. Maybe tonight he could also provide his father with himself as a human punching bag to take all the depressed anger on. Now that would be just peachy. Where was the son of the year prize?

No but in all seriousness, he just wanted to get the thing over as soon as possible, so he could pack his bags and leave home for the weekend. Partly because he felt like needed a time off. Mostly because during weekends the house reached its weekly highest drama peak, so what could be a better idea than just take off and sleep over his friends houses. Raid their homes and pillage their fridges in a way that would put the Vikings in shame. At worst he could always just camp outside a bit too, it was not like it was too cold for that either. Just the damn mosquitoes made it pretty unbearable. Maybe he could crash some parties with Kyle, he was sure the guy had mentioned that there was an upcoming party or two coming up. And Kyle would always need someone to act as his designated driver, which is where Max would step up; he had a driving license, but not a car. He could still have one, if his father had not sold it to pay off some of his old gambling debts last year, which is why Max was stuck carpooling with Kyle today, taking the bus or walking. (Believe it or not, but his bike had also gotten the same miserable fate! Can you believe that? Thankfully his old man's gambling luck had gotten better after that, and all the debts were paid.)

The conversation about the game died soon enough, the pair falling into a comfortable silence that only people who had been friends for a long time would not find awkward or weird at all. Kyle had turned his baseball cap backwards, his buzz cut showing from the hole, and was now going through his homework which he had surprisingly done. Well, not surprisingly at all, really. Max knew that despite looking like a total thug and talking with an odd accent, Kyle was actually a really book clever lad who's marks were above the average. The guy aced the exams and sometimes tutored Max in math when the blond felt like he could not survive the upcoming exam without a helping hand. Kyle Callahan was a perfect example of a Do Not Judge A Book By Its Cover. Max, who obviously had not done his homework and was going to blame it on the dog he did not have, was rocking on the back legs of his chair in boredom. His gaze was mostly on the ceiling, on the walls, on the floor, on the window, anywhere else but the brunette in the same room, but always finding himself looking at her anyway. It was annoying. When you really tried to avoid looking at something or someone, that is where you seemed to be the most drawn to. Eventually he gave up, and just outright stared at her from the sidelines, spotting the chopped lock of hair, but only because he knew where to look.
Brianna walked in silence, her once cheerful self is now a depressed one. The boy beside him is eerily quiet, which means she really did something she shouldn't have. "A-are you mad at me?" she asked, breaking the silence, her voice full of worry and fear. "I u-understand if you don't want to be friends with me.." she added, her voice getting sadder and sadder every minute.

She wasn't expecting this. The cheerful boy she was with a couple of minutes ago was replaced by someone else she didn't know.She gulped not knowing what to do. Did she really broke him? she asked in her mind, fearing the answer. She hung her head lowly and walked even faster, rushing past him as her eyes gets teary again. "So, this is the end of us, huh?" she whispered.

She blamed herself for everything. Was it wrong for her to say that? was it wrong to let someone you like go for his sake? these stupid thoughts clouded her head, halting her steps and tears dripping on the tiled floor. She then looked back to Jason and let out a fake smile, hoping that he wouldn't notice "Ah, uhm.. I think I'll skip school today. I'm not feeling well.." she said, holding her chest, tears streaming down her eyes. She must have looked pathetic in front of him, making her shudder. He was really the first one that she shown weakness to. Of course she didn't want to go home and hear her parents fight again but she had no choice. She needed to be away from him so that none of them will be hurt. "Uhm..you should get to class, I've given you enough trouble already" she let out a bitter laugh and wiped her nose with the back of her hand, feeling pathetic even more. "G-goodbye.." she chocked out. Those words hurt her even more, as if this will be the last time they'll be seeing and talking with each other. Shaking her head, she started to walk away from the man she like, breaking her shattered heart into smaller pieces.
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