Embers Of A Shinobi Burn Brightly

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{I find it funny liceus thinks Hiroshi purposefully intends to make him mad. Like that's Hiroshi's goal in life. Its quiet amusing. But, I shall continue posting on}

"I have never said I have no respect for you, liceus. I am not mad at you, do not hate you. But your arrogant attitude is intolerable. I am blunt when it comes to teammates with great arrogancy. Just as Sosuke was so blunt as to say he hates me. I had a teammate just like you liceus. He thought he was so great and had an arrogant air to him. He ended up dying because of this. Thinking he could overpower someone he knows not of. I just wish to steer you from that path." Hiroshi's voice was even. Liceus hadn't struck a nerve. It was that he had to teach them lessons. Whether he is blunt or not. To lead him is his main cause and purpose as a sensei. And liceus had an attitude that would end him. So Hiroshi had to try and end that attitude. It is fine to have pride in oneself, but to have such arrogance is not.

Shisuzen got out of the water. He had a slight red tint on his face. But he didn't care. Realizing they should head off, he jumped in the trees and ran after Genken. He didn't want to be left behind. He was now very happy with the fact that Kikyo was here. Now he could show off when he beat up those bandits. It would definitely be fun. And in front of Kikyo. I hope your main focus won't be on Kikyo when you fight. You don't want to get hurt.

Kiro was excited. They were now heading out. She had never been out of the village. And she always wanted to know what the sand village looked like. Konoha was magnificent. But she didn't know if that would be the same in the sand village. Being in desert made it sound dreadful.
Cypher trailed behind the group as they moved ahead in front of him. he couldn't help worrying if Miho would leave the group because of Kikyo's return. He used his blink to move forward quickly. He caught up with the group and then took lead and went way ahead of the group. He arrived at the village Hours before the rest of the group. He sat at the gates patiently for the others to arrive
To lead him is his main cause and purpose as a sensei.
I read this as "To train them is my cause!" like in the Pokemon theme song...yeah..I'm cool :3]]
Hotaru looked at Sereza, nodding as she said for them to head out. She followed her quickly, keeping up as she leapt from tree branch to tree branch. She couldn't help but feel as if something was waiting for them in Suna, something that was going to be difficult for them. She frowned, trying to shake that feeling away as nervousness. She was a bit nervous about the mission, after all, a life and the relationship between Villages were on the line here and for a first time mission that seemed like quite a test.

She continued following her Sensei, hoping that everything was going to go fine for them.
[Sorry for all the time fast forwards... but traveling through the forest is again... not exciting... A Good Day's worth of travel later!]
May looked at him as they walked outside the building he didnt talk much and it seemed that he didnt want May around Shinichi wanted to travel alone May thought, but she could be wrong "Shinichi why do you talk so little" She said to him looking at the sky as they went outside. May bit her finger and bit her finger, she made some hand signs and putted her hand on the ground summoning her hawk, when the smoke dissapered she jumped on her beast back "Come on Shinichi, I know where master is" May waited for Shinichi so that they could reach their master faster, May thought if she could reach to Shinichi's feelings, but it didnt seemed that he liked her, he never spoke to her or help her or even wait for her, Shinichi was a little rude but this could be changed she thought.
Hiroshi and his team had arrived at the town. Setting up camp on the outskirts, he walked over to Emiko. "Emiko. Are ready for your new jutsu?" He asked, pulling out a balloon. A water balloon to be exact. "In order to learn this jutsu, you need to learn a great control over your chakra. In order to do this, your going to pop this balloon, using only your chakra." Hiroshi grabbed a balloon and placed it in her hand. Grabbing one for himself, he showed her how to do it. First, there was a bump protruding out along the horizontal part of the balloon. Then one protruding out the vertical. Then they stretched until it burst, the water was hot and steam began rising from what was left from the balloon. "It may take you awhile to learn it. But eventually, you may master it." He gave her a smile before walking off to check the perimeter.

{This is not rasengan. It's the basic that leads to the fire chidori. But the basic is strong enough to do damage. During the chuunin exam, I was hoping to teach Sosuke the fire chidori. But that may or may not happen, depending on their relationship}

Shisuzen and his team had arrived at the village. It was nice and cool, being so close to water. A breeze swept through his hair. Before they could start their mission, they had to talk to the elder. The graveyard was to be protected with their life. And he was willing to do it.

Kiro was now in the sand village. She marveled at the constructs and how beautifully built they were. She was speechless. But she had to focus on the task at hand. So she stopped gwuaking at the place and followed Sereza.

Kuromaru and Yuuso had been robbing the grave site multiple times. They were going back for more, getting greedy and wanting more. They had just arrived at the graveyard, shovels in hand. They were ready to steal. It suprised them that no one cane after them. Kuromaru's arrogant attitude lead him to believe that he was too strong for anyone to face him. Yuuso thought that would be the downfall of his partner, but shrugged it off. With Yuuso by Kuromaru's side, they were unstoppable.
When Sosuke's team arrived at the entrance to the Sound Village, he removed his headband. From his bag, he grabbed four Sound Village headbands. He tied his to his arm and distributed the other three to his team mates. Looking at the place, the Sound Village had an uneasy air about it. His team would need a different set of clothes if they wanted to avoid bringing attention to themselves. There were several people looking in Emiko's direction. So she would need clothes first. He sighed taking his first step into the Village. Already people were shooting him dirty looks like he was something to be wiped off the planet. Sosuke tried to keep his eyes from staring into anyone else's. If his team was getting this much attention now, he didn't want to think about how much attention his team would have gotten if they were to wear their headbands. A huge burly man approached him and stopped Sosuke dead in his tracks. Sosuke had prepared for this.

The huge man looked down at Sosuke. He wasrather suspicious of why a kid like him was wondering about in the Sound Village.He didn't take too kindly to meddlers. He looked behind Sosuke and saw that therewere others with him. He didn't pay them any attention.
<o:p></o:p>"What's your business here, kid? It's best you don't linger here." The man said, his tone menacing and unforgiving.<o:p></o:p>

"I was just looking to gather some information." Sosuke said, not a hint of wavering in his voice.<o:p></o:p>

"Oh, well someone was looking for you. You wouldn't happen to be a spy for the Sound would you? You better get moving, the guy's been waiting for ten minutes and he doesn't look too happy." The burly man said, not even bothering to ask if Sosuke's story was true.<o:p></o:p>

Sosuke wondered if his team would follow however, he had a plan should he get separated from them.

Shinichi looked at May. He said nothing to her and did not take her hand. He knew where the master was also and did not need to be taken there. He was going to get there by his own means of transportation. His personality to him was not rude, but mostly because he did not care what others thought of him. Secondly this May person was trying way too hard to befriend him and he did not much care for such a thing as friends.Once Shinichi got what he wanted, he would leave and go about his business.There would be nothing tying him to May and he would never have to see her again. The thought was marvelous.<o:p></o:p>

Sereza stopped her team when they arrived atthe Sand Village. They had arrived early and she was grateful that they had.The Sand Village was tending to the wounded all over the place and shinobi lie ahead, both alive and dead ones. It was odd to see such a strong nation in ruins such as this. She wondered how Hana would take the appearance of her beloved home. Sereza did not know, but Hana would need to remain focused if they were going to successfully complete the mission. Sereza waited for her team to enter and see what had happened. Hana would know the way to the Kazekage better than she would so for once, Sereza let Hana lead. "Hana, you lead, you know your way around the Sand Village better than I do.

Hana was happy to lead some part of her team's first mission. She ran ahead and then caught a glimpse of what Sereza was witnessing. Hana nearly cried when she saw the stated her beloved home was in.She wondered how her mother was doing and if she was okay. Hana looked to Kiro and to Hotaru. "Please follow me." Hana said and for the first time, her voice was quiet.She walked through the entire village trying not to look at the tragedy that had befallen them. She wondered who of all people could have done this. Whoever it was would pay. Hana was going to inflict upon them the pain she was suffering. Eventually she get got too the Kazekage's emergency quarters. The people standing at the door recognized thefour of them instantly and let them inside. Then they followed in after them closing the giant door behind them.

Miho saw that Cypher had sped ahead of the group. She wondered why. Perhaps it was something she said. She did not know. Miho smiled at him behind her mask when she arrived. She loved the smell of the Hidden Mist Village and she loved how eerie it looked. The mist smelled like rain. Miho looked back at her team mates and waited for them to catch up as well. Miho had nothing to say to Cypher because she remembered that she was bad with words and her voice was probably too quiet for anyone to hear anyway.

Genken arrived shortly after Miho seeing that Cypher had sped up. He didn't have much to do accept wait for the Village Elders to arrive and assign them their posts so he waited with his team and yawned softly before smiling at all of his students behind his mask. He wondered how Kikyo and Shisuzen were doing. They seemed to lag behind a little bit, but not by much it seemed.<o:p></o:p>
Liceus arrived in his usual place in the group, looking around this was the first tiem he's seen the sound with his own eyes, after all he was normally being told by his father about places such as this. Still upon arival Liceus recieve his band from sosuke and looped his into his belt hiding, his leaf one which normally sat there into his seal. Still It was better if liceus went with sousuke after all he would need some sort of back up, and hiroshi was too busy playing house with emiko.
"I'm coming with ya. Just in-case." Liceus gave a slight nod. He may nit like being ordered and he may have been arrogant but he knew that he had to act as part of the team and two teams of two is better than one team of three and a loner. Still tapping sosuke on the shoulder he headed with him. A cold look on Liceus' face.
Hotaru followed her teammate as she led them through the fallen Village. Her eyes took in the red of the blood that had been recently spilled mixed in with the orange sand. Her heart fell slightly, knowing that these people have suffered and hoping that they would be able to come out of this stronger. She thought back to her life in the Mist, seeing this mostly on a daily basis had made her strong against the sight of blood and wounds, but she still didn't like it. She looked ahead, deciding that she would give her all to protect these people and their Kazekage.

'Pathetic humans. They start wars and battles for no reason other than greed.'he growled in her mind, looking on the city. 'It makes me sick.'

Hotaru felt the same way as Tsukuyomi, she hated wars and unnecessary battle, she wondered why the Kazakage and his Village were under attack.
Cypher sighed but smiled under his mask. He had decided he liked Miho but was quite scared she doesn't like him. He trys to hide emotion from his face but he just ends up blushing slightly when he sees Miho. She was just as quiet as he was...
After about a days journey the team made it to the gate of the Hidden Sound Village. Sosuke and Liceus walked in first. She had planned to quickly follow behind the two but froze in her tracks when she saw all the dirty stares aimed at her. She looked forward noticing Sosuke had already been stopped by a rather large man wo was most likely questioning him. Emiko decided to stay behind for abit. She was for some reason an obvious distraction and she stuck out like a sore thumb. Was she too clean? Were they're no other girls like her in the sand village? Staying behind was the best bet if she didn't want Sosuke to be compromised. Liceus offered to go with him anyways so they would be just fine. Emiko slipped her Leaf headband off (Which was tied around her neck) and slyly tied the headband from the Sound on. She looked over to Hiroshi Sensei as if to ask what they're next move would be. In truth she was quite worried but decided to shrug it off in hopes this mission would go smoothly.
Sosuke nodded at Liceus' words and headed into the place that the man had indicated. He saw the spy, or who he thought to be the spy sitting in the far corner by himself. From the looks they were getting, they were not welcome. Cautious, Sosuke sat down by the spy who passed him a note. The people here were just so dumb it was unbelievable. It was just too easy and then Sosuke looked around. It seemed as though everyone was after the information he had just received. The spy started to leave and Sosuke chased after him... or was it a her. He did not know. He motioned for Liceus to follow and shinobi that were in the bar chased afte the two of them. It seemed that they had been played, but played or not, that had been the real spy regardless of what anyone said. The spy was fast, but not too fast to where Sosuke couldn't keep up. The spy ran to the direction of where Emiko and Hiroshi were. That was just what Sosuke had planned.

Hana led her team deeper into the Sand Village. She did not dare look at the mess around her. When she approached, the Kazekage, he looked at her and smiled.
"Hana, you look well. It's been a while since I've seen you. My, you've grown."
Hana did not smile at the Kazekage. She was worried about the old man. He was so fragile yet so strong. Hana had to stop the tears that threatened to fall from her eyes. She looked around and that's when she heard the noise. People were on their way inside and it would be time to do what she came here for and that was to protect the Kazekage. She stood at the bottom of the stairs waiting for the intruders to attack.

Sereza heard the noise as well and she too prepared for the attack she was sure would come. Finally, her team would be fighting side by side on their first mission. And from the noise, there appeared to be quite a few intruders. (Which means everyone on Team 4 ONLY will be roleplaying own enemy because I have enough characters t roleplay as is... Sorry for being lazy Team 4 ><)

Miho saw Cypher blush and thought it was cute. She thought Cypher was cute in all honesty, but she'd never be able to say that so she made the heart hand sign and showed it to him. Perhaps he would understand that. She hoped so. She looked at Genken sensei and wondered what they were going to do now, but then she saw the Village Elders approach them. They didn't look too happy.
"Genken they're here now, you and your team need to get a move on!" the Elders shrieked.
Miho sighed. She guessed that meant Cypher wouldn't get to rest after all. She was hoping that he would be able to rest before he got involved in any combat. Miho looked at Genken and waited for him to make the first move. They would have to move quickly if what the Village Elders said were true.

Genken nodded at the Elders' words, "Right, we're on it!"
With that, he was off leading his team. Miho was close behind him, cover his right. Genken was excited that he would be able to fight along side his team. He was happy that his team would get a chance to broadcast their skills. Maybe he would teach Shisuzen and Cypher a new jutsu after this was over. He wondered what to teach them. Both of them were good at chakra control so perhaps a technique that he learned on one of his missions might suffice. At the speed Genken's team was moving, they would be at the gravesite in no time at all. He smiled behind his mask. He wondered if his students were as happy as he was about being on a mission with him.

Cypher smiled widely. He felt pretty happy for the first time in a long while. He tried to make the heart hand sign back but he didn't get to before the elders so rudely cut on. He yawned, He was now tired. He was also annoyed at himself for net resting at all and instead just thinking about miho constantly. But it was worth it just for that one movement she made.
(ooc: cypher starts battle now with only 50 dodge and 50 ki)
Emiko tap her foot impatiently. She didn't like the idea of being left out of the action. She saw Shinobi from the bars and markets move from their respective spots and charge down the path Sosuke and Liceus went down. She began to worry but held her position. She didn't want to compromise the plan. Emiko just stared in the direction where all the commotion was coming from. A cloacked figure was comming her way and fast being pursued by her teammate. Emiko now grasped the plan. Luckily on of her newly developed jutsu would work perfectly in this situation. Emiko began to accurately toss kunai to the walls of the markets in a zig zag pattern and slowly began forming handsigns trying to time this perfectly. Just when the figure reached the middle of the pattern Emiko whispered: "Lightning style: Light trail" Emiko would point at the kunai closest to her. A ray of lightning would shoot from her finger tips to the tip of the kunai and the bounce over t the others in the same direct zig zag pattern. By the time it was complete the figure would be caught in the middle of the jutsu. Emiko purposely haulted the technique there not sure if she was supposed to kill or capture the figure. She wasn't even sure if she was supposed to make contact. But Sosuke and Liceus wasn't chasing him/her for nothing. Could this be the spy? If so Emiko could just kill him or her right now. She had used the weaker version of the jutsu and with the stronger version she could end that persons life rght away. But she decided to wait for orders just in case.
Kikyo blushed when she was suddenly hugged but simply giggled. Continuing forward with the team her eyes kept wandering to Shizu. She was happy to be welcomed back by the boy. She had to admit, she missed him. Leaving for their mission Kikyo seemed bit nervous, but tried not to let it show on her face. After all she was with a strong team including her sensei, in the end everything would turn out just fine. Turning to look at Shizu, he smiled shyly "how have you been? Im sorry I was gone for a while" it was a genuine apology. Nervously she played with the bottom of her shirt.
Brilliant, just brilliant. Went in to catch them and now they were fleeing, whilst himself and sosuke were bing chased by a group of people. The real spy was moments away and they were bing chased by a group. Never ceased to amaze how lacking in analytical skill sosuke was still he had't seen it either , still if sosuke had a plan for this, Liceus had to have one too, pulling out his scroll he jotted down three seals whilst on the move. If souske needed it Liceus had drawn three seals one laced with a fireball jutsu the other two a wind bullet. If souske needed it he could launch all three C-rank jutsu and have the resulting explosion equal to an A rank in power. Still keeping his mind poised onto the task at hand should he need it Liceus still had his taijutsu to work with as well. That and the ninjato he had in the seal of his scroll, should he need it he could pull it out. And people said drawing was useless.
Hotaru turned to the noises quickly, grabbing a kunai as she readied for battle. Her purple eyes narrowed as she waited for an opponent to attack, she had a duty given to her and she was going to fulfill it. Her grip tightened on the metal object as she focused on the sounds, trying to determine where they were going to attack from. She waited, only shifting her eyes like a wolf stalking its prey, she could feel Tsukuyomi getting more and more eager, urging her will of battle as she waited.

It happened quickly, the enemy jumped at her and the only thing Hotaru could focus on was the glimmer of the kunai against the light. She jumped away, barely dodging the man's attack as she landed. Her gaze narrowed to the one ninja, confident that the others would be able to hold out on their own. The gourd on her back was pretty heavy, but it gave her confidence that she had water near her in case she needed to use it.

[SPOILI]Battle Stats

Ki Points: 90 (from restless sleep)
Dodge Points: 85[/SPOILI]
Ryoma Utada sat in his office. It seemed as a though a team would be needed to give back up to Team 4. Ryoma sighed. He didn't expect protecting the Kazekage would be this difficult. Perhaps the enemy had brought reeinforcements. Ryoma leaned back in his office chair. Miho would have to join Team 5. He already sent a bird in Team 2's direction. He was sure that Team 2 would do just fine without Miho on their team. Ryoma waited patiently for this latest team to arrive.
Mizari had been sleeping, having just returned from a mission the night before when he had received an urgent message from the Hokage. His brilliant eyes opened slowly as he awoke, rolling over to reveal messy blond hair as he yawned, pulling the blanket off him to get dressed. He was now going to be in charge of teaching students and training them, and on top of that, before he would even get to know them properly, he had to help Team 4 on their mission in the Sand Village. 2 days from here.

He sighed, wondering what they had gotten themselves into as he got dressed in his typical fashion, a red and black kimono. He grabbed the necessary material he would need for this trip and headed off to the Hokage's office. As he got there, he was allowed inside, bowing to Ryoma as he entered.

"Good day Hokage-sama." he greeted, seeing that none of his students were here yet. He hoped they would be able to handle this.
May took off with her Hawk heading to her master, seeing that Shinichi didnt want to travel with her she took off without him. She didnt understand this boy he was so wierd he was never happy never said he had no emotions and feelings for others, he was like rock just staying there and doing what he wants. May did not understand why her master was so mad at her when she acted a little rude with Shinichi and he wasnt mad at all to Shinichi when he acted the same with her, she didnt understand it. May was confused she didnt knew what to do she was starting to feel different with his master, it seemed that he didnt cared for her at all and she didnt knew what to do with it. Should she leave and go somewhere else or she stay with her master and be threated like a dog. May was very confused and didnt knew what to do with her life anymore.
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