Embers Of A Shinobi Burn Brightly

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Emiko watched a little bit stunned. She wasn't sure if her sensei was okay or not. She didn't even remember to help Sosuke balance Hiroshi's weight. She just followed silently. Blood dripped from her hair and right hand. Leaving a trail as she walked. She knew she was acting childish but she was a girl and deep down she wanted to be comforted. She looked to Sosuke and Hiroshi sensei. They were dealing with more than enough at the moment. Emiko thought about how this could've been avoided. If she had acted quicker she could've saved her sensei. After all that Emiko was feeling like the weak link in the squad. In her head Everyone else seemd to be contributing but her. She wispered a quiet "Sorry" To the team while Liceus left with semi kind words. Her apology wasn't meant to be heard and se hoped it wasn't.
Sosuke did not say anything and instead kept moving as he saw Liceus zoom by him.
"There's nothing to be sorry about Emiko. Come on, let's go."
He was going to travel the entire way without stopping also. Sosuke would rest should Emiko get tired. He kept carrying Hiroshi on his back and taking him home. He would be at Konoha before the sun rose in the sky. If he remembered correctly, the team had stopped when it began to turn dark outside. Sosuke kept moving. Hiroshi's weight did not slow him down. It just made it hard to draw weapons if he encountered any shinobi. If they were lucky they would arrive shortly after Liceus or at lease Sosuke hoped so. They were supposed to be a team and Liceus had left again. Something that Hiroshi sensei would no be happy about if he found out.
Cypher was on edge, probably ready to strike at any moment but the music made him more drowsy. He was drawn towards sleep faster than a bullet to a target. He hit the barrier of lucidity when suddenly he was moved into the exstatic, drowsy, misty folds of sleep and of the memories and dreams it induced. He was collapsed on the floor. Not making any evident noise, his breathing at a steady pace. He lay curled up in a ball, snoring lightly and quietly
Miho heard a soft thump from behind her and looked to see that Cypher was a sleep. She stopped playing instantly and her hatred died down ever so slightly. She went to Cypher trying to wake him up. She couldn't say anything because she was too shy so she poured water on his face. Miho did not want Cypher to sleep when an enemy was so close by. She understood that he was tired, but she would never forgive herself if she was to be the cause of Cypher's death. It would tear her up inside and she was not in any condition to go through another tramatic event. Her brother being here was bad enough. Miho looked at the enemies before her. She could at least help Genken take out the weaker enemy of the two once she was sure Cypher was okay.
Who would've thought Renji would get to go to the Sand Village? For his first mission as a part of Team 5, it certainly sounded exciting! But the big thing about it was what was it about? Not only that, but it was a request from the Hokage for his team to handle. Was there something important, and if so, he didn't catch it. He was way lost on the situation, since the briefing had already started. Renji was pumped to his bones, ready to show his stuff, maybe even show his rasengan technique!

The people in the room seemed pretty interesting too! Looking behind him he saw somone fairly shorter than him, it's not funny, or stupid, might actually prove helpful. Mizari-sensai, and another filled the room as well. He would have time for aquaintences later.
Emiko was reassured that her worries were uneccessary. It only pleased her slightly. She couldn't help but thing that she contributed to the slight tweak in Sosuke's plans. Again she was lost in thought. This time it was about Liceus. Emiko wondered if her teammate would be okay out there by himself. What if he got lost or was attacked on the way? Even so she didn't want to worry to much. If she did then the owner of the second chakra residing in her would begin to conversate with her. This seemed to happen when she was stressed. Thankfully there hadn't been an incident like that in months because Emiko had learned to keep composed. But she didn't want to risk it now so instead she would think about things that pleased her. She thought about the new jutsu's she had developed and sometime getting an oppertunity to show them off. She also thought about her Team. Hoping that all of them would one day get along. Hiroshi sensei, Liceus, and... Sosuke. Emiko looked up realizing that they had been walking for awhile. Hiroshi sensei was slung over Sosuke who trodded along steadily. The weight hadn't seemed to be slowing him down but even so Emiko wanted to help him. She figured that if she just asked him if he needed help he would refuse like always. So she didn't. Emiko simply caught up to the pair slinging her senseis other arm over her shoulder. She was still careful not to make eye contact with Sosuke.
Not only was liceus ahead of the group by he was scouting, checking ahead to makesure the route was safe for emiko and sosuke and the injured 'genius' that was hiroshi. Every fifteen minutes Liceus left a small message in stuck to a tree, so the others could find it. He was trying to help the group. Even ahead as he was he still found the time to jot down small notes to let them know about the situation, also helping mark the route he'd taken to get back. The spy he'd knocked out for being too loud and overtly annoying. Each of the snall notes were left with a small chakra seal just to keep them from being read by prying eyes. Leaving sosuke a key code in the first one to figure out how to unlock the message. Each one siomply being a status report and route marker. Still Liceus had a descent five hundred meters on them. Leaving those notes was by far more effective than waiting for them.
Hiroshi was unconscious. But even then his body reacted to the poison by keeping it at bay with chakra. But once that depleted, it would work its way into his system, then to his heart where it would stop the beats that pumped his blood. It would be painful at first, but maybe they could make it. His subconscious mind wouldn't know till it happened.

Shisuzen saw the lighting travel up his chakra strings. And Genken blocking the attack. It was an attack meant for the enemy, yet Shisuzen felt that it was strange. Normal attacks don't conduct on his clans strings. Never in history had it done that. Not even the famous hyuuga clan could channel chakra through the strings. Something was amiss and Shisuzen felt it. When the ice dragon created by Kuromaru fell and shattered into ice, Shisuzen used this as an opportunity. Jumping high into the air, Shisuzen kicked a few of the shards at Kuromaru as a distraction. Wasting no time, he used his own momentum to land his foot on the confused man. Even if he blocked it, it didn't matter, his strings would soon settle in. Using his great taijutsu skills, Shisuzen began an amazing offensive. His finger extended (kind of like nejii) he began attacking. Even if Kuromaru blocked his attacks, the newly created strings flew into the man. After he had around 20 strings, Kuromaru got angry and back handed Shisuzen, sending him flying back at his team, landing inches away from Genken's feet. Shisuzen looked up and smiled. He had Kuromaru in his pocket. Kill him, Shisuzen. He has caused so much grief to the villagers and pain to those who opposed them. Matatabi whispered seductively. She was hungry for the kill. The feral side of Shisuzen kicked in. His bloodlust grew inside him, his eyes showing it. Jumping back onto his feet, he readied his fingers and body to rip Kuromaru to shreds.

{Should he do it? Should Shisuzen kill Kuromaru or even severely damage him? Give me your thoughts.}

Kiro saw her sensei collapse. She didn't know what to do. She was out of ideas. Then it hit her. Food pills that her father gave her before leaving. She ran over to her sensei and popped one in her mouth, eating one herself. Then, throwing two at Hana and Hotaru, she felt her strength and chakra growing back to max. Then she waited to see her sensei wake up.

Kuromaru was enraged. The pesky brat kept trying to attack him, his dragon was destroyed, and their sensei was mocking him. "I'll show you, you wimpy konoha wannabe ninja." He shouted, using a few hand signs. "Take this. Water style : water bullet jutsu." He sent out five, one at each of his opponents. This wouldn't normally waste a lot of chakra, but shooting a few in succession could take a good chink from his reservoir.

{Sorry for late reply. I normally don't have a life}
(OOC: Would anybody like to buy me left 4 dead 2 on steam. Its my birfday PM ME)
Cypher couldn't be woken. He was in the deepest folds of sleeps embrace. He was trapped in a lucid nightmare he was unable to change. He lay there sleeping softly no matter how much Miho tried to wake him. He would wake but not soon
((Well as far as that goes, Shisuzen could try it, but for a genin that seems like a bit much... I don't mind Shisuzen killing him, but I think you should try a different way only because it seems a little to over powered for a first mission and a genin))

Sosuke's team was nearing the village. It was blatantly obvious that Liceus had already made it. The moon was high up in the sky and Sosuke was getting tired. He took Hiroshi from Emiko's grasp, not wanting her help. She would slow him down if she helped. It would just be to much of a hassle if they were to both share the burden. Sosuke hurried on ahead of her wanting to get to the village quickly. Ryoma's assassitant would be better off healing Hiroshi-sensei. Sosuke believed that Ryoma's assassitant was by the far the best at curing poison. He moved faster thinking of Hiroshi-sensei. Sosuke didn't like him, but he didn't surely want his new sensei to die on their first mission. If Hiroshi-sensei died on their first mission, Sosuke would most likely lose all respect for Hiroshi and think him weak. However, if he lived, Sosuke would at most have a newfound respect for him.

Sereza did not get up. Instead she remained unconscious. Her energy was spent and she was way too tired to do anything. All she could do was hope that back up would arrive soon. Even if it was only one person, the team would make it.

Miho realized that Cypher was not going to be waking up. It was a rather hopeless cause and figured that he would not be asleep forever. She turned again to face her brother and was not in the least bit amused by the facade he was putting on. She walked up to him and did not say anything. She only put her instrument away and got ready to fight him with taijutsu alone. She would no longer use any genjutsu to distract him. Miho readied herself for a fight she knew would come and waited for her brother to strike, The fight was between him and her and no one else.

Genken looked over at Miho attempting to fight the quiet one once again. He wondered what was with her and that other bandit. It seemed as though the two were connected in some way. He couldn't quite place his finger on it and let it pass. He saw the killing look in Shisuzen's eyes and walked over to him.
"I won't allow you to kill him in this way Shisuzen... If you do, you will not be considered at home, only a murderer who enjoys the thrill of killing..." Genken said sternly.
He was serious. Shisuzen had turned into something else and he knew that it was probably the tailed beast inside him. Genken took it upon himself to seal the tailed creature to prevent a tail from appearing.
"Black Seal Jutsu!" Genken yelled before whacking Shisuzen in the back of the neck, hoping to seal the beast or at least keep it quiet. There was no need for such a sinister thing to appear in this fight. It would only endanger the safety of the team.

Hana was still enveloped in sand. She could not move and could not breathe. Her lungs burned with the sand that filled them. Suddenly, an unknown source of power was unleashed from her and she broke from the Sand prison and starting coughing up sand. It was evident that Kiro hadn't even noticed that she was almost killed. That was typical. No one on her team seemed to notice. That was okay with her however. There was no need for her team to worry anyways.
"Ka no Bunshin Jutsu!"
Suddenly several of Hana appeared. There were now eighteen of her rather than just one. She started charging at her brother with incredible speed.
"Suraisin Ka!" Yelled all of the Hanas at once.
All of them held fire in their hands that looked like blades and her brother had no where to go. She sliced him several times at once. Her fire clones bursting into flames as they dispersed. Her brother fell to the ground dead and Hana just collapsed into the ground, the enemy defeated.

Shortly after Takeshi had been defeated, Sereza woke up seeing no more enemies. She was incredibly shocked to see that Takeshi had been killed rather than simply defeated.
"Kiro, did you kill Takeshi?" Sereza asked in disbelief.
It couldn't have possibly been Hana. She was lying on the ground unconscious. Probably because she had pushed herself to far yet again.
{I just want to hurry along the fight so that miho could box it out with Yuuso with no distraction. I guess injure and attack it is}

Shisuzen growled at Genken's slap. It only sealed away the full power of Matatabi. This also enraged the makenko. So she lent Shisuzen a large amount of chakra and a little rage. Using his strings, he used a few attached to the muscles to tear themselves apart. It only crippled the guy. Enough for Shisuzen to attack without interruption. He ran towards Kuromaru, his palms ready to strike. The first landed against his rib cage, the next five struck along his abdomen extending up to his chest. Each attack sent more and more strings into the man. Next were his legs. Using a slide kick, Shisuzen knocked him over into the air. The first few strikes landed above both knees then traveled down his legs. Flipping the man back upright, Shisuzen struck his upper chest, then flipped over him to strike his entire back. Each strike drained the chakra pool Matatabi gave him. But they also served a very great purpose. Each string blocked the mans chakra network, disabling him from any jutsu. But, with Matatabi's chakra overcharging into him, the guy would die if he tried to use any jutsu.

Kiro went over to Hana and began focusing her chakra. It was a good amount of chakra she spent, healing her rival. Sereza had awoken, but her sensei was not a trained medical ninja. Neither was kiro, but she knew enough to heal her partner. She would be unconscious for awhile, but that didn't matter, she was safe. As long as that was the case, she was ok with it. Especially since her mouth wouldn't be moving, which allowed peace.

Kuromaru felt a weird sensation happening in his body. It was as if his entire body had tore itself apart. It came out of nowhere and he stood there in shock. Then one of the konoha brats attacked him. It was a terrifying onslaught. Each strike hurt his insides and didn't feel right. Finally when he stopped, Kuromaru chuckled. "You think you can defeat me with puny strikes with your palms? Its like your mocking me. I'll finish you off once and for all." With a lot of hand signs, he was about to summon a tidal wave that would drown them all. "Water style : tsunami wave jutsu." He shouted. Though, it felt different. The tidal wave didn't come. His chakra felt wasted. Then his body felt like it was over heating. Then all his muscles soon began to ache. Then he fell over and collapsed in huge mass of ninja. He had died from chakra overflow.

Yuuso saw miho took a stance. He chuckled on the inside. He thought it was funny she would challenge him when she could only make one genin fall asleep. He shrugged as if in a dismissive way. He had hatred for her, but he didn't care at the moment. He was content with watching the fight before him. Kuromaru took some heavy blows and Yuuso laughed. His partner was way in over his head. And then the arrogant man fell to the ground, and didn't appear to be getting up. Yuuso sighed. The fun had ended lately. As if teleporting, he appeared behind miho. "You may have hatred for me, but not enough. You think you could take me on, but your far from it. You'll never have as much hatred as me. You killed our mother, and I'll never forgive you." With that, he hit her head with his palm, instantly knocking her out. Then ran off, knowing that something would happen if he let his guard down because of his hatred.

{Sorry for ending it so early. I just was wanting to move things along. And shiyoumi, you'd be surprised at what genin are capable of. Look at the fights between konoha genin and the four sound ninja that gave sasuke the second stage curse mark}
Emiko stumbled abit when her sensei's weight was removed from her shoulder. She thought as much. Of course Sosuke wouldn't need her help. When has he ever? Emiko decided to quit trying and just slowly paced behind him. So far she didn't like how her first mission was going. Her sensei was injured and the team wasn't at its fullest for the time being. To top it off when she was around these people it didn't feel like a team at all. Just a group of genin with their own beleifs and way o doing things mixed with their try hard sensei. Emiko could only hope that things wouldn't stay like this for long. She eyed her still unconscious sensei wishing that he was awake right now. Surely he would have had something wise and reassuring to say. For now all she could do was keep waking with her head hung low.
"You did well today Emiko..." Sosuke said to her assuringly.
They had reached the village now and Liceus was no where to be seen. He had probably moved ahead seeing as he had left notes for them read. He walked all the way to the Hokage's building and reported about their completed mission and about how Liceus was on his way over with the much wanted spy. Ryoma's assisstant took Hiroshi from Sosuke's hands. Sosuke was happy to have the load lightened a little bit more and walked past Emiko offering her a small smile as he passed her. He headed home, extremely tired from all the traveling he had done and fighting that had occurred. Sosuke wanted to be lazy tomorrow and would probably do nothing but sleep and watch the clouds go by. Ryoma-sama had not assigned them any new missions yet so for now it appeared that the teams had time to relax.

Ryoma simply nodded at Sosuke's team and watched his assisstant patch up Hiroshi sensei. Ryoma's assisstant started drawing out the poison and fixing him up. She patched up his wounds and made sure everything still funtioned normally. Feeling satisfied with her work, she set him on a bed and decided to let him rest until morning.
Ryoma was thinking that Team 3 had finished their mission rather early. Well he didn't expect any less either. He was shocked that they managed to recover the spy alive. He was sure that they would have ended up killing him, but there reward would be better since the spy was alive. Ryoma smiled to himself. He had a promising group of genin this time around. He was hoping that they would continue to impress him in the future. Soon enough he would be telling them of the chunin exams they were to participate in and that would be fun no doubt. He would be evalutaing them to see who would be the best and would become chunin. Of course it was possible that some of them might fail and have to retake them or maybe they would all pass with good luck.

Sereza didn't ask Kiro any more questions. Instead she tapped Kiro on the shoulder and said that they would head back to Konoha in the morning. Team 4 had been through a lot and back up had failed to show up. It was definitly scary as she noted how close to zero her team was. Ther was nothing any of them could have done if the hoard continued to charge them. She sighed and picked up Hana. Sereza headed back out and saw that the Sand Village was in an even worse state than when her team arrived. She was happy that Hana was not awake to see it. It would only get her worked up and angry again. Sereza looked at her tired students. They had been through a lot today and needed a well deserved rest. Sereza decided that they would sleep in the hotel tonight. She walked slowly as her energy was almost completely depleted. She looked to Kiro and said, "Thank you. You did well today."

Miho was out cold and the last thing she saw was her brother. She was angry that she could not yet defeat him and was very disappointed in herself. Miho thought that she had gotten stronger, but it appeared that was not the case. Miho would need to train harder in order to defeat her brother and end the feud between the two of them once and for all.

Genken picked Miho up and walked by Shisuzen. He did not say a word to him and headed back to the Hidden Mist Village. The elders thanked them for helping out and awarded them with a whopping two thousand yen. Genken thanked the Elders and decided that Team 2 rest at a hotel tonight. It was evident that the genin needed a long awaited rest and he was happy that their mission was over. It had actually taken a lot out of him. He couldn't stop thinking about the other bandit though. In fact, the other didn't look like a bandit at all and knocked Miho out with just one strike. It was defiinitly odd and Genken would keep a good look out for him. He sighed and when he finally approached hotel, he requested three rooms. Miho would have to sleep by herself because sleeping with two boys in the same room seemed rather indecent.
May grabbed the katana with black blade, it was amazing "Thanks master" she said with a happy tone. May was very happy she playd with it a little andp utted it on her back tooking the other one out and started walking to her room, she putted her old katan on the dask, taking her cothes and her new weapon and putting them on her bed she went to the batheroom and took a shower. After a while she was clean and went to her room again wiping the water from her body and her hair, she took her clothes and putted them on grabbing her new katana she went outside to test it. May walked to a grass field with a lot of trees and animals the sun was shining very brightly and it was very hot. May quickly attacked a tree and with only one sling she cuted it in two "Amazing" She said, her previous katana couldnt do this without her wind element. May was happyer without Shinichi around but her master said that he was going to come back.
Liceus had arrived first out of his team but he'd taken a little longer to get around to seeing the hokage, seeing as the door guard rarely let him in. So liceus had to go the long way and through the window, again. Standing before the hokage with the incapacitated spy over his shoulder Liceus shot a small smile coupled with some words of arrogance and humility at the same time.
"Could you please ask your door guard to let me in? He seems to have some thing against me. Still heres the spy, oh and dont remove the ropes, his hands will burst into flames if you do." Liceus shot the hokage a small smile befor placeing the spy on his knees and heading out the door. On his way out he spotted emiko looking a little down. Shaking his head he walked over to her. As he reached her he patted his hand on her head, with a small smile. "What's got ya down? don't think ya did too well on the mission? well if it's that dont think that, if you hadn't taken out those air assailants me, souske and hiroshi would be seriously hurt or dead. Sooo how about a bowl of ramen? On me, my way of saying thanks for saving my backside." Leaveng the decision upto her he awaited a response, if she agreed he would go with her, if she didn't he would just smile and ask her to keep the picture safe.
Hotaru had used up a lot of her energy as well while fighting the enemies and trying to decide if she she use her jutsu. She was afraid that someone would recognize the jutsu and link her to the missing ninja from the Mist. She attacked whatever ninjas had attacked her, fending them off with her water and ice jutsus and taijutsu. She had paused when she could feel a dark aura in the room and she had looked over at Hana, sensing a strange vibe coming from her. When her brother came in and he had announced that she had a beast inside her Hotaru froze. She watched the girl, wondering if it could be true. She hadn't ever heard of anyone else having a tailed beast inside them besides herself.

When her brother had trapped her in the sand, Hotaru was about to move and to use her jutsu to divide his attention from her, but what happened next happened quickly and before she knew it her brother had fallen to the floor dead and Hana had collapsed out of exhaustion.

Hotaru quietly followed Sereza when she got up, not talking too much and feigning exhaustion. She had been tired, but not too tired that she couldn't walk. All she wanted to do was sleep and she couldn't wait until she hit the bed.

Mizari nodded to his new student then had quickly exited the building, knowing how much trouble Team 4 would have been in if they needed backup, Sereza was a strong ninja and he assumed that she would protect her students with her life and he hoped that wasn't what she had done. Once downstairs, he jumped on the Tiger, waiting for his other student to jump on as well. They would arrive in the Sand Village shortly.

[[OOC: Sorry for the wait, brothers grad and really busy weekend!]]
Hikaru watched the commotion with interest as both his Comerade and Sensei rushed out, following along behind them. What the hell was going on? had something happened? Approaching the bottom of the stairwell, Hikaru was surprised to see a Tiger waiting for them. Well...at least he'd packed enough for a long trip. Unsure what was going on, Hikaru looked at his sensei curiously for a moment, then toward the tiger...they had to ride a tiger? with a long drawn out sigh, he also mounted the tiger... I'll need to send a letter to Nayuki, she'll be worried sick if i'm gone for too long.

He knew he was going on a mission, to not only earn money but protect his village and the sand, but he didn't like being away from Nayuki for too long. It made him feel lonely and isolated. Something inside of Hikaru began to swell up as a single tear drop rolled down his cheek. "Stay alive mum...i'll be back soon." he muttered under his breath as he looked upon the village one last time before leaving.
Sosuke figured that his assumptions were right when Liceus decided to take Emiko out for ramen. He smiled. Good for the two of them. An odd couple no doubt. Sosuke headed back home waving to his team mates as he did so. However, he actually walked past his home and went to go check on Hiroshi-sensei. Sosuke wanted to make sure that he was doing okay. He was their sensei after all and it appeared that the love birds had no intention of seeing him tonight. Sosuke knocked on the door and then walked in apologizing for being a disturbance as was customary. He saw that Hiroshi-sensei had not yet woken up and he sat in a chair at the edge of the room and waited for him to respond. Sosuke was indeed worried about Hiroshi-sensei but he would not admit to being so. Sosuke would simply say that he was concerned and nothing more.

Ryoma's tiger waited until everyone was on board before taking off at the speed of light to the Sand Village. He probably should have told everyone to hold on, but as usual he forgot to say anything, but luckily these people were ninja and probably knew what to do already.
Ryoma sighed. He would have to get rid of that guard. He simply nodded and as the spy was dropped off Ryoma took it to the anbu. He was their problem to deal with not his. He watched as the new team their leave on Shouto. He was a rather energetic tiger and loved to give people rides. He didn't however, tell the team that Shouto loved to lick people and when a tiger was that big one could only imagine the tongue that would be sure to find a spot on their faces. Ryoma chuckled to himself wondereing if the team would be expecting such a thing.

The Sand Village battle was not yet over. The first fight had nearly been a distraction. And once everyone thought that the real fight was over, they would begin the assault. Four ninja lie in wait. One of them had been the real Takeshi. The other Takeshi that had appeared earlier was simply a look alike. However, he knew that Hana would be too dumb to figure it out. Takeshi's sister was definitly not the sharpest knife in the drawer nor was she was the brightest star in the sky... Takeshi would wait and then he would kill the Kazekage tonight. The Konoha shinobi were all worn out and no one would be there to save them from the pain that was about to come.

Sereza was too tired to even notice the other ninja lurking about. She was too tired to do much of anything. Sereza looked about her team. She was not expecting another attack and she thought that the fight was over, but she was wrong. Sereza did not know this yet and she closed the door to her room and as she was ready to go to sleep, she heard a scream off in the distance. Her eyes shot open, but there was nothing she could do. She was spent as was Hana, Kiro and Hotaru. They had all worked hard and Sereza was sorry that this mission had turned out to be so difficult. She waited and hoped that back up would arrive at the Sand Village soon, because she very well may die if this next fight went as she thought it would.

Miho was still on the ground unmoving. The pain that coursed through her was unbearable. What did her brother mean? Why had he blamed her for their mother's death? It hadn't been her fault. She was just trying to help...
Emiko's face had lit up at Sosuke's comment. His words were purely reassuring. She smiled back and watched as Ryoma's assistant took care of her sensei. By the way the assistant moved with precision and withought hesistation it was obvious that Hiroshi sensei would be as good as new in no time. Shortly after Hiroshi was treated Sosuke was by his side. She found this cute and saw it as a moment for them to bond, hopefully. She saw it best not to disturb them right now so she just turned and faced the window with a glum look plastered on her face. She was thinking of a way to occupy her time. She could go visit the trainning feild and develop a new jutsu. Or maybe even tap into her second chakra abit more. Outside of thoe things she really didn'tknow what to do with herself. The girl sighed.
She was taken from her thoughts when she felt a hand on her head causing an innocent squeal to escape her lips. She looked up to see her teammate Liceus which really surprised her. She also noticed he was much taller than her and she felt small looking up to him. Emiko was abit taken by his words. Not only was he thanking her but he would take her out for ramen if that's what she wanted. Emiko was shaking and hoping he couldn't see the blush covering most of her cheeks. She never knew what to do in moments like this. "Y-You don't hve to thank me" She forced the words out hoping she didn't mix them up. She started to feel really warm inside but she couldn't tell why."U-Um ramen? Y-Yeah I'd like that."She tried to play it off hoping her nervousness wasn't totally obvious at the moment.
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