Elston Academy

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So in the end Syd went up front and Kera and Ellis were in the back, Syd sat stoically, waiting then when they least expected it... "By the way why skip school?" J-z shivered then said "uh hey how about you two answer this one i'm uh driving ya..." J-z then went straight faced and stared ahead at the road... Syd glanced back his single uncovered eye staring, then looked at Kera, "Let's let the boy answer..." looking at Ellis he just stared his icy blue eyes, were cold like he was trying to freeze the answer out...
( Someone's not happy he missed out on a date....) (By the way, who runs this place? I'll need to see them....)

Lady Ciel and Brian moved swiftly throughout the halls trying, in vain, to find a staff office. Many of the doors they past echoed with screaming, laughing, and curious tearing sounds. Perhaps 'chaos' was not the right term.
This new kid gave Kera the shivers. He was just so, so... Cold... He talked in monotone and had chilling blue eyes. He seemed the exact opposite of J-z who was full of life and spontaneous. And that look he had in his eye when looking at them... It made her nerves and caused her to tense up. "I... I can answer that! It's uh..." his look did not encourage speech. And how easily he could tell Ellis was a boy, again unlike J-z who had shamelessly began to flirt with him right off the bat. 'And didn't even give me a second glance. Am I really not that pretty? So much a boy is more charming than me?' she thought. Ellis was cute, but still...
Kiyra stands at the front of the building, I've not been kicked yet... that's a start... I guess. She pushed the main door, why are these things so... heavy, she looks around nervosly, "I... I'm late..." she looks round unsure of where to go. The bag on her back was painfully heavy, a drop of sweat runs down her nose, "I need to put this thing down, I... I'll go to my dorm, maybe someone'll be there."
((OOC: The dark figures sister runs this place. She is very bubbly?))

Ellis shivered, feeling cold just from Syd's glare. It was unknown to Ellis why Syd had singled him about, but it made Ellis feel very uncomfortable. "W-Well...the thing is...w-we weren't r-really learning anything... t-the place, was sort of o-out of control...the t-teacher ran off..." Ellis stuttered, unable to talk properly since he was so put off by Syd's cold attitude. He hoped his answer had been acceptable and Syd might be nicer now. It confused Ellis why somebody as out going as J-Z was friends with somebody as icy as Syd, and also wondered if J_Z would still take him to the flower shop, or not do so to seem 'cool'. The fact Ellis wasn't in his normal clothes made him feel even more out of place.
Kiyra walks down the corridor, hearing a commotion she slows down. "Hm?" She pulls her hood down revealing her astonishingly pale face and sky blue eyes though a bandage covers her right eye; her dark brown hair covers the bandage. the girls pale complexion and less than impressive hight were often a prime target for bullies. She tucks her headphones into her hoodie pockets, trying to look like she is waiting, she considers asking for directions but finds herself to embarrassed to do so.
"Did you not hear me the first time or are you just that lacking in brains!?" Lady Ciel was saying rather acidly, "I told you that I was not responsible for your missing baseball bat!" She was agruing rather intensively with a short, grumpy, and bald teacher who looked like he was ready to roast the girl alive.
J-z felt sorry for Ellis Syd in RULE BOT MODE!!! was Scaaa~rrry! J-z sighed time to take on for the team, "Sydn-" All at one Syd's cold gaze was on J-z, "It was my fault, to convince these two young hooligans to leave school , I'm a bad influence but..." J-z parked the car at the flower shop....his voice husky.... "You can..." his voice went deeper his hair covered his eyes...." ALL YOUR AGGRESSION TOWARD ME!" he opened his arms ... Syd stare at him "No." Syd sighed "Fine...its already done, lets go get flowers and cake..."
((Lol! Oh so much like fruits basket! I love it!))

Kera was trying to muffle her giggles as she nearly fell out of the car. When she was out and on her feet she ran to the other side of the car to open the door for Ellis. It might have seemed silly to do so, but it was polite, and she wanted to. She also let J-z out, and even Syd. She felt akward as she let Syd out, but it was a nice thing to do.
Eventually Kiyra made her way to her dorm but only by luck, as useual she was a ghost.
((OOC: Ayame and Yuki!)) (New line, my enter key isn't working) Ellis was too scared to laugh at the hysterical scene before him. He thanked Kera, while curtseying , when she opened the car door for him. To try and lighten the mood with Syd, Ellis joked, "We can buy lots of pink flowers for you, Syd!" After saying it, Ellis instantly regretted opening his mouth.
Syd smiled a small smile, his face instantly went back to serious "Fine." J-z laughed, "Its all fine Sydeepoo here is always like this let me tell you about the time he stuf-MMMMMPHHH" J-z started,stopping as Syd put his hand over J-z's mouth, Sweating a little as if his cool calm had melted a bit..."Ignore J-z he's an Idiot and occasionally a psychotic liar..." "Mppphhh" j-z said Syd let him go... "Lets go in..." said J-z out of breath

(more like Hatori/Shuguray and Ayame)
( Geez, I totally left that space for Kiyra to join in and she completely ignored me and went to her dorm!)

"Kid, I don't know who you are," the bald man shouted, face as red as a rose, "But you're the only one creeping around the hallways and with a disrespectful attitude like that, there's no doubt in my mind that you stole it!"
Kera was trying her hardest to stifleher laughter, but the two were all so comical. She could now see, in a way, whyJ-z and Syd would friends. 'Opposites attract,' as they say. The relationshipthey had was admirable.

Kera grabbed Ellis's and Syd's arms and began to pull them towards the door."No more stalling! I am starving! Let's get this done so we can eat!"the growl from her stomach nearly drowned out her own voice. Her face flushedhot at such an unlady like noise, and even Ser Punce A'lot had something to sayabout it.<o:p></o:p>
Kiyra sits on the end of her bed. She uses a mirror to try to change her cheek bandages, she had never done this on her own. Once finished she took a bag with her phone,headphones, painkillers and inhaler, "I might as well look around before lessons start."

"Who Long Untill we make it there?" Asked Kasumi in a low voice to the driver, "Just a couple of minutes" answered the driver.
She didn't really wanted to go to High School, She's really a Lazy girl, she finds it even bothersome to stand up, And She's a bit shy the first time she talks to someone new or the first days at a new School, and she was nervous because even though She couldn't bring anything she brought her guitar, and a few books, Just.. How to live without them.? "Well.. After All.. It's Not Like they have the right to take them away from me.... right?" Those were Kasumi's Thoughts Trying to comfort her.

Just like the driver said, after a couple of minutes she arrived, "It's Big, I Wonder if i'll get lost, since it's the first day.. for me...." She thought, after all... She couldn't make it yesterday, so she was clueless, there was noneone waiting to receive her o tell her where can she find some Help...
After searching a LOT she gave up, and decided to look for help, then she saw a boy, "Umm.. Excuse Me, I'm.. Kind of lost here..... umm.... Could you help me?, Please.?"
Syd stumbled, as the shorter girl pulled him into her pace,
J-z laughed out loud at the noise, "Lets see if they have some candies here, so Kera doesn't starve."
Ellis smiled at how Syd and J-Z messed about. "Yay candies!" Ellis exclaimed, letting Kera tug on him once more. Kera seemed to be making a habit of pulling him along.
"Umm...... Excuse Me...." Said Kasumi Again to both guys.... -"Could it be that... i'm bothering them? Oh no, I Guess i Should go and ask someone else" She Thought.-
Kiyra sees a girl with a guitar case and bags, she walks over to her with a shy smile, "hello. A... are you new here?"