Elite Magical Girl Academy!

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I'm pretty sure Hideyo's picture/appearance was used for another character in this RP, but I could be wrong...

That being said, damn, hao2dodgeMetalMeld
Hideyo, Black

Name: Hideyo (Hide) Hiramoto
Age: 17
Year: Third
Alias: The Iron Maiden
Height: 5'7
Weight: 118
Element: Metal
A pretty standoffish person, Hide is not someone you would typically jump at the chance to introduce yourself to. Those who do actually take the iniative to talk to her often leave dissatisfied or offended, as she seems to have no concept of what is inappropriate and is horribly sociably inept. It's not that she actively tries to be rude, but what she says tends to sound much better in her head than out loud. I wish I could say that those who put up with this exchange earn themselves a secretly loyal and caring friend, but she isn't exactly that either. She is terribly apathetic, though that's not to say someone couldn't make her care. Beneath all that pessimism and cynicism there is truly loving if romantically hapless spirit. All she needs is someone to coax it out. She seems to have no respect for authority, only doing what she needs to do to remain unbothered. She never bothers to take notes in class or do her homework, but she always aces her test, as she unconsciously absorbs information like a sponge. Still, this won't keep her from "forgetting" your name, though it's carved into her brain somewhere, she doesn't care to remember it. She doesn't really seem to be passionate about anything other than practicing her magical girl abilities, but she has a lesser known interest in music and literature.
On the outside, it seemed like Hide had a wonderful childhood, always going on exotic trips with her parents and living in a giant house, with a whole floor all to herself. But on the inside, it was a lonely and overstimulated life, with her parents more interested in each other or their travels than her. Her mother, an archaeologist, and her father, a botanist and zoologist, were always trying to get their daughter interested in their fields, and any time they spent with her was spent trying to teach her about their studies, rather than giving affection or actually parenting. They would drag her along on their expeditions in the hopes of teaching her a thing or two with hands on experience, but these thoughts were quickly lost the moment they arrived at their location, and she was but an afterthought. Instead of toys, her room had been filled with fossil casts, exotic pets and plant specimens. Any childhood she could have had was replaced with what she considered boring science lectures and factoids. As a result, she grew to despise her parents, and reacted to any attempt to teach her about fossils or plants with disinterest, until they eventually stopped trying to interact all together. After that she had lived her life in relative peace, only leaving her floor to go to school, practicing with her abilities and reading in her free time. Though she had been developing her powers since age 12, her parents hadn't noticed until this year, where they promptly sent her to this school, glad to finally get her out of their hair.
Extracurricular Activities: Literature Club
Magical Girl Abilities:

A relatively unbreakable metal shield forms on Hide's arms, which can be used to block attacks.

Any metal armor or weapons an opponent has will melt away or fly to Hide.

Wire Whip
Metal strands are summoned and whip the opponent. Painful, but not too damaging, only causing shallow cuts.

Vibration Location
Able to find people using vibrations sent through metal. Useful since most buildings have metal structures.


Iron Fist
Hide's fists are covered completely in iron, making them 2x bigger and her punches much more effective. The iron will break away after around 10 punches.

Any metal within a mile radius, included built into a building or on the opponent draws to a ball in front of Hide, which she can use to create a tornado of heavy or sharp objects to throw at an opponent. This can also be used to make a building unstable, potentially falling on an opponent.

Slowly developing into a major ability, bullet allows her to summon metal bullets, which can be shot at an opponent. Currently too dull and slow to do much other than get shallowly embedded in the skin.


Iron Maiden
The ability behind her namesake, this summons four iron, spiked walls around an opponent, which quickly closes on the victim, often killing them. This attack is extremely difficult to perform, and greatly weakens Hide.

Metal Meld
The opponent is covered in metal, which begins to meld to itself, crushing the area that is covered. While highly fatal when metal is summoned onto the head or chest, it is more commonly summoned onto the legs or arms to incapacitate the opponent, as it is extremely painful and crushes even the bone.



Theme song:
Makioko, Plum

Name: Makioko (Mako) Ienobu
Age: 14
Year: First
Alias: The Great Thespian / One of Two Masks
Height: 4'10
Weight: 95
Element: Theatre
Mako is a very kind and loving spirit, who is easy to befriend. She can be a bit dramatic at times, and despite being a great actress, is horrible at hiding her emotions, especially if she is upset. She always makes an attempt to befriend others, even if they try to push her away at first, but is quick to lose her temper at rude or snobby people. Despite her seemingly extroverted nature, she's also comfortable keeping to herself, and doesn't get lonely too easily. She's a huge romantic, but keeps pretty quiet about it, as it's the one thing she gets embarrassed about.
Mako has always been happy kid. Raised in a large, poor family, a common form of entertainment in her family was acting out skits, singing or telling jokes. As a result, she grew to love acting, and her family supported her all the way. She participated in her local theatre group often, playing the lead role the majority of the time. She had always had potential, but her family's financial issues kept her from getting the agent she needed to really put her out there, and so her talent was never really discovered. She began to develop her powers around age 11, and her parents immediately began to save up their money to send her to school, both of them working two jobs in order to both pay the bills and put money aside. After years of saving, they finally pooled enough money to send her to the school. She understands the importance behind her being here and is determined to become the very best magical girl she can be.
Extracurricular Activities: Track / Theatre Club, Anime Club
Magical Girl Abilities:

The opponent is momentarily blinded by lights unseen by anyone other than them. Only lasts for about a minute.

The Scottish Play
Spins an opponent around violently until they puke, disorienting and weakening them.

Any change made to Mako's appearance confuses an opponent, giving her a chance to attack unheeded. Lasts for about 1 minute.


The Capulets
Makes the opponent momentarily suicidal, with a 10% chance of successfully killing themselves off with their own powers.

Method Acting
Makes the opponent act like any character Mako calls out, often used to end a fight by giving them a peaceful character.


This completely transforms Mako's mood, making her either extremely giddy or extremely depressed. Either way results in a desire to murder, and she becomes absolutely ruthless. This is used in combination with any of her other abilities, making even the most harmless ones fatal. After she returns to her normal self, she will pass out, only to wake up with no memory of the fight. Very dangerous, as she has a 5% chance of not returning to her normal self, and will continue to go on a murderous rampage until incapacitated.

Take a Bow
Forces the opponent's back to bend in on itself sharply, either killing or paralyzing them.


Instead of the different card symbols, the dress has the drama and comedy masks sewn in the fabric, same with the shoes at the bottom. On her head she wears two drama and comedy masks, attached at the side, which can be pulled over like a helmet, with one on her face and the other sticking out from the side.
Theme song:
(To come)
Yuki, Maroon

Name: Yuki Arisoto
Age: 15
Year: Second
Alias: The Red Rabbit / The Red Queen
Height: 5'3
Weight: 100
Element: Blood
Quiet and reserved, Yuki is not prone to socialization. She is more interested in sticking to her studies and her hobbies of playing the piano and violin. She will speak to those that engage her, but it is typically a short-lived conversation, as she only gives short replies unless prompted. She has an affinity for rabbits and will buy anything with a rabbit slapped on it. She doesn't like to directly get into the affairs of others, though she has a way of being in the right place at the right time to observe or indirectly help someone out with their drama. In a way, the more rowdy, rough girls attract her, as she has never really been allowed to be anything other than quiet and obedient, and she finds their rebellion to her standard interesting.
Yuki's life has been mostly quiet and uneventful. While her parents loved her and wanted her to succeed, they were never around, as both of them were major surgeons and always busy. As a result, her tutors became replacement parents, though they were mostly distant, with the exception of one, a cheery, relatively young teacher who always encouraged Yuki to have fun and not study so hard. When she died in a car crash, Yuki was devastated, and once again became quiet and reserved, throwing herself into her studies. Through this constant practice and studying she learned how to play the piano and violin, how to speak German, Spanish and French, and became the top of her class. She was comfortable with her life, and was upset when her powers began to develop, terrified of them and their implications. After a while though, she became more comfortable with them, and her parents sent her to this school in order for her to learn how to properly use them and still focus on her studies.
Extracurricular Activities: Orchestra / Literature Club, Tea Ceremony Club
Magical Girl Abilities:


Needle Point
The ability to insert her blood into an opponent and cause temporary pain to an opponent.

Blood Bomb
A small ball of blood, used to explode near the opponent, covering them in blood. Can stun or momentarily blind an opponent.

Medusa's Children
Long, snakelike formations of blood, used to grab or pull an opponent towards Yuki or to the ground. Also used to momentarily restrain an opponent, or knock something out of their hands.


Peacock Cover
Large, spiked, feather shaped blood forms around Yuki, both effectively protecting her and hurting anyone who comes with 10 feet of her.

Dead Man's Blood
Used in combination with needle point, takes health from the opponents blood and transfers it to Yuki. Makes the opponent weaker and less coordinated, while healing Yuki.

Sickle Cell
Long, sickle shaped talons made of blood grow from her fingernails. Extremely sharp and relatively long. Used to attack at close to medium range.


Boiling Blood
Boils the opponents blood. Extremely deadly.

Blood Drive
Draws blood from any open wound or orifice of the opponents body into Yuki. Can cause the opponent to either faint or die, as the blood comes out quickly and in large quantities. Most effective when Yuki is hurt or losing too much blood.


The crown on top is much smaller, and has a pair of white bunny ears next to it. The gloves are fingerless, and the dress comes down to her knees. There is another string of pearls around her waist, which hangs off her right hip and holds three rabbit's feet. Every time she transforms, the outfit becomes pure white again, no matter how much blood she gets on it.
Theme Song:
(To come)
I like them all. And though I wasn't accepting first years, adding another third and second year helps a lot.

Approved. But about the picture thing, I can't remember if someone has Hide's photo.
Good idea. Suggestion noted and I will start adding headers to my post.
Should we number the classrooms then? They're already differentiated between years, so something as generic as 'First Year Classroom' could work, but if for some reason classrooms other than the regular three came in to play, even if only for a scene, it might help to prevent further confusion.

Just asking since I'm writing a post. I could just slap 'Classroom 1-H' on there or skip the header for now.
Should we number the classrooms then? They're already differentiated between years, so something as generic as 'First Year Classroom' could work, but if for some reason classrooms other than the regular three came in to play, even if only for a scene, it might help to prevent further confusion.

Just asking since I'm writing a post. I could just slap 'Classroom 1-H' on there or skip the header for now.
I think saying what teacher you're with might help?
I think First Year Classroom would be enough to get the message across for now, instead of putting down dem numbers.
I we do numbers, they're generally numbered by year, then a letter. So 1-A is 1st year class A, etc.
Yeah but numbers is complicated. I haven't even numbered any of the classrooms in the rp, so you'd basically be making it up and then everyone would have to remember it. Saying ' X Year Classroom - Teacher' is a lot simpler, IMO.
Also, officially closing the roleplay after @~Death~ gets her characters approved.
Yeah but numbers is complicated. I haven't even numbered any of the classrooms in the rp, so you'd basically be making it up and then everyone would have to remember it. Saying ' X Year Classroom - Teacher' is a lot simpler, IMO.
Agreed, and went with that for the header!
I like them all. And though I wasn't accepting first years, adding another third and second year helps a lot.

Approved. But about the picture thing, I can't remember if someone has Hide's photo.
Should I change Mako to a different year then, or is it alright if I leave her in first?

Also, I can't change the picture right now or go looking through peoples forms, but I will look tomorrow and change it if necessary.
Should I change Mako to a different year then, or is it alright if I leave her in first?

Also, I can't change the picture right now or go looking through peoples forms, but I will look tomorrow and change it if necessary.
Nope. She is fine as is, and I will check for you and let you know.
Yeah I would rather do teacher and year the number and letter thing I might forget more or I can just put 1ST Year Classroom. @Karo I love Mako she seems fun. Her and Pan probably won't like each other at first, but who does like Pandora right now XD, I could see them two becoming friends.
I wish I had a character in the roleplay as hilarious as Matsuri and Kaoru. ;_;
The price of being level-headed as a character is it's harder to be goofy.
@SailorMoon Thank you, that helps a lot.
@~!Mr. Day Dreamer!~ I hope so, I'm relying on Mako making lots of friends to make up for my other two ultra introverted girls. Though I feel Yuki will make a few friends early than I expect her to.
@Karo Well Yuki is second year and Akiko wants to be friends with everybody, so get ready for her to bug...love Yuki like everyone else. And the AHS meme in your signature box is amazing it's like she's dancing while smoking lol. Akiko might freak out first once she finds out Yuki uses blood as a power.
@~!Mr. Day Dreamer!~ That will certainly be an interesting interaction. Yuki still isnt' completely at home with her powers, so who knows what that kind of reaction might make her feel. And thanks! I love Violet a lot, and figured it was time to update my siggy (it had been Spirited Away for a while).
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Coven was my favorite season. I didn't care for what I saw of Freakshow. :<
AHS Freakshow ending with the dude I keep forgetting his name just going shooting everyone just wow. That ending made me kind of mad I thought finally maybe one AHS season the chars didn't have to die. Elsa's sad death/suicide then she met all of them in her freakshow heaven xD.
Coven was my favorite season. I didn't care for what I saw of Freakshow. :<
I dunno, Coven was good (And I was so happy to see Violet, err, I mean Zoe, again. Plus Misty was amazing, I used her as a faceclaim for a character. And it got me into Fleetwood MAc...) but the whole thing with the French lady and her slaves put me off it a lot. I'm a fan of disturbing things, but it was too much for me. My favourite out of the three is Asylum, since I haven't seen Freakshow yet.
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