Elite Magical Girl Academy (Shoujo-Ai/Yuri) (Closed)

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yeah XD
(any form of shooting really, bullets, arrows, etc)
It's funny, because I originally was going to have Kyudo, but I had decided not to. I guess I'll add it to the roster.
Kyudo has been added, but it's not a club it's going to be a non-club extracurricular, so if you want to join it won't disrupt any clubs.
Switching to Kyudo now.
Well it'd mean she'd have to give up dancing XD Now I'm still in trouble with choosing XD
I'm tempted to have Kureha taking iaido, kenjutsu or kendo but none of them practice with western swords. Far too different styles...
Lets just agree there are way too many possibilities XD Weaponry, Archery, Ballistics, Fencing, etc.

It was between Paramore and Evanessence for her voice and I like Hayley more.
Moon, I changed the club roster to include Kyudo, and the newest changes in who goes where.
Link :) I'll keep an eye out for changes and work them into the table when need be :)

Also, what kind of dance are we talking about when talking about the sports activity Dance, if it's classical styles Astra will stay in there, but if it's more modern, or kind of fifty fifty I might say that Astra decided to switch from dancing to Kyudo now the new year has started (which is then a good reason why she hasn't had a lot of personal contact with Semine for example).
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Moon, I changed the club roster to include Kyudo, and the newest changes in who goes where.
Link :) I'll keep an eye out for changes and work them into the table when need be :)

Also, what kind of dance are we talking about when talking about the sports activity Dance, if it's classical styles Astra will stay in there, but if it's more modern, or kind of fifty fifty I might say that Astra decided to switch from dancing to Kyudo now the new year has started (which is then a good reason why she hasn't had a lot of personal contact with Semine for example).

Modern Contemporary, and Ballet.

@Silver your cs is fine, I'm going to leave it up to you to use those skills at your discretion.
For those who haven't posted intros, yet. I'm going to give until Thursday morning before moving on.
Alright, I'll post hr bio up under Asami's. I tried to be careful not to trespass onto anyone else's style.
Hm... Tough decision. I mean dance fits her figure and grace as well as the whole distance thing, but being poised and precise in archery works perfectly as well >.< With dance class she doesn't have any companions right now, and with Kyudo there then at least would be a second person to have possible interaction with. Hm... >.< Any ideas?
With archery, she wouldn't need a partner to learn to dance.

But you could always start with one and transfer into another sometime during the year, right?
With Ballet and Contemporary you don't need a partner either. Only partnering requires well... a partner XD
And for both you'd need an 'instructor' of some sorts.
not necessarily true, doesn't some ballet require a partner? And you could do contemporary with a partner, I think I saw that on a movie once...but I don't remember what the movie was called, so I can't say for sure. v.v;

But the grace she'd pick up with the ballet would translate well in her magic girl form especially with her shawl thing, I could picture some really pretty moves.
I'm a ballerina/dancer irl, so while a partner is needed for partnering (Pas de Deux), training itself does not require a partner and is done alone (with an instructor).
It's like singing. Sometimes you have a duet and need a second person, but you can also do things solo. And most of the singing training is done without a partner. Makes sense?

But yeah, both are just wonderful additions to her image and/or her magical girl gig so yeah I'm conflicted. I'll figure it out... somehow >.>
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