Elements Divided

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"Are you going to trash about and bite at people like your friend? If so, then yes. If not, we just wanna know what the hell is going on...", doctor Eldeen said, pulling up a chair and sitting down.
"So I'll ask again- do you know what the human skeleton looks like?"
"We left your gear for you on the gernie as a sign of good faith. We fell through the portal, too. I'm nurse Ramos and this is Do-"
"Doctor Eldeen. I spiked your veins with adrenaline to wake you up. The burning will subside in a minute once the fluid is completely dissolved"

She was no longer in the outside area of the ice glaciers and frozen lakes- she was in some sort of white room. She would have no idea of identifying it as a hospital, but Izana was on top of three seperate stretchers to fit his large body and Corbin was in a different one- but with restraints on her hands, torso and legs. Her face had fresh blood on it, though, not hers.

In the far corner of the room was Prince, who actually seemed somewhat at ease. The juvenile Godzilla had some sort of stint on its leg and was hobbling, but was doing just fine. It had a muzzle on its mouth, however, and some people in strange suits labeled "HAZMAT" were walking around the creature, holding strange clicking devices.

"Now", Doctor Eldeen said clearing his throat.
"Do you know what a human skeleton looks like?"
"N-nice to meet you. I am Kay Hoang, da- um, never mind," she said, cutting her introduction short. Looking around the room...didn't help at all. She had no clue where she was. She was wondering why the juvenile was here and how Corbin was doing when she was asked a question.

"...Yes. Why?"
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"Because your friend here does not have a human skeleton. It looks human, but it's different.", Eldeen said, handing her an X-ray photo. The photo from the front looked human enough- except the tips of Corbin's fingers were knife like. The photo of her spine was strange also- tiny nubs...like dorsal fins...all hidden underneath a layer of skin and tissue. Except one- her teeth. Her teeth were sharper and more carnivore like.
"Interesting enough, your friend was unconscious like all of you all. We took her in and got her X-ray done also. When the machine blasted her with radiation for the photo- she woke up in a feral stats. On the other hand, your beast here is in pitch perfect condition after we put a stint on his the for the wound to heal. My question, I guess I'm asking to you all, is what exactly in the fuck is going on? We fell from the sky and spot skyscraper sized monsters beating the shit out of eachother and then you have a friend here who shares mutations and DNA with them. In fact, on paper your friend is related to the creature in the corner there"
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Izana shakes his head. Truthfully No, I do not, nor do I want to. Now, as for thrashing about and biting, that's not something I will do, unless if course you try and hurt myself, my friends, or my family. If you don't, We'll get along famously." He winces at some of the pain, standing, but clearly not very balenced and ready to topple over at nearly any time, at which point another flaming sigh escapes his lips.
"Because your friend here does not have a human skeleton. It looks human, but it's different.", Eldeen said, handing her an X-ray photo. The photo from the front looked human enough- except the tips of Corbin's fingers were knife like. The photo of her spine was strange also- tiny nubs...like dorsal fins...all hidden underneath a layer of skin and tissue. Except one- her teeth. Her teeth were sharper and more carnivore like.
"Interesting enough, your friend was unconscious like all of you all. We took her in and got her X-ray done also. When the machine blasted her with radiation for the photo- she woke up in a feral stats. On the other hand, your beast here is in pitch perfect condition after we put a stint on his the for the wound to heal. My question, I guess I'm asking to you all, is what exactly in the fuck is going on? We fell from the sky and spot skyscraper sized monsters beating the shit out of eachother and then you have a friend here who shares mutations and DNA with them. In fact, on paper your friend is related to the creature in the corner there"
Kay couldn't hide the shock on her face. As far as she was aware, Corbin was fully human. She felt she knew that for a fact, even. But this was certainly not a human skeleton, nor a human's physical configuration in general. And now she was being told Corbin was related to the Godzilla? That was impossible, right?

"...I do not have the slightest idea," Kay sighed. She really didn't. Not about the kaiju, or her newly mutated friend. "Is this...permanent? Is Corbin going to be alright?"
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Eldeen shrugged.
"Honestly, I have not the slightest. These mutations seem to have been there all her life- but it doesn't make since. Her genes are saying she's related to the thing in the corner, but that's not how genetics work. If you're related, you look similar or share similar traits. From what I can tell she isn't exactly sharing or looking like the dinosaur tumor monster there. But then again, your not exactly human, either. You didn't react to the X-ray machine, but...", he slammed a photograph of her back down. Along her shoulder blades was a series of folded and interconnected materials of some kind that were speperated down the center- both sides were aproximately equal in size and shape and had a semi-durable texture to them.
"Your friend's nubs on her spine and her claws test positive for being radiation conduits- like a generator, almost. Those structures on your back are highly conductive with electricity with minimal density- in other words, you have wings. So now, what the hell have you all gotten yourselves into?"

Corbin's table began to shake as she began to wake up, again. However, her eyes were gone. Orange orbs were in her sockets- exactly how Godzilla looked when it had become enraged. The juvenile in the corner became restless, and ripped it's muzzle off its mouth. It began beating it's head on the side of its cage, growling incessantly. Whatever was controlling Corbin was causing her body to let out similar, inhuman territorial growls.

"Guards! Get a hellfire trooper in here, pronto!", Eldeen yelled out.
A soldier in hefty, clunky armor ran in, carrying an incineration mortar.
"Alright, now, miss...calm down", the soldier said, his weapon primed.
"Wh-what!?" Kay exclaimed, not responding well to being called inhuman. She tried to look behind her, but that's not a particularly easy task.

"Wings..." the mage shook her head. No way, right? "I have no idea what is happening..."

As Corbin seemed to become enraged, Kay tried to shout out to her. "Corbin! What's wrong?!" She turned to the people around her. "Do you people have any idea what is happening? Please, tell me."
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The hellfire soldier jumped back as the juvenile ripped out of his smaller cage, and tossed Corbin's restraint meant table across the room, slamming it into the wall.

"Ugh...nice cancer dinosaur...ugh...YOUR ON YOUR OWN!" the trooper said, running outside as fast as he could and shutting the large bulkhead doors.
Eldeen began stammering as the juvenile began to make challenging roars at everyone, especially Kay. It didn't like her aura, and would often hiss in her general direction.

Corbin got up, her restraints gone. Her nands became engulfed in atomic fire as she hissed at the juvenile, and then made an animalistic claw swipe at him. The Behemoth from before broke its teeth and claws trying to brake the hide; but Corbin's fingers clawed right through the juvenile's tough dermis. She then attempted to bite the juvenile, which left a large scar around its eye.
The juvenile wailed in pain before lowering his head- and then Corbin's own body stature changed and she collapsed on the ground. After a few seconds, she was back up. Her hands were no longer on fire and her eyes were normal.
"Are you going to...ugh...kill us?", Eldeen asked nervously.
"What? No. Where are we? Last I remember I was in a jet and attacked Ronin..."
"Ronin, which one was that?"
"A crystal-ee looking monster."
"Well, there's two of them now. Was it the scrawny one or the buff one?"
"Wait- they look different? I mean, it's the scrawny one, but why are there two?"
"The scrawny one is more crocodilian while the buff one looked a lot like the other monster- dinosaur like. Mind you, that dinosaur thing still puts body builders to shame and even that second Ronin thing...then your robot thing has just been idle outside of the facility, waiting for you all to get better"
"It's not a robot- it's a cyborg. It was built around the bones and brain of the first Godzilla"

Eldeen listened and then visa ably exclaimed.
"You share DNA with these things. After the fight, the cyborg was protective over this youngling- and so was the other dinosaur monster...we compared the DNA of you and the youngling and its most definitely somehow your sister. I'm guessing the large dinosaur is closest to your brother...the cyborg was formerly the matriarch. It explains the conflicting instincts- if it was maternal and paternal, they would get along easier"
After he was finished, Corbin looked confused.
"What was that about the DNA thing? I have Godzilla DNA?"

She was obviously confused, and didn't understand. That didn't make sense. Then again, after smoking for most of her life, her lungs were never not in pristine condition and her liver had survived major alcoholism.

"Wh-but...." She seemed to be having extreme difficulty coping with the news.

Eldeen looked at them all condescendingly, and paged for soldiers to enter the room.
"These are our soldiers- I am a scientist for the enclave, these are the enclave enforcers. We are what's left of the United States after a nuclear w-"
"Damn westerners. Your hydrogen bombs helped to create Godzilla in the first fucking place", Corbin said with much hostility.

"But you're clearly American- what are you, a communist?"

She snorted, animalistically.
"My parents were American, but they are also dead. I happen to be neither; I'm Japanese raised. My whole life has been spent trying to kill my dinosaur uncle fucking thing apparently; all due to the arrogance of nuclear weaponry. That same ignorance forced us to outfit our cyborg with a nuclear armament on the off chance a last resort is needed- even though Godzilla gets energy from nukes"

Eldeen laughed.
"That's perposterous. What does it eat? How does it respire?"

"It eats and respites from energy. He's responsive to all radiation but especially nuclear decay in uranium and plutonium. He attacks power plants, generators, anything. He lives off of it."

Eldeen looked at the floor, then at Kay.
"Is what she speaks of true?"
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Kay wasn't sure what made the juvenile so hostile. It hadn't seemed that aggressive back in the town. She raised her hands, casting the calming spells towards it again.

Or, at least, she would've if Corbin hadn't attacked. She lowered her hands, aghast at Corbin's ferocity in the attack. She didn't think she had it in her, physically. But then...she wasn't human anymore was she?

And neither am I...

She nodded at Eldeen. "...As far as I know, yes, this is the truth."
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"Then we are fucked. Our world was a nuclear wasteland after all...", Eldeen said, but suddenly put his fingers on his ear piece.
"Well, we have visitors...their heavily armed and they want you all freed. If you don't mind, please tell them that we didn't harm you all in anyway..."
"...Your world? Where exactly are we, now?" Kay asked. If she had been whisked off to another world again...

Wait, they saw what happened in the battle against Ronin. That wasn't particularly likely. And evidently Corbin's army was still around, judging by the description of the "visitors" so they were still on a world of magic, weren't they?

She turned around and began to head for the door.

"Then I shall do just that."

Now that she thought about it, where the heck was Rhododactylos? She hadn't noticed her in the room...
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The soldiers parted way for them to an open door which revealed Jerome and a small army of AMF soldiers, tanks, and hovering helicopters....and the Horned-One? It was armored up and seemed to be mounted by a handful of rocket soldiers...
"We want our citizens, and we want them now"

"They are on their way! Please just calm down, we suffered heavy casualties of our own"

Outside, it was the same icy wasteland the battle had happened in, with large craters in the ice where the sun almost went in through a worm hole...and Kiryu was standing there, weapons raised. It had scorch marks on its armor.
Oh. So now this world's creatures were meeting Corbin's technology. That would be...interesting.

"Ah, do not fret for us, we are all safe within here!" Probably.

Well, at least they hadn't been moved anywhere, though Kiryu had evidently taken some damage.
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Jerome strode forward.
"Good to see you all made it in one piece- now what the hell is that?", he asked pointing to the juvenile Godzilla.
The youngling sparked to life seeing the Horned-One. Hissing and roaring a challenge to it, the juvenile ran forward. However, it was satisfied that the Horned-One didn't even respond. The juvenile took it as submission and roared triumphantly.
"Does the Horned-One look familiar? I realized I could train him. So I did. His name is Red-Eye, if you're curious"
Corbin stepped forward.
"Where's Rhododactylus?"

somewhere in the ethereal plane...
Rhododactylus was surrounded by a hazy blue field of ethereal energy- the souls of her friends whisked along beside her. Their shadows were that of kaiju- not their true human or otherwise selves...then there was Kesar...his soul was but an outline...and a shadow of pure chaos. It had the horns of a great dragon, the physical prowess of the Godzilla and the sentience of Ronin...

You are not bound by a soul other than your masters. You have been granted the permission of seeing the birth of chaos. I am the ethereal of order- and chaos is my embodiment. He shall be the most effective ender of all times. For reasons I do not understand, the God of immortality and the god of mortality have allowed you to see my child. Take heed- for Bagan is upon you...and Bagan does not sympathize or empathize. He shall eliminate all in his path to restore order through chaos...for the two are not opposites...

Spoke a voice directly to Rhod's mind; a voice that boomed through the familiar's head like an echo. Her existence outside of the boundedness of her master was an oddity, even in this world. Everything was communicated by emotions and raw understanding- there was no translation to be had- there was just simply knowing.
But then, as fast as she appeared, she disappeared, falling down...down...down and then conscious inside some kind of dilapidated building with flickering lights. She left a hole in the ceiling- but suffered no injuries from the fall. The Gods had shielded her, for whatever reason.
Machines around her attempted to turn on their equipment was unable to startup....the area was mostly dark, but there was some movement going on in the distance...it sounded like scurrying.
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"Some sort juvenile Godzilla I believe," Kay responded, before looking around for Rhododactylos.

The Familiar looked around warily, trying to find the source of the voice. However, it seemed to just be in her head and she wasn't sure if it was magic. She couldn't sense Kay, and even the Familiar felt worried due to it.

But she didn't get much time to think about it as she fell into a building. Well, at least it wasn't that strange energy area anymore. She could make do with this. Hearing some movement, she silently tried to move closer to it.
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Jerome shrugged.
"Whatever. I would believe anything at this point. So, do we need to blow these fucks away or what?", He said, some personality shining through for once. Not a pleasent one, though.

The noises were coming from a vent- and as she approached, there was a hiss from something attempting to hide between the girders of the vent cover- which wasn't screwed in. Through small glimpses of light, it was easy to see bits and pieces of it. It was insect and reptilian in appearance- charcoal and green skin- bulbous head, no eyes...
"I would refrain for now as they do not seem to be hostile," she responded, waving a hand dismissively.

Whatever was in there seemed to detect her as it hissed. Whatever it was, she couldn't recognize it. It was unlike anything she had seen previously. Perhaps it was another familiar, or another juvenile of some monster. She thought about trying to talk to it, but it didn't seem like something she could communicate with. In the end, she decided it was worth a shot. "Who're you?" she asked, both aloud and telepathically in the case it was magical.
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The creature hissed- it appeared to be wounded- oozing a small amount of a green mucus like blood. Her magical communication revealed that all though it was a single creature it was sharing a collective hive mind...

Jerome nodded to Kay.
"Well, alright then...Corbin, if you want to negotiate something, now would be the time"
Corbin nodded, and turned to the armored soldiers with strange futuristic rifles.
"Who is your leader?"

A man in a yellow trench coat strode from behind the soldiers. He had fair redish brown hair and black gloves. His voice was a heavy southern accent.
"Now, that would be me ma'am. Colonel Autmn, and you are?"
"Colonel Durazo."
"Military? If you're those damn commies or brotherhood of steel nut jobs, we'll just have to get rid of you right quick"
"Anti-Megalosaurus Force, a united organization to combat the kaiju. Trust me, you're from a different world than us. Don't make me get into specifics or it's going to get confusing. How about we enter an agreement? Through military oligarchical procedure, we shall make educated descisions...appropriate for our discombobulated forces"

Autumn stroked his chin.
"Why, you have the full support of the Enclave. We'll integrate into whatever you have set up, so long as we maintain current rankings of course"

Corbin nodded, and looked to Jerome. Jerome holstered his rifle, and walked forwards.
"So...when the new portals opened we encountered some new friends. A second city popped up, an anomaly appeared underground...oh, and we don't have any power anymore. All of our batteries got fried...generators and motors and all. On top of all of that, we received a support missionary from the Dragon Capitol. Queen Legend wants a peace treaty to be established- looks like she's found sensibility again"

Corbin just rubbed her temples.
"Which problem do we pick to start with?"
Her eyes flashed blue- like Godzilla's dorsal fins at the start of a fight. It was brief, and only those watching would have seen it.
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"Fascinating." Rhododactylos got curious and reached out to touch it. She didn't have any healing spells, or technically any spells at all really, but she figured trying to hear its collective would be interesting.


Kay listened to their conversation, but didn't really understand any of it given their alien terminology to her. But basically, they seemed to be allies.

She noticed the flash of blue, and wasn't quite sure what to make of it just yet. This would be something strange to get used to.

"Well, I do not know exactly what our problem is anymore. Is it the portals? What do we do about them?"
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"Well, some are closing some aren't an-"

A crack of orange lightning sprang from the sky- not unlike Ronin's corona beams, but less precise and causing people to...float near impact? It didn't make any sense, but that's what was happening.
From the clouds, a three headed golden dragon descended, having exited a portal.
"All right, Kiryu, buy us some time to get these guys home. Kay, Corbin, you all get on a helicopter!"


The creature continued to hiss but seemed slightly immobile or slowed- it's skin looked stretched beyond limit, as if it was molting.
A single drop of saliva hit her head, running down her forehead and onto her nose. It was thick, slimy and very warm.
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